Super Finding App

Chapter 1860: Zhao Xiaohui

No industry can do this simply.

For Jiangzhen City TV, it may seem to many people that going to work is very easy and comfortable, but the real task is to know that it is quite large.

If it's some other show, that's it, especially on the news channel.

What the news channel pays attention to is timeliness and authenticity. It can be said that the pressure is increasing day by day. Once a sudden situation occurs, overtime and overtime are completely commonplace.

Therefore, the staff of the news channel is the busiest and most cumbersome, and the time of commuting is also the most variable:

The editor-in-chief of the News Channel at this moment is that someone is late.

"I repeat it again and again, if you are late to delay the news broadcast and broadcast, then you will be covered if you want to do it on this channel. If you ca n’t do it, leave me alone. "

The news channel's editor indignantly yelled, and the employees below shuddered.

After all, they know very well that they are eating under the editor's hands, so be careful and be careful.

Although it belongs to the internal staff of Jiangzhen TV Station, there is a lot of crushing inside.

The editor of the news channel became furious and thundered and let the employees disperse. They quickly took up their work, turned their heads, and looked at Zhao Xiaohui, who hurried over, changed his face and took a step forward.

"Zhao Xiaohui, I know things in your house have been busy lately, but you have to get busy at work too. If something really happens in the future, you can say hello in advance, understand?"

Zhao Xiaohui nodded immediately

"I know, I know, the editor is sorry. I went to the nursing home today, so the time was delayed. The time was good. I didn't expect to encounter a traffic jam halfway."

"Okay, okay, okay, it's okay, it's okay, go to the nursing home and look at your grandma again. You really are very filial. Anyone who says that there is a traffic jam is not at the table. It is an accident. Pay attention to it next time."

The editor of the news channel said that he didn't seem angry.

Zhao Xiaohui nodded immediately and expressed her gratitude. This scene fell into the eyes of the rest of the staff and was somewhat indignant.

"This editor is too embarrassing for people to go down the menu. They are also late. Zhao Xiaohui is even later than we came. He just let it go so easily, and he didn't hold it. Dog blood drips, this is too unfair "

"Okay, okay, how old are you, and do you think there is fairness, don't you know? Zhao Xiaohui's parents, but I am the boss of the listed company inside, I give this TV station every year, our news channel. How much sponsorship is there, let alone the editor-in-chief, even if the director or the like sees Zhao Xiaohui, he must make three points and give three points of face, not to mention that he is late for work. "

"Yes, you can't say that. As a leader, shouldn't you just have a bowl of water? Is that true? Colleagues, we should not scold the dog blood we scolded, but we should take too much care of him."

"Okay, okay, the water makes others have a rich father and mother, who makes other people's homes rich? This is the reality. If you have work to blame, you might as well do your work. Otherwise, the editor comes over again. Scold us "

After seven weeks of chattering with employees, despite some indignation, they started their work.

After all, a situation like this, let alone a TV station in Jiangzhen City, exists in any company.

Zhao Xiaohui's face had some ugliness. Of course, he knew his situation. He wanted to have a good relationship with the employees in the first two steps, but he responded with cold eyes and indifferent attitude.

The other party doesn't deal with you, but it doesn't stop at you.

Zhao Xiaohui's work can be said to have some depression. If she didn't really like the work of the TV news channel, he really wants to change his career.

Time goes by little by little.

When it was time for lunch, in the canteen of the TV station in Jiangzhen City, Zhao Xiaohui beat up her own meal and was about to be brought to the position of a news channel colleague, but she saw others turn around and leave, leaving her empty.

She had some frustrations. She tried hard to please the employees, but she was not expected to be excluded. Of course, he knew that the group leader and the director had totally different attitudes towards themselves and other employees.

But she really couldn't control others.

"What's wrong? It looks like someone is unhappy."

Zhao Xiaohui was eating food at the table alone. Even if these foods were quite delicious, she didn't have much appetite, and a crisp voice came from her ears.

Turning his head to his eyes suddenly lit up, and quickly stood up

"Sister Zhang, Sister Zhang ..."

"Okay, okay, don't be so constrained, what's wrong with you? I remember when you were working in my group, you were still very motivated. Why do you look like this on the news channel? Not happy? "

Zhang Xiaona walked to Zhao Xiaohui's side holding the food and asked in confusion.

Zhao Xiaohui and Zhang Xiaona were in the same group when she first entered the TV station in Jiangzhen City.

At that time, Zhang Xiaona had scolded him like a dog, even the director, deputy director and others secretly asked Zhang Xiaona to take care of Zhao Xiaohui.

After all, Zhao Xiaohui's back office is a listed company, which brings a lot of income to the TV station every year, but in return is Zhang Xiaona's more stringent, more or less scolded.

Zhao Xiaohui even scolded the blood of the dog, crying, but it is undeniable that under the strict requirements, Zhao Xiaohui's working ability is also rapidly improving.

It didn't take long for me to be transferred to the news channel. However, it seems that Zhao Xiaohui did not go well in the news channel.

"Sister Zhang, Sister Zhang, or else you transfer me back to you, I still want to be with you, what I do in this news channel is really unsatisfactory, everyone is crowding me "

Zhao Xiaohui said depressed.

She feels that even with Zhang Xiaona, being reprimanded by Zhang Xiaona is better than being recognized transparently on this news channel.

Zhang Xiaona shook her head gently and said

"Zhao Xiaohui, I said that whether it is news or other TV station jobs, they rely on ability, and there are difficulties. It depends on how you solve this difficulty. You said that the employees crowd you, then you just need to do well. You can do your own work, as long as your work is done well and you have nothing to say, even if they crowd you out, there is nothing you can do. "

"Perhaps your identity and your position can help you, but remember that all the things you see on TV are ultimately your performance."

"If the first thing you think of when you encounter something is to escape, then whatever you do, you will not be happy"

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