Super Finding App

Chapter 1859: grandmother

"Grandma, grandma, is your body better today, and the sun is really good now, as I push you outside to bask in the sun, shall we take a walk?"

The sweet laughter was a twenty-four-year-old young girl with a delicate face, white skin, and a princess dress, which looked quite beautiful, like a lady.

A pair of curved eyebrows, with big eyes and gorgeous red lips, looks pink and pink, this is a stylish girl.

At this moment she came to the bed like a kitten, holding her grandma's hand like a dry branch with both hands tightly, and it was quite rough in the hand, and even had some nausea, but for girls, it was A pair of warmest hands.

"Okay, okay, okay. It turned out that my granddaughter came to see me. That's great. Just accompany me to go outside. Now I'm always lying on this bed, and my bones will be evacuated. "

The grandmother smiled huh. Although her tone of speech was slow and weak, her spirit was quite good.

The girl laughed, took out the wheelchair from one side, carefully helped her grandma to the wheelchair, and then slowly pushed it into the garden of the nursing home from behind.

The upscale nursing homes have extremely large gardens and stools, and the sun is really pleasant.

There is even an endless Yangtze River on the side. Walking in this park is refreshing. For the elderly, their old life is more peaceful.

"Grandma, grandma, what exactly are you holding in your hands? I think you hold them in your hands every day. Is it a precious thing?"

The girl pushed the wheelchair slowly to walk in the park. The grandmother in the wheelchair squinted and felt the sun shining on her. The warm feeling was alive, and her knees were still on. That thick notebook, with your fingers gently stroking it, seems to be a treasure

"This is grandma's memory. This is the most precious thing for grandma."

The grandma said huh, ah, the older she gradually remembered too many things

But in her memory, she still looked at this thick taupe notebook more important than life, and never left her at any time.

"Yes, yes, Xiao Zhao, why did you come here today? Didn't you say you brought the person you talked to last time? You want to show it to your mother, why didn't you bring it today? You That's not too young. Don't keep busy with your career. Although career is very important for girls, it is more important for girls to marry. Once you are old, even if you have a successful career, It ’s not that easy to get married, and women will marry sooner or later. ”

"Grandma, grandma, please be awake, I am not a mother, I am your granddaughter, Zhao Xiaohui, and I am your granddaughter, Zhao Xiaohui."

The granny thundered on the Internet, her body was shaking slightly, she looked up and looked at the girl in front of her before she reacted.

"Oh, it's my granddaughter. Grandma's memory is really getting worse and worse."

The girl Zhao Xiaohui showed a sad look on her face, pushed her grandma around the park, and then returned to the nursing home. She carefully put her dozing grandmother on the bed, and then exited the door.

I met a nursing worker in a nursing home and said

"My grandma thanked you in the future, and I would like to take care of you in the future."

Zhao Xiaohui Zhao said as he took a few hundred dollars from his arms and shoved them into the hands of the caregiver. The caregiver quickly waved his hands and wanted to refuse, but he did not stop, holding hundreds of dollars. Nodded

"Rest assured, rest assured, Miss Zhao, I will take care of Grandma Zhao very well, except that Grandma Zhao's spirit has become worse and worse recently, and her memory has also deteriorated. Unfortunately, the doctor also said that Grandma Zhao's physical condition will not last long. If you have time, you still need to accompany your family. This is the best for Grandma Zhao. "

Zhao Xiaohui nodded heavily, with a complex look on his face

"I see, I know, I will come when I have time. Grandma thanks to you"

Under the caregiver, once guaranteed, Zhao Xiaohui pushed open the door, pulled a gap, and watched the grandmother on the bed sighed quietly and turned away.

The caregiver looked at Zhao Xiaohui who was gone and shook his head.

"This family is really weird. Their children don't come to see it once a year now. Instead, the granddaughter comes over three days and two ends. It seems that the rich people have a hard time."

Another walker came over

"Okay, okay, these rich people have a harder time than poor people like us. Let ’s go, let ’s go, I hope this grandma Zhao can persist for a few more days, every time this granddaughter comes over, Give us some red envelopes, I hope he can live a hundred years. "

What exactly is memory?

For many people, memory is the experience of their past life, and many scientists have proved that human memory has always been and has not disappeared, all stored in their own brains.

It's just that many times people have forgotten that they have forgotten.

In fact, this is not forgetting, just sleeping in the brain, and when people are dying, these memories will become more and more clear, as if things that have been long forgotten in the past will become more and more clear.

That's what people call back light.

For Grandma Zhao, she now spends more time lying on the bed and remembering the bits and pieces of the past.

When he was a child, when he was at school, when he was at work, when he was in love and laughing, it seemed that his whole life was in his mind, and he could feel his vitality flowing away like a lantern. suddenly

Grandma Zhao held the notebook tightly with both hands, as if he thought of something, but there was a hint of remorse, and she muttered to herself.

"Agree ... Agree ..."

Jiangzhen City TV station, for many people, it is better to work in Jiangzhen City TV station, but when I really entered Jiangzhen City TV station, I know that the work inside is very busy, and it is not busy Open.

At this moment the editor-in-chief of the news group of the TV station is getting furious and yelling at a group of employees in front of him.

"Look at what time it is now. Are you still at work? Didn't you finish work last night? Wouldn't you be working overtime? Don't you know the effectiveness and effectiveness of the news?"

"As long as there is important news overtime, this is normal, this is not an excuse for your lateness."

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