Super Finding App

Chapter 1867: A dollar

"Very good, very good, worthy of Teacher Bai. Teacher Bai's paintings are very inspirational and energetic whenever I look at them. This time we must buy one or two pictures to go home."

"Yeah, yeah, Mr. Bai is over 60 years old. I heard that the development held this time was still strongly demanded by his granddaughter. Otherwise, Mr. Bai may not hold an art exhibition, this time next time. Still do n’t know what time it is? I think this painting is quite good, it has the style of Teacher Bai, I want to buy it and watch it. ”

"That's what it says, but this painting is not cheap. Let's take a look here. If we buy it, we can't afford it."

"Yes, yes, yes, come to take a photo, take a photo, take a photo, let's take a good look. If you want to see it, it is not the same to print it in a print shop."

"How can stupid people be the same, there is still a difference between the real thing and the photo, and the style and style of painting are all different."

In the exhibition of Mr. Bai's art, many students from the fine arts universities came to watch and chattered.

There is a way for laymen to watch the excitement, and for insiders to watch the doorway, they really explain the truth.

Cheng Yiping stayed aside and listened to them as they analyzed where the words were, what kind of artistic conception, and what strokes they used. It can be said that what they heard was dizziness and their eyes followed.

When I turned my head and looked at the painting in front of me, I didn't see what the kung fu and strokes of these art students and lovers said.

Can only say that they know nothing

"It seems I really have no art cell"

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly and turned to look at Zhang Xiaona and shrugged her shoulders.

Zhang Xiaona smiled slightly, looked up, and looked at the painting for two weeks.

"Ms. Bai is worthy of Mr. Bai. His paintings are indeed very good."

Soon the exhibition time is coming to an end.

I saw a girl dressed in decent costumes coming to the front of the exhibition and clapping her hands gently, many people gathered.

"Welcome everyone to participate in my grandma's art exhibition. This is the first time my grandma has sealed her pen. I hope everyone can enjoy it. Of course, if you want to, this work can also be sold. According to grandma's requirements, grandma It has been decided that all money sold today will be donated to charities in remote mountain areas "

"Okay, okay, teacher Bai really is a festival of high wind, teacher Bai really is the style of an artist"

"Yes, that's right. Teacher Bai has a rare exhibition. Of course, we really like this painting. Of course, we have to buy it, and of course we have to buy it."

Bai Xiaoqing smiled and stretched out his hand, soothing the many shouting crowds below, and then began to auction one by one.

Said to be an auction, it is actually very simple. If anyone is interested, you can directly talk about the price, and the price is appropriate.

Of course, if someone meets with each other, an auction will be needed, one by one.

The cheap ones have reached tens of thousands, and they all stare at Cheng Yiping's eyes.

"I didn't expect this painting to be so valuable. The cheapest one can sell for tens of thousands of dollars. No wonder everyone now wants to be an artist and a painter."

That being said, Cheng Yiping knows that being a painter is not a simple matter. It requires inspiration and talent.

She is as famous as Teacher Bai, her works can of course be bought for a price, but many painters have painted a lot of paintings, but they are gloomy for life.

Instead, his paintings will only be valuable after his death. Perhaps this is the so-called scarcity of valuables.

Zhang Xiaona looked sighed, and her face full of intellectual charm showed a look of crying or laughing.

"It is true. There is such a saying in the art world. When a person is alive, it is worthless. Once a person dies, the work will skyrocket. This is really quite strange!"

He shook his head in a funny way, and continued to fall above the auction with a flat look.

I think that I am not a painter because of my losses, otherwise I have to be a painter to die so that I can make the work hot, I really ca n’t do it

Is he really not living enough?

"Look at it, look at it. When you reach that painting, the girl under the waterfall has arrived. Do you say we can buy this painting?"

Zhao Xiaohui's fist clenched tightly.

When the auction started, she had been watching nervously, waiting for the auction of the painting of the girl under the waterfall.

I hope others don't compete with him, although he doesn't know how much the painting is worth.

But for Zhang Xiaona, as long as she can fulfill her grandmother ’s last wish, she is willing.

"It should be easier. Just now I took a look at the girl under the waterfall in this painting exhibition. The painting and date of this painting are relatively early. It should be an early work belonging to Teacher Bai. It really comes from the artist and mood. It's not too good to say, and there are many flaws, there should not be too many competitors. "

Zhang Xiaona's analysis from the painting works comforted Zhao Xiaohui.

"The picture below is the girl under the waterfall in our exhibition area 3 today. This painting was painted by my grandmother in her early years. It can be seen from the writing and exercises that it is quite comparable to later works. The difference is bad, but this is after all my grandma's own hand-made paintings, which also have the value of commemoration and research, I do n’t know who is willing to buy. "

Miss Bai stood on the stage, said with a chuckle, and stretched out her hand.

At this moment, two white-gloved staff members have lifted the girl under the waterfall and put it on the front display cabinet.

Someone immediately started to bid below, and the competition was still quite fierce.

When the price of the girl under this waterfall was 8,000 yuan, the art student businessman said

"I have 100,000."

In an instant.

All the people present took a breath of cold air, and looked surprised.

100,000 yuan is really nothing to some people, but if you have 100,000 to buy a painting that is obviously not worth it, it really has some surprises.

Miss Bai's eyes lit up, and he knew very well that Mr. Zhao, the art trader in front of him, was bound to get this painting.

But I did not expect that it would cost 100,000 yuan.

This is indeed quite high.

"One hundred thousand dollars, Mr. Zhao made 100,000, is there a higher price than him?"

The many students present and friends from the art world and painting enthusiasts shook their heads and shook their heads.

Although some people really like this painting, it is really not worth 100,000 yuan in terms of commercial value and painting.

"After asking a few times, Miss Bai still did not increase the fare, and Mr. Zhao, an art merchant, showed his ambition.

Miss Bai nodded slightly, and when she was about to speak, she saw her hands raised, and stood up and said softly.

"Wait, I want to bid and I pay one dollar."

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