Super Finding App

Chapter 1896: Third painting

"The third painting, the third painting, and sure enough this is the third painting of Ms. Zhao Juan, finally found, finally found"

When Zhao Xiaohui presented the third painting, all the people present were thrilled.

Several people were crowded together in the one-half and one-half house.

Zhao Xiaohui carefully spread out the painting, and was surprised to find an envelope in the middle of the painting.

"Look, there is a letter in this picture"

Zhao Xiaohui had some strangeness, reached out and took the envelope out.

I saw on the envelope

[Bai Jinglan collection]

"Look at it, Ms. Bai Jinglan is written on the envelope. Does it mean that my grandma Zhao Juan wrote to Ms. Bai Jinglan? She knows I will find Ms. Bai Jinglan?"

Zhao Xiaohui showed a surprised look. It would be understandable to say that the name written on the envelope was her own name, but it was strange that she would now be Ms. Bai Jinglan.

This is not surprising, do n’t forget that your grandmother Zhao Juan ’s last wish was to complete this painting named friendship, and this painting named friendship is divided into three parts after all, Ms. Bai Jinglan, Ms. Zhang Huilan and your grandma Zhao Juan In other words, as long as you find this painting belonging to Grandma Zhao Juan, according to the clues of the painting, you can find Ms. Bai Jinglan and Ms. Zhang Yilan, and this letter is probably for Ms. Bai Jinglan. From the beginning, your Grandma has already calculated everything "

"I think this letter should be quite important for your grandma"

Cheng Yiping said with his eyes narrowed, his eyes fell on the envelope and sighed sighingly.

Through the soul separation, he can clearly see the scene and content of Grandma Zhao Juan when writing this letter

This content is very dog ​​blood, but it has touched people's hearts

"So it's true. It's really like my grandma's style, so it's no wonder she gave me this taupe notebook. From the beginning, she has made her decisions and plans."

Zhao Xiaohui nodded heavily, holding the letter in his hand with a hesitant look.

Zhao Gang quickly said,

"Since it's a letter, let's open it and take a look at it, and see what it says on the letter."

As he said, he was about to take it, and some could not wait.

"No, no, absolutely not. The name written on this letter is for Ms. Bai Jinglan. This is personal privacy. How can we open this letter to watch it casually? This is simply not true. Is also immoral "

Zhao Xiaohui's head and rattle generally refused immediately.

Received this letter back.

"How could it be immoral, don't forget that we still need to go to Jing Lan Xing to find Ms. Bai Jinglan, and let her agree to sell the painting. If something written in this letter is unfavorable, let Ms. Bai Jinglan refuse. What can we do? For us, this is too risky. I think we still have to look at this letter in advance to find out. If the content in the heart is not good, we have to consider whether it is true. Give this letter to Ms. Bai Jinglan "

Obviously, for Zhao Gang, what he considered was not so-called privacy, but whether he could get money, and whether Ms. Bai Jinglan agreed to sell the painting.

Nothing is more important to him than selling paintings.

Nothing is more important than his ability to get money to pay off his debt.

The so-called personal privacy is simply nonsense.

"I think there is some truth in Zhao Gang's point. After all, we don't know exactly what Grandma Zhao Juan wrote in this letter. If the content of the letter is really bad, then it is for us But it's quite troublesome, not to mention that after reading this letter and putting it back, no one will know. "

Artistic businessman Zhao Fei nodded his head in agreement

He spent so much thought and energy, so busy that he can make a lot of money as long as he auctions off paintings called friendship.

Under such circumstances, he will never allow any accidents.

And now the trilateral cooperation and win-win situation has been formed, the only thing that has not formed is Ms. Zhang Baijinglan.

He definitely does not want to fail at Ms. Bai Jinglan.

For art trader Zhao Fei, it really fell short.

"No, this is absolutely not possible"

Zhang Xiaona stepped forward two steps, raising her eyes, full of intellectuality, her face showing a resolute light, saying word by word

"I absolutely disagree. Maybe you are saying something, but you have forgotten it. This letter was written by Zhao Juan to Ms. Bai Jinglan. In other words, the content of this letter is their privacy. No Anyone can see whether it is good or bad, whether it affects our auction paintings or not, it ’s the same. "

"No, don't be so rigid as a man. You have to know, what if the plan really goes bankrupt because of the letter in this picture?"

"Everyone will do useless work. If Ms. Bai Jinglan really refuses, then she can only follow Ms. Bai Jinglan's ideas. After all, this belongs to Ms. Bai Jinglan, not ours. This does not mean that Ms. Bai Jinglan Must help you Zhao Gang "

"I know you are short of money, but this is not the reason for you to open someone's letter privately. If you really want to do this, then I have to think about whether to continue to cooperate with you. After all, there is no integrity Everything he does must be greatly discounted "

Obviously, Zhang Xiaona's words instantly fell on the audience.

Zhao Gang gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, trying to continue to refute, but speechless again

After all, as Zhang Xiaona said, everyone here has a reason to do it, but he has absolutely no reason

If it wasn't because he was the grandson of Grandma Zhang Huanlan, I'm afraid he wouldn't be qualified at all.

"Okay, okay, guys, I think it's a bit of a worry for you to discuss this now."

Cheng Yiping raised his hand and patted it a few times, attracting everyone's attention, he said

“Do n’t forget, Zhao Xiaohui ’s grandmother Zhao Juan handed this notebook to Zhao Xiaohui before she died, and even entrusted her to complete her unfinished will, finding a painting named friendship, which is enough to show that Zhao Juan Grandma attached great importance to her girlfriend even at the last moment. Since it is important and concerned, there must be news about Ms. Bai Jinglan in this letter. "

"I believe that since this letter was written to Ms. Bai Jinglan, we can only give these to Ms. Bai Jinglan, and whether Ms. Bai Jinglan is willing to auction the paintings to help Ms. Zhang Yilan and even her family, it depends on Ms. Bai Jinglan's own ideas . "

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