Super Finding App

Chapter 1880: Dilemma (1)

"What happened and why so many people gathered here seems to be something wrong"

One of the biggest differences between rural and urban areas is interpersonal relationships.

In the countryside, every family basically knows each other. Every evening, they come out to chat, and say something bad, what happened to your house this evening, put a fart, maybe the next day Everyone in the whole village knows it.

The cities are completely different. Although the cities are developed and live in high-rise buildings, even if they live on the same floor, opposite, or even next door neighbors, even if they have lived for several years, for more than ten years, they may not know that they live opposite. It is a man and a woman, what is their last name, what is their name, and where does it work.

The relationship between people has been completely isolated.

After coming home from work, closing the door is an independent space. As for the neighbors, do they have a relationship?

Maybe at most you can only nod each other when you go out or meet and say two sentences in the community park, but you do n’t even know what the other person ’s name is or what place to work.

"It's true. It seems that something really happened, and the direction from where they gather should be the house where Zhang Huanlan we are looking for. Is there something wrong with Grandma Zhang's house?"

Looking at the villagers in Nanye Village gathered under the big locust tree, some of them stood and talked in pairs, some squatted under the large locust tree, holding seeds in their hands, and more were some aunts. Talking to each other, there are quite a few meanings of watching the liveliness.

"Ask, no matter what happens, first ask to know, it seems we are not here today"

Although I don't know what happened, there is something wrong in looking at the scene, and Cheng Yiping frowned slightly.

In his mind, the soul appeared in Granny Zhang's home.

In this room, a quarrel was taking place.

After listening for a while, Cheng Yiping's brow froze tightly, it is truly a difficult story for every family.

"Several eldest sisters, how are you? I want to ask what happened to this family. Why are you all around here? Is something wrong with this family?"

Zhang Xiaona, as a host and a reporter before, was really quite skilled in dealing with people. In addition, her temperament was outstanding in this Chunnan Ye Village, which attracted everyone's attention when she opened her mouth.

Some gossip women nodded and said

"You're here to find Zhang Huanlan, alas, it's really not the time for you to come here, something happened to Zhang Huanlan's house, and their ancestral house is going to be sold."

"What? The ancestral house will be sold, no. The ancestral house is quite precious. If it is not poor to a certain extent, who will sell it?"

Listening to the words of the middle-aged woman in front of her, Zhang Xiaona looked surprised and felt something she couldn't believe.

"It's true. This ancestral house repair is better than the house in the city, and everyone is very familiar with living in this village. They have already been used to it, but they are really unaccustomed to the city, but No way, something happened to the grandson of this orchid.

The voice of the middle-aged woman has just fallen, and the middle-aged woman on the side said quickly

The spirit of gossip is constantly burning

"I heard, but I heard that Zhang Huanlan's grandson owed a lot of money outside, it seems to have reached millions. The family really couldn't pay so much money, so I got the idea of ​​this ancestral house. Selling this ancestral home can also relieve the pressure and pay the debts of your grandson. "

"Nizi, Nizi, really Zizi, this grandson of Huilan still looks very good, innocent and lovely, but I did not expect to grow up like this when I grew up, I borrowed money everywhere, I really thought I did n’t have to repay it. Yes, even now it is even forced to sell Zhang Zulan's ancestral house, which is really filial. "

"No, it's not. The young people now are completely different from us at that time. They pay attention to pre-consumption, and they don't want to think about it. The borrowed money always has to be repaid, and your consumption has to be repaid. Let ’s do what we can do with as much money as possible, and I think talented people will do this. ”

The villagers of Nanye Village talked with each other with your own words. Although there was some confusion in the words, it also made Cheng Yiping, Zhao Xiaohui and Zhang Xiaona understand what happened.

"Cheng Yiping, Zhao Xiaohui, it seems that something happened to Grandma Zhang's house. Her grandson owes money outside. Now I'm afraid I'm here to hope that my grandma Zhang will sell her ancestral home to pay off the debt, and take Grandma Zhang to the city. Go inside. "

"Trouble, trouble, it's really too troublesome, I didn't expect such a thing to happen"

Through the soul avatar in my mind, I have been clear about what happened in Zhang Yelan's house.

A soft temple with a headache and a sigh of sigh

"I thought we could find this grandma Lan directly, and then talk to her well. I believe that relying on Grandma Zhang Grandma and Zhao Juan are girlfriends and good friends. What should I get when I get this picture? Problem, but now it seems to be some trouble. "

Zhang Xiaona nodded slightly, and hesitated in his delicate face.

"It's true. There is a problem in Grandma's house now. If we go to him again, there are some inconveniences."

"What then? Sister Zhang, are we giving up like this now?"

Looking up, looking at the villagers of Nanye Village in front of me and the two small houses not far away, Zhao Xiaohui was unwilling.

"Go, of course. Although there is something wrong with Grandma Zhang Hualan at home and her ancestral house is going to be sold, this should not have much to do with the painting we took with her. I think we should be able to communicate if we say it well.

Cheng Yiping thought for a while, raised his head and bit his teeth.

"Although the timing is not appropriate for some time, but they have already arrived at the door. Is there any retreat?"

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders, clapping his hands and opening his mouth, watching the quarrel seen by the villagers of Nanye Village and the soul clone in his mind.

"Yes, how can we shrink back when we have arrived at the door? No matter what, we first go to Grandma Zhang Hualan to see the result."

Zhang Xiaona shook her head gently, confident that she was gorgeous under the sun.

Zhao Xiaohui on the side nodded like a chicken

"I see, Sister Zhang, Mr. Cheng, I listen to you, I listen to you"

Now she has some six gods.

But she believed that Zhang Xiaona and Cheng Yiping would never deceive her.

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