Super Finding App

Chapter 1866: Auction

"You want to buy this picture of the girl under the waterfall. It is not a simple thing. This picture is one of Grandma ’s favorite paintings. Today, it was very difficult for me to get Grandma out for exhibition. If you want to buy If so, I am afraid there are some difficulties, and do you not think that the real artist and style of this painting are different from other grandma's later paintings? "

Ms. Bai frowned and asked in doubt.

The painting in front of her is not considered to be high by her standards, because if it is not by the hand of Teacher Bai, I am afraid it will not attract so many people's attention.

Just as the layman looks lively and the layman looks at the doorway, this painting is not really a fine work.

"Miss Bai, you can't say this right. Now art painting is like antiques. What is the price? That is, benevolent sees benign and sees wisdom."

Mr. Zhao, an art merchant, grinned, shook his head gently, and smiled at Miss Bai.

If you are a real painter, of course, the style of Mr. Bai ’s later works is indeed very good. I do n’t know how much better than this painting, but if it ’s worth, the value of this painting may be the highest. ”

"Just like antiques, it was originally an ordinary antique vessel. If it is accompanied by a terrible love story or a legend that can sing and weep, its value will soar immediately. In other words, this cultural relic is antique Price is not high, but the story behind it far exceeds the antique itself. "

"Similarly, this painting by Mr. Bai does not look very good to the painter, but this painting is of great significance to Mr. Bai, and it has also witnessed Mr. Bai ’s experience of learning painting. This experience alone has already added value. Little, this painting may be able to sell for the highest price. How about Miss Bai, sell me this painting, I will definitely give you a good price, a price you are satisfied with! "

Art dealer Mr. Zhao said.

As an art trader, do n’t look at what he usually does n’t have. He just wanders around major art exhibitions, and then buys and sells paintings. After turning around, he can earn tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands.

However, these art merchants rely on their vision. He must have an artistic cell and a fashion concept to be able to buy paintings at low prices and sell them at high prices. This is a very difficult thing in itself.

There are a lot of painters who have a lot of paintings in their hands, they just can't sell.

Some artists' paintings are not good, but they can be sold well. This is the role of art merchants.

They rely on their brains and vision, and have the ability to make millions a month without any problem.

But if there is no persuasive vision, it is entirely possible to throw a family into your hands.

Obviously, Mr. Zhao, the current art businessman, is very interested in this waterfall girl painting.

"Well, Mr. Zhao, if you really want to buy it, it is OK, but you also know that today's art exhibitions are not separate. Auctions will be held in a while. You only need to compete at that time."

Miss Bai shook her head with a smile, with a touch of joy in her eyes.

It seems that this time the painting exhibition that he carried out for his grandma was indeed very successful. Although the artistic businessman in front of him is full of copper smell, it is undeniable that the prices of the paintings that he sees can be sold well.

She believes that as long as the price is available, she has every reason and ability to persuade her grandma to auction these paintings in the name of charity.

"Is this picture the same picture? It does have some similarities to the painting called friendship described in my grandma's notebook. What should we do now? As long as this picture is found Is it okay? Can you count on Grandma's last wish? "

Zhao Xiaohui looked at the painting in front of her with a strange look on her face.

She only wanted to complete her grandmother's last wish, but she really didn't think about how it should be done now.

Cheng Yiping has helped him find this painting called friendship. Is this all right now?

Zhao Xiaohui was really at a loss.

"Of course not"

Cheng Yiping said with a smile

"Your grandma's notes above are very clear. The so-called friendship painting, if I didn't guess it wrong, should be your grandma's painting with her friends in high school. No accident, it should be three pictures The piece is a piece of painting. The painting in front of you should belong to one of them. The 13 painted by your grandma's high school classmate is not a complete painting representing friendship. "

Cheng Yiping raised his eyes and looked at the girl under the waterfall, Cheng Yiping's eyes twinkled.

Through the soul clone and the notebook in the hands of grandma, Cheng Yiping can quickly analyze everything.

What's more, this soul avatar can make time go back, enough to know what happened between Grandma Zhao Xiaohui and her girlfriend when she was in high school.

"Three paintings, are they three?"

Zhao Xiaohui's mouth widened, and Cheng Cheng looked puzzled.

She really wondered what her grandma was like, but she didn't know what it was, but she seemed to know it.

How could he know that it was three paintings and not one?

This is indeed very strange.

"It's possible, it's also simple reasoning"

Zhang Xiaona, full of self-confidence, laughed lightly, and her voice was unusually pleasant.

"According to your grandmother's last wishes before she died, she had an agreement with people and was also called a painting representing friendship. The so-called friendship naturally refers to friends, girlfriends and friends, and it must be at least two people or one person. Suppose that if there are two people, then there should be two or three people appearing on the painting, and there will definitely not be only one girl appearing in this painting. In other words, the painting is not complete and becomes a flat. What is said is indeed true. There should be other paintings besides this painting. Together, it will be a complete painting representing friendship. "

If someone else said this, Zhang Xiaona would not believe it, but Cheng Yiping said it, and Zhang Xiaona believed it 100%.

She knew Cheng Yiping would never deceive her.

"It turned out to be like this, let's just say, how does this painting look a little awkward, and the proportion of the human body is not too harmonious. If it is really only part of the painting, then this makes sense, what should we do now? What should I do now? "

Zhao Xiaohui raised her head and asked puzzledly

She's really a little overwhelmed

"What else can I do? When I just came in, I took a look at the exhibition here. Paintings can be bought and auctioned. If so, then the easiest way is to buy the painting."

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders and clapped his hands, showing a bright smile.

"Buy it?"

Zhao Xiaohui's eyes glared, but she never thought of such a thing.

"Yes, buy this picture of a waterfall girl."

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