Super Finding App

Chapter 1897: meet

Crystal Blue City.

After the day's painting exhibition, Ms. Bai Jinglan, who was slightly tired, returned to her rest area. The body felt abnormal decadence and tiredness. She sat deeply on the sofa with a cup of coffee fragrant.

It is not the first time for Ms. Bai Jinglan to hold an exhibition, and he has also held an exhibition larger than this before.

But no one had felt more exhausted than this time.

Because this time the art exhibition met an acquaintance, an acquaintance she thought she had forgotten or could not remember.

And this man's descendants appeared in front of himself, as if bringing her back to the past, those youthful years

"Grandma, grandma, I really don't understand why the painting was given to those people, and the price is one dollar for the auction, which is no different from giving away at all. Mr. Zhao is willing At 1 million, the price is quite a lot. Why do you disagree with grandma? "

Miss Zhao is dressed in decent clothes, but at the moment there is some anger, although quite dissatisfied, but she is very respectful to her grandma and dare not have any complaints, but the complaints in the tone are inevitable.

"You do n’t understand, you do n’t understand, you are still too young now. If I were 10 years younger, I would definitely sell paintings to art dealers. After all, Mr. Zhao offered 1 million, but now it is not Zhao Xiaohui. Zhao Juan ’s granddaughter, and before Zhao Juan was dying, she was still thinking about paintings entirely because of friendship. This emotion is more important than money. ”

Ms. Bai Jinglan shook her head gently and said.

Although her words seemed to be nonsense to Miss Zhao.

After all, Ms. Bai Jinglan now has a nominal double income and is not short of money, so she has given the painting to Zhao Xiaohui for free.

If Ms. Bai Jinglan is very short of money now, just like Ms. Zhang Yilan's family, waiting for the money directly will not make an easy move to give away the painting.

For Miss Zhao, she thought the same way. She didn't understand what happened to Grandma Bai Jinglan in the past years.

This so-called friendship represents what kind of emotion the painting called friendship.

Just considering it from a business perspective, as long as one million people and one person know what choices they will make.

"I see, I see, grandma, since it is your decision, then I will definitely follow it."

Miss Zhao opened her mouth, took a deep breath, calmed down her emotions quickly, and showed a bright smile

Two or three steps came to Grandma Bai Jinglan, squatted down, stretched out her hands and embraced Grandma Bai's shoulder tightly, saying likely

"Okay, okay, you just understand, you understand, maybe you don't understand now, but when you reach the age of my grandma, I will find that something is more important than money.

Grandma Bai Jinglan smiled grinningly, and now she removed her camouflage, more like an elderly man, reaching out and gently stroking her granddaughter's long hair.

"I see, I know grandma,"

Miss Zhao nodded very nicely, but there was a hint of light in her eyes.

He knew very well that now that things had been decided, it didn't make any sense to raise the bar with grandma again.

After all, there are many places in the whole family relying on Grandma Bai Jinglan.

As long as you have Grandma Bai Jinglan's painting, and you can easily operate it, you can make a lot of money.

Just like today's art exhibitions, although Grandma has said on the surface that she will no longer develop, she still has an art exhibition under her own soft grinding.

Even paintings are auctioned. Although the auction money is donated to remote and poor mountainous areas, who can guarantee 100% donation in the mountains? in

She is also profitable.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly seemed a bit quiet.

Grandma Bai Jinglan felt her granddaughter cuddling beside her, enjoying the joy of heaven.


The door knocked as Ding Dong knocked. After a moment, a staff member opened the door with an awkward look and said

"Miss Bai, Miss Zhao, sorry, someone came to see you Bai teacher?"

"Someone came to me?"

Bai Jinglan frowned slightly, with some dissatisfaction.

Miss Zhao stood up and scouted.

"Then some fans or other people want white grandma's paintings, you tell them that grandma is very tired today, there is no time to pick up anyone, if they have something to let them come back tomorrow

Obviously, as a celebrity, there are not a few people who need to come to see Grandma White every day in order to be close.

Some are for painting and some are for other purposes

"No, no, Mr. Bai, hello, this time it's not the other people who came to you, but the people you gave your young girl under the waterfall at the auction this morning, They are here again, saying that something urgent is looking for you, I wonder if you will be available to meet you. "

"If not available, I will reject them now"

The staff spoke quickly

"Wait! What are you talking about? The ones I gave the girl under the waterfall are back? What the **** is going on?"

Ms. Bai Jinglan frowned, stood up, her eyes full of doubts, and hesitated to say

"Okay, you bring them in."

After a while

Ms. Bai Jinglan still agreed, she felt strange.

I have given the girls under the waterfall to those people and Zhao Xiao's Sun Xiao and Zhao Xiaohui, so why did I come back to find myself?

Could it be said that something unexpected happened?

When it is normal, the lady will never meet people casually.

But Zhao Xiaohui is not the same. After all, she is Zhao Xiaohui's granddaughter, and this emotion is still there.

"OK, OK"

The staff nodded and turned to leave.

After a while

Bring Zhao Xiaohui, Zhang Xiaona, Cheng Yiping, art merchants Zhao Fei, Zhang Yelan, Zhao Guo, Wu Juan and others to the meeting room.

It is clear that Bai Jinglan and Miss Zhao did not expect that there would be so many people at once.

They thought there were only Cheng Yiping, Zhao Xiaohui and Zhang Xiaona, but now they talk too much.

Miss Zhao had a look of hesitation, and was just about to speak.

But seeing his grandmother Bai Jinglan booming, he stood up, with a look of astonishment on his face, walked two or three steps forward, and tremblingly came to the husband and daughter with a face in front.

In front of this is a woman with a flower face, although her spirit is quite good, but her head is also white and white, and her face is covered with flower dance wrinkles.

He looked hesitant in Bai Jinglan's eyes.

"You are Zhang Yelan, is it really you?"

Ms. Bai Jinglan was surprised and couldn't believe it.

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