Super Finding App

Chapter 1879: Nanye Village

Although Nanye Village is located in the outskirts of Nanhuai City, it is a remote suburban village, but there is not the dirty and messy impression that people in the countryside have, and there is no chicken feces and pigs in the air. The smell is very clean.

Towers of small foreign buildings tower, and the streets are clean and tidy. There are still a number of cars parked on the doorstep of each home and on the national road.

Obviously, the economic level in rural areas is constantly improving, and there is no such messy scene as people see on TV.

After all, Nanye Village is also close to Nanhuai City, and the economic radiation has considerably driven the income and economy of the entire village.

Most of the young people go to work in the city, leaving only the elderly and children, but fortunately, if you buy a car in Nanhuai City, you can go to the village in about ten or twenty minutes. To is also very convenient and convenient.

For people in the countryside, compared to spending millions to buy a lattice building in the city, the pool area is large, and there is a lot of trouble in paying property fees. They are more willing to spend dozens of dollars in their homestead. Wan Jiumeng built a beautiful little bungalow.

And it can be any style you want, it can be said to be very cost-effective.

"This is the countryside, which is completely different from what we thought of watching on TV. If it is a small community here, it is completely said in the past, it seems that the living standards of modern people have indeed improved." Zuo

Gu Youpan looked around the small bungalows around, Zhao Xiaohui's eyes lightened up a bit.

These little bungalows are indeed very attractive.

"It's true. Now rural development is much better than before. When we reported, we also found that the rural economic conditions are now better."

The eyes fell on the two-storey small mansions on both sides, and the sun shone on them with a beauty.

Not far away is the scent of birds and flowers. I have to say that sometimes it is more relaxing in the countryside than in the city. It is no wonder that rich people like to find farmhouses in the mountains when they rest. Just relax yourself.

Gently shook his head, throwing himself away from his mind, and said

"It's true, but unfortunately, even then, young people in the countryside will want to run in the city, not because their hometown is not good enough, but because after all the conditions and quality of life in the countryside are better than in the city. There is indeed a gap "

"There is a huge difference between hospitals, education, and schools. Many people move to the boat from the countryside, not because they want to live a stylish life, but only for the sake of their children. Only when they come to the city can children go to good schools and have good quality Education resources to go to a good hospital "

Zhang Xiaona said as she shook her head, with a bitter smile

In the case of unequal resources, even if the current rural development is even better, a large number of people will be lost. After all, people go to high places and water flows to low places.

"Zhang Xiaona is absolutely right. Although the rural development is really good now, there is a feeling of rapid change. Just like here, the two-story small bungalows in our city have reached at least one million. Hundreds of thousands can be built here, but even if you really want to get married, I am afraid that there are not many girls who are willing to marry, not because it is not good to abandon this house, but because it is rural and the house is not in the city. I have to say that this is indeed a headache. "

Xiao Yiping shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He didn't care about such things before, but after talking with Zhang Xiaona, he sometimes remembered the future.

When you think about the future, you will find out why people are so passionate about buying a house.

Why the price of school district housing is so high.

Why do people in remote mountainous areas move to the streets even if they are frying pans for selling iron, not for their own greed and pleasure, but simply to provide their children with a good educational environment and resources.

"Okay, okay, let's stop talking about this, this is not something we can solve. Now it seems that Grandma Zhao Juan lives in this Nanye Village belongs to the elderly, let's go, turn in front I should have reached my destination "

Cheng Yiping reached out and gently patted

Such a social problem is not something that the two of them can solve with a few words. Even if Cheng Yiping owns the Super Find App, there is no way to solve it.

"Arrived, arrived, the front came, the front came"

Zhao Xiaohui's breathing had some haste, and finally she had to find her grandmother's second girlfriend.

A companion in high school, Zhang Huilan who completed the friendship painting

"I just don't know if it's been over thirty years. Now Zhang Huanlan still remembers the original agreement?"

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui walked in Nanye Village, and after a while turned around, they found a small park in front of them.

There is a huge locust tree in the center of the park, and many villagers gather here to chat

"Creating evil, making evil, I didn't expect that such a thing would happen. This family of Orchids is really unlucky. Spreading such a grandson is really unlucky."

"No, but not. If it were my house, I would have broken his leg with a stick. I even borrowed so much money outside, and now I have to force Zhang Huanlan to sell my ancestral house. It ’s simply a mournful day. This is the ancestral house. If it is not forced on that share, who will sell the ancestral house? This is an apology to the ancestors. "

"Yes, yes, but I heard. I heard that this grandson of Huilan borrowed money from outside. He had already paid a lot of money for him at home. This time, he even borrowed money from outside. To force Zhang Huanlan to sell his ancestral home, this is really evil. "

"That is, it is really evil. If it were me, I would never sell it. Now the house is so valuable. If I sell it, where do I move it? Will I move to the city to live?"

"I think moving to live in the city is a very good thing. My son and daughter-in-law are now in the city. They said that the city is convenient for shopping, the education resources are good, the hospital is big, and Everything is very convenient "

"That ’s what it says, but do n’t forget that the cost of living in the city is also very high. You have to pay for everything. Where is it like here? The house does n’t need money. Even if you do n’t have to eat, some of the dishes in the backyard are heavy If you can eat it, you have to pay for it even if you want to eat vegetables in the city. "

"Yeah, yeah, the main thing is that this is the ancestral house. This is the ancestral house. Can the city build a house just like us? This is simply impossible. Only a fool will sell the ancestral house. Drop "

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