Super Finding App

Chapter 1889: Thanks to Mr. Cheng

"But if you do this, your money will be lost."

Cheng Yiping said, biting his teeth.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, if there is a business, there will be a loss. Compared to losing some money, holding this picture in my hands, I will have a hole card? Of course you can also compete with me, provided that you have enough money "

Zhao Fei showed a bright smile, and the atmosphere of the entire scene suddenly solidified for a moment, and both sides entered a state of stalemate.

Zhang Xiaona, full of self-confidence, suddenly laughed, reached out and patted, attracting everyone's attention.

The abnormally frozen and depressed atmosphere suddenly became somewhat relaxed

"Well, guys, you don't need to be so nervous. It's not the same thing for us to stay on the second floor. We might as well sit down and negotiate on the first floor now. What do you think?"

"I always thought that anything in this world can be negotiated, as long as it can be communicated, everything can be resolved. I believe we can find the best of both worlds."

I have to say that Zhang Xiaona is very clever. She is very clear. Sometimes people talk like this. If the talk is in the air, it is estimated that no one will listen to what is said, and absolutely no one will believe it. It will be so noisy that it will eventually smash.

But if you can calm down and talk later, it will be much easier.

Obviously, the atmosphere in front of us is suddenly tense and depressing, and it is estimated that we will talk about collapse.

At this time, someone needs to come out to relax the atmosphere and calm everyone down.

"Yes, yes, there is something inappropriate for everyone on this second floor. Let's go to the first floor. I'll make some tea for you."

Wu Juan said immediately, at this moment she also felt the solidification of the atmosphere at the scene, and quickly came to life, but her heart was disturbed.

In the lobby on the first floor, everyone sat together, with tea in front of each other, and took a sip of drink from time to time.

No one spoke, and there was still some depression in the atmosphere.

"Interesting, but this time there are three parties."

Cheng Yiping gently picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and whispered to Zhang Xiaona

"One party is naturally me, you and Zhao Xiaohui. Our purpose is to get the painting in the hands of Grandma Zhang Huanlan, complete the last wish of Grandma Zhao Xiaohui Zhao Juan, and complete the painting named friendship."

"The second party is naturally this is Grandma Zhang Yelan and his son Zhao Guo, daughter-in-law Wu Juan and his grandson Zhao Gang. They hope to sell this grandma's painting to millions, so that they can repay the debt owed by Zhao Gang and avoid ancestors. Home sold "

"The third party is naturally the art trader Zhao Fei. His purpose is to buy Grandma Zhang's paintings. No, to be precise, she hopes that by buying Grandma Zhang's paintings, we can't complete the painting called friendship, Even trying to find a way to put together a painting called friendship and sell it by yourself. Now it really can be said that the three parties are entangled with each other, like a mass of twist. It is indeed quite difficult to solve. "

Zhang Xiaona, full of confidence, nodded slightly, her eyes fell on the people in front of her, flashed, and finally fell on Zhao Xiaohui, her head nodded slightly.

"It's true. Among these three parties, the weakest is with Grandma Zhang Yelan. After all, Grandma Zhang Grandma's grandson Zhao Gang owed a huge debt and needed money urgently, so I'm afraid her paintings will be taken away for free It ’s not very possible, and he desperately needs to sell the painting to pay off the debt. "

"The next thing is Zhao Xiaohui. She needs to complete her grandmother's last wish. She is also very urgent. In contrast, the art trader Zhao Fei is the most indifferent. The most he loses is some money, but it seems that he It's not people who lack money. "

Zhang Xiaona's analysis can be described as clear-cut, instantly analyzing the needs and urgency of everyone present.

Cheng Yiping's fingers lightly nodded, looking up at the crowd frowning.

The art businessman Zhao Fei took a sip of tea and gently placed it on the coffee table, raising his head to reveal a bright smile.

"You guys have already drunk tea. I don't know how you think about it now, Grandma Zhang Hualan. Do you sell this picture or not?"

"Sell, sell, of course, how could it not be sold?"

Grandma Zhang Huanlan didn't speak, Zhao Guo couldn't wait to say

Now, where can he manage Zhao Xiaohui's so-called grandma's wish, everything in his house is too busy.

"Yes, yes, we sell, we sell, we sell for a million dollars, we definitely sell"

Wu Juan also echoed.

With this one million problems in their home, it was completely solved.

"Calm down, calm down, everyone, although I did want to bid 1 million in the beginning, but I thought about what Mr. Cheng said afterwards. It was absolutely true. There were three paintings of friendship, Grandma Zhang. A picture of Teacher Bai Jinglan and a pair of this girl Zhao Xiaohui's grandmother Zhao Juan. Now I have only bought one, and I ca n’t make a friendship painting. The most important thing is Teacher Bai Jinglan ’s A painting is not in my hands. In other words, this painting in the hands of Grandma Zhang Huanlan is worthless. There are really more than one million. Now if you want to sell, I will only sell 100,000! "

"What, only 100,000?"

Suddenly the price was reduced by 10 times!

Zhao Guo, Wu Juan, and Zhao Gang stood up in a bang, staring angrily, and gnashing their teeth.

"No, no, we don't agree. You just said 1 million, but now you say 100,000. That's too much difference. You just want to do it, you just want to do it."

"No, no, how can it be said to be stubborn, can only say that one is willing to hit the other, you are willing to sell, I am willing to buy, nothing more than that"

"If the price is right, then sell it. If the price is not right, you can not sell it. Thanks to this Mr. Cheng, I really appreciate his reminder."

Thanks to Mr. Cheng?

A word from Zhao Fei instantly made the eyes of Zhao Guo Wu Juan and Zhao Gang fall fiercely on Cheng Yiping's body, gritted his teeth and revealed the fierce light.

Cheng Yiping touched his nose awkwardly. He knew that if the eyes could kill someone, I am afraid these three people really wanted to kill themselves. After all, Grandma Zhang Cheng changed from 1 million to 10 at once Million.

This price is indeed unbearable for some people.

But I have to say that the art trader Zhao Fei really saw the wind to make the rudder, and indeed he was a businessman. In a split second, he understood the weaknesses of Zhang Guolan's grandson Zhao Guo, Wu Juan and his grandson Zhao Gang.

The most important thing is to throw the contradiction directly into Cheng Yiping, and make Cheng Yiping an enemy of Zhao Guo, Wu Juan and Zhao Gang. I have to say that this is really beautiful.

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