Super Finding App

Chapter 1898: chat

Destiny is a very wonderful thing. It cannot be seen or touched. There is no law. But it is undeniable that sometimes destiny is like a clown who plays with people and separates loved ones. People who are thousands of miles away are connected, can't see clearly and can't touch, but they are full of infinite possibilities for the future.

"Are you Zhang Huanlan?"

Ms. Bai Jinglan raised her head with trembling, her eyes were not equal, she stared at Zhang Huanlan in front of Rong Huajia.

Even though she had wrinkles on her face and gray hair, she could still see the immature face in high school and college.

For a while, Bai Jinglan seemed to be back in the past, and after 30 years of absence, the youth and memories that had almost forgotten by Bai Jinglan came to mind.

"It's me, it's really me, Bai Jinglan hasn't seen you in a long time."

Zhang Huanlan slightly clicked, he had some restraints, and the excited look in his eyes opened his mouth, swallowing the words to be spoken later.

If you can, Zhang Huanlan doesn't want to ask for Jinglan Lan for free. After all, she and others have grown up, and they have become a 60-year-old man with a face.

Maybe it is because they have experienced a lot that they cherish the memories of the past years, and let them know the human condition.

Sometimes real friends cannot talk about money, and once money is mixed, even pure relationships may become corrupted or even broken.

Just like a paragraph on the Internet, two people who were very good originally were equivalent to a dead party. They can wear a pair of pants if they have a good relationship, but because one of them has something to borrow from the other, their relationship has stagnated for more than ten years. Live, even some broken, can never return to its original state.

Everyone can get along with each other without owing money, but once money is involved, the relationship will change.

I'm afraid this is what people say, talking about money hurts feelings.

But now for Zhang Huanlan, she really has no other choice.

"It's you, it's you, it's you"

It was obvious that Bai Jinglan didn't know the psychological activity and psychological pressure of Zhang Huanlan in front of her. A bright smile appeared on her face. She stepped forward two steps quickly, holding Zhang Huanlan's hand tightly with both hands, excited.

Miss Zhao looked hesitant.

In her impressions, her grandmother has always been polite and cultured, she has never been as excited as she is now.

Who is this old lady in front of me?

"How long, how long? We haven't seen each other for almost 30 years, and who can think that when I transferred and left, I thought I could see each other again, but I didn't expect that it would take so many years to pass."

In the lounge, Cheng Yiping sat side by side, and the staff had brought tea for a long time.

Bai Jinglan and Zhang Huanlan sat together and talked to each other.

Bai Jinglan's tone was quite excited, and his face even overflowed with a smile that Miss Zhao had never seen before.

I'm afraid it is the yearning and nostalgia for the past after the baptism of time.

"It's true. I haven't seen it for 30 years. Although the technology has become quite developed, it is not too difficult to find someone, but sometimes it is difficult to meet even in a city. Increasingly difficult, technology has developed, but we always feel that our relationship, the relationship between people is more difficult than ever before. "

Zhang Huanlan shook her head with a bitter smile.

She still remembers the courtyard house where she lived when she was a child. The neighbours knew each other and enjoyed each other. Now the environment is better and she lives in the elevator room, but it is not even clear whether the opposite is male or female or old or young.

The relationship between people is even indifferent than ordinary people.

"That's true. I thought I could keep in touch with you after I transferred, but then things broke down and I forgot about it over time. I didn't expect we could meet again now."

Bai Jinglan shook his head with a bitter smile, randomly diverted the topic, raised his head, and showed a surprised look

"Why are you with Zhao Xiaohui and others, does it mean that Zhao Xiaohui has found you, and you already know about Zhao Juan?"

Zhang Huanlan nodded, opened her mouth, and said

"I already know, who can think that Zhao Juan will often get seriously ill and will leave before us. This is how we never thought of it. My only regret now is that he did not see her last when he left. On the one hand, if you knew this would happen, you should find him in advance. "

Did not see the last side of his friend, this is a heart in Zhang Huanlan's heart.

It is exactly this way that he is willing to give Zhao Xiaohui the painting he painted.

If it really isn't because something happened in her house that can't be resolved.

"It's true. Now think about the past 30 years. At that time, I was really too naive."

Bai Jinglan shook his head with a smile, a sad look on his face

"Are you still blaming him?"

Zhang Huanlan hesitated, and asked,

"Strange? How is that possible? It was really strange at the time, but now let's see how old we are, we're all over 60. How could we still be weird about things 30 years ago? Now think about it, at that time How naive I am, not to mention that if I had been with him in the past, I might not have been better than I am now "

Bai Jinglan smiled and shook his head.

Life is really a very wonderful thing, and destiny is really a very wonderful thing.

"Thirty years ago, I thought it was like the end of the world, but now it seems that I was very childish and ridiculous at the time, but it was just a man, not to mention the boyfriend is not the type of marriage , Is it necessary to die so much to live? "

"There is no need at all. If you are a young man now, there are even some rejoicing and happiness, because you can see clearly that the nature of the scumbag is better than finding the truth after marriage!"

Zhang Huanlan and Bai Jinglan talked to each other, and the words gradually changed into the memory of the past young years and the events that happened in the past, and they smiled from time to time.

Years can change everything, but the precipitation of the same years has also made everyone remember the past emotions.

The most important thing in a person's life is memory, and it is the memory that happened in the past, whether it is good, bad, happy or painful, and finally organized into a life of his own!

"Zhang Huanlan, are you following them this time, is there anything wrong? Is it for that friendship painting, or do you want to come and see me?"

After a brief greeting, Bai Jinglan asked

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