Super Finding App

Chapter 1888: contradiction

"Grandma Zhang"

Although Grandma Zhang didn't say it clearly, Grandma Zhang's questioning and tone were enough to explain everything.

Zhang Xiaona asked urgently, but swallowed halfway.

After all, if Grandma Zhang's painting is really worth 1 million, let yourself take it casually, I'm afraid I wo n’t agree

Especially when Grandma Zhang Huanlan's house is now particularly short of money.

"Ms. Zhao is really very sorry, if I change to other situations, I will definitely give you this painting. After all, being able to complete Zhao Juan ’s last wish is also a very important thing for me. The agreement with Zhao Juan and Bai Jinglan three years ago was also a matter that made me die without regrets, but the situation is different now. I can't sell my ancestral house for this agreement. I really can't do it! "

There is a way to be faithful and filial piety. For current grandma Zhang Huanlan, on the one hand is the wish of her friend, and on the other hand is her own grandson. I am afraid that a normal person will make the same choice as her.

Zhao Xiaohui opened her mouth, swallowed everything at her throat, and nodded slightly, her face pale and bloodless.

"Zhao Xiaohui"

Zhang Xiaona came to Zhao Xiaohui's side, stretched out her hand, and patted her on the shoulder gently, and now things were unexpected.

But if they really want to grab this painting, it is impossible at all, or they are willing to make an auction with Zhao Fei, an art trader, and spend nearly a million dollars to buy this painting.

But this is also more unrealistic.

"Wait, wait, Grandma Zhang, this picture is what you painted, and you are willing to sell it to us or to Mr. Zhao. This is all your freedom, but Grandma Zhang Hualan, I think you are sure once again Is this Mr. Zhao really willing to sell 1 million? "

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes and said suddenly, focusing everyone's attention on himself, shrugging his shoulders and saying

"Grandma Zhang Huanlan just said that although you did design, you used to study painting in high school and university, but you are not a painter. Nowadays, there are many people who study painting, but not everyone's painting Value, even for some painters, their paintings can sell up to tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, which are already considered high prices, which is very good. For millions, only super talents can sell for them. Grandma Zhang, do you think Can your painting really sell for more than 1 million? "

Cheng Yiping ’s words pierced his grandmother Zhang Yelan ’s heart like a sharp sword. Not only that, even if the emotional excitement was as if he had caught the last straw, Zhao Gang and his parents Zhao Guo and Wu Juan were equally stunned. Already.

Perhaps they have thought about such a problem, but in the face of the huge temptation and the last straw, they conditionedly ignored this problem in the past.

Is a painting of your grandma Zhang Huanlan really worth 1 million?

"Haha, good question, really a good question, Mr. Cheng, I didn't expect your eloquence to be quite good"

Artistic businessman Zhao Fei shook his head gently, reached out and sorted out his valuable designer clothes, and said

"Ms. Zhang and everyone, I told you that if your grandma is really worth 1 million, or even 1,000 yuan, it is not worth it. After all, your grandma is not a celebrity, a painter, But this painting by your grandma is part of Teacher Bai Jinglan's titled friendship painting. Based on this, the painting is very valuable. Maybe it cannot be sold for 1 million in the hands of others, but it can definitely be in my hands. Sell ​​it. "

"Yes, Mr. Zhao, you said it yourself. The reason why this painting by Ms. Zhang Huanlan can be worth 1 million is because of Ms. Bai Jinglan. After all, Ms. Bai Jinglan is a celebrity."

Listening to the words of Zhao Fei, an art businessman, Cheng Yiping understood it instantly.

Bai Jinglan is a professor at the University of Fine Arts, and is quite famous in the art circle. Her words are absolutely valuable, especially the painting that represents friendship and the story hidden behind it. It can be said that this painting will be given again. Add a lot of points to it.

Cheng Yiping narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his head, and smiled brightly.

"But the most important point of this is that it must be combined with the paintings of Ms. Bai Jinglan and Ms. Zhao Juan to become a painting called friendship. The words in your hands are only 13 and you think you can sell them with these 13 1 million? "

Cheng Yiping turned his head while talking, showing a bright smile, pointing his finger at Zhao Xiaohui

“The other two paintings are now in our hands. Zhao Xiaohui is the granddaughter of Zhao Juan. Zhao Juan ’s painting, Zhao Xiaohui, naturally knows where. Ms. Bai Jinglan has given her painting, the girl under the waterfall, to Zhao Xiaohui. In other words, two of the paintings named Friendship are in Zhao Xiaohui's hands. If we do n’t take them out, do you think you can sell one million with this painting of Grandma Zhang Huilan? "

Do you think it can sell for 1 million?

There is a way to fight snakes and fight seven inches. Why did the art businessman Zhao Fei stare so closely that even the painting of Grandma Zhang Qianlan who did not have any fame was able to bid 1 million?

That's because he liked the painting named friendship, not just the painting in the hands of Grandma Zhang Huanlan.

As the art businessman Zhao Fei said, Grandma Zhang's paintings were worthless without Ms. Bai Jinglan.

Zhao Fei, an art businessman, changed his face slightly and said

"I think you should sell these two paintings to me. After all, this is to fulfill the grandmother's last wish. I believe that in order to complete the grandmother's last wish, Miss Zhao should agree."

"Is that right? That ’s not necessarily true. You also said it was a last wish. Since it was a last wish, when will you agree? I am afraid that this is a matter of opinion, maybe one year, maybe two years, maybe 10 years, maybe 100 years Who knows, but I don't know if you can afford Mr. Zhao! "

Cheng Yiping is very clear that trying to deal with these businessmen and talking to them is of no use at all. There is only one thing that can move businessmen, and that is profit.

As long as things can make them profitless, the art merchant will retreat, after all, everything is business for the merchant!

The face of art businessman Zhao Fei became increasingly ugly, looked coldly into a flat, and suddenly a smile was squeezed out.

"That's true. So, I really have to think about whether to buy this painting on Grandma Zhang Huanlan."

As soon as the words of the art businessman Zhao Fei came to an end, Zhao Xiaohui's face instantly became excited.

Does it mean that Zhao Fei wants to give up buying paintings.


But I saw Zhao Fei's paintings change instantly.

"But I thought about it again. If I gave up, wouldn't it be equivalent to giving you this painting, and thinking the other way around, as long as I hold this painting in your hands, you will never be able to make friendship Similarly, this Miss Zhao will never be able to complete her last wish. "

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