Super Finding App

Chapter 1865: Art exhibition

[Teacher Bai returns to the mountain ten years later, and Mr. Bai's art exhibition invites you to come! 】

"Right here? Mr. Cheng, you said that my grandma's painting named friendship is in this art exhibition?"

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui stood on the street in the downtown area of ​​Jinglannan.

Looking up, looking at the poster of the art exhibition, Zhao Xiaohui had some surprises and surprises.

"It's true. One of the so-called paintings named friendship displayed to me by the Super Find App is in this art exhibition. I didn't expect to think it would be an obscure painting, but now it seems that it is not So, this painting really has a little fame, but who will this teacher Bai be? Is it not your grandma's classmate? "

Cheng Yiping nodded, his eyes flashed with inexplicable brilliance, and in his mind, the soul appeared on the side of one of the paintings in this museum, and the red arrow marking the object-seeking sign soared into the sky From now on, you can see clearly even across the distance.

"It's possible, it's really possible, you see, you see"

Zhao Xiaohui looked excitedly at the poster. Below the poster is a resume about Teacher Bai.

This teacher Bai is about sixty years old, and he is a professor at Jiangzhen No.1 Academy of Fine Arts.

In addition, his paintings are quite valuable and are sought after by the art world.

"In terms of age, it is really possible to be a classmate with my grandma. Then I remembered it. I remembered that my grandma went to art school when she was in high school. So, it ’s true. Is entirely possible "

Zhao Xiaohui's head was the same as the chicken pecking. He had some strangeness and doubts at first, but now looking at the museum in front of him, he suddenly had an inexplicable confidence.

He believed that perhaps this teacher Bai must be related to her grandmother and to the appointment.

"Well, Zhao Xiaohui, Cheng Yiping, whether it's true or not, I think we can go and see if we can know the truth."

Zhang Xiaona smiled slightly, raised her head, and went straight in.

The art exhibition room organized by Mr. Bai is free and does not require some tickets.

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui walked in.

If only Cheng Yiping enters by himself, it may still cause people to doubt. After all, Cheng Yiping's dress is not like the kind of person who engages in art, nor does he like the person who likes to buy paintings.

But with the addition of Zhao Xiaohui and Zhang Xiaona, it is completely different. These are two unique beauties exuding a seductive temperament, and they really look like the kind of people who play art.

Cheng Yiping has not always been interested in painting, or he has no talent.

He really has no so-called art cell for art

Cheng Yiping entered the gallery. The bright gallery with bright windows and clear windows. Every section of the gallery has a painting on it. Many people stop to watch, even copy.

Cheng Yiping looked around for a long time, shook his head, and said with a bitter smile

"It seems I still don't have the so-called art cell"

Cheng Yiping sometimes ca n’t really understand, is n’t it just painting? In his opinion, sometimes these paintings are not as good as cartoon paintings, but such paintings are even liked by many people internationally, say from the inside Feeling the art, feeling the abstraction, feeling the vibration of the soul, how can there be so many messy things.

As for art, Cheng Yiping is convinced that he really doesn't have much ability to appreciate. After all, there are some paintings that you have to talk about. Are you really real with photos?

You have to say abstraction. This abstraction is simply graffiti, which is hard for ordinary people to understand.

Cheng Yiping's deepest impression is that a certain artist showed a blank piece of paper

"This is the painting, the painting is white, and white indicates no, and no one represents an infinite future. As a result, such a messy statement has been sought after by people. In the end, this piece of white paper was sold. The high price looked stunned.

After that, Cheng Yiping knew that all the people who played art were crazy, and he didn't understand art at all.

But it is undeniable that existence is reasonable. Since there are so many people seeking it, and it is of great value, there will always be his excellence.

I can only say that laymen watch the excitement, laymen watch the doorway

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui are walking inside this teacher Bai's art museum. On both sides are hanging precious paintings.

Some of these paintings look flat and do have some feelings and feel beautiful, but some paintings really do not feel much different from graffiti.

Three people were walking, but suddenly, the sound of rumors came from their ears, looking up, a group of people were surrounding them, talking around them.

Cheng Yiping's pupils shrank sharply. He clearly saw the soul clone standing quietly at the edge of this picture.

"Is this painting really Mr. Bai's favorite painting? It doesn't seem to have much difference. I really have to say that the style, brushes and experience should have a lot of shortcomings than others, and it's not mature."

"Yes, that's right, but why do you know it here? It's heard that when Mr. Bai was young, he just learned to paint a picture. It is very memorable. If you follow the style and As far as the painter is concerned, of course, other works are better, but this painting is precisely because young people can see the foundation of Mr. Bai ’s painting in his youth, which has more memorable value. "

"It's true, it's true. There are a lot of things in this painting, and it's really weird, it seems like it's only half painted."

"No, you do n’t understand it. This is the artist's so-called artistic conception. I want to say that Teacher Bai didn't spend half of it. He just did it. He left the rest for us to think. This is art."

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui came directly to this painting that was gathered together and looked up

This is a very ordinary painting, but the proportions of the characters in the painting are somewhat strange

The original figure should be drawn in the center, but this picture is equivalent to the right

A young girl stands in the right corner of the painting, in front of which is a huge waterfall.

To be precise, a little bit of a waterfall and the right side of a pond are drawn. On the left side are some dense jungles. It looks really strange, just like a little bit, only 13.

But even then, it has been sought after and loved by many people.

Not because this painting is so good, but because it is a work that Teacher Bai painted when he was young. Its commemorative value or its significance is far beyond the style of painting itself.

"Okay, okay, this painting of Miss Bai is really very good. Although the painter is different from other works, its value is far more than other works.

"How much is this painting? I want it."

Mr. Zhao couldn't wait to ask

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