Super Finding App

Chapter 1899: letter

The original happy atmosphere was instantly solidified, and the smile of Zhang Huanlan, who was originally smiling, changed instantly, with some ugliness.

Originally, he thought he could tell Bai Jinglan's situation in his home properly, but now he swallowed it.

She did not want to destroy the relationship and friendship between herself and Bai Jinglan.

I don't want Bai Jinglan to think that he came to him to ask for her, thinking about her money, although the situation at her house is really very bad now.

I watched Zhang Huanlan's complexion change in front of her, and Bai Jinglan instantly understood.

Is she a stupid person who has lived in her 60s? She is also a professor painter and has experienced many people and things.

Looking in front of her, she hoped that her friend would be hesitant and even entangled. She knew that there were some words that seemed to be her friend. The former girlfriend Zhang Huanlan was not easy to say.

And the things that can make it difficult for her girlfriends to speak out are related to money!

"What happened to Zhang Huanlan? You can come to me, just treat me as a friend, as a former girlfriend. In this case, is there anything else we can't say?"

Money can indeed test people's hearts

Some people will turn against each other because of money. Good brotherhood and sisterhood will part ways because of money.

But it is undeniable that the feelings that can truly experience the baptism of years, the baptism of money, and friendship are the most precious feelings.

Although this is quite rare, even in many cases, everyone is a good brother who does n’t talk about money. Good buddies, talking about money means dying.

But it is undeniable that there are indeed many more friendships than money in this world!

Zhang Huanlan looked hesitant, her face a little tangled, looked up, and looked at her son Zhao Guo, daughter-in-law Wu Juan, and his grandson Zhao Gang with a sigh of sigh, exposing bitterness. Smile.

Although friendship is important and your own face is more important, the situation at your own grandson's home is not easy.

Sometimes this is the case in the world. Fish and bear's paw can't have both.

this is the truth

There is never a simple word for the adult world in reality.

After a while

Zhang Huanlan introduced the situation in her own home, and at the same time she gave out the suggestions of Zhao Xiaohui, art businessman Zhao Fei and others.

Bai Jinglan frowned slightly, and there was some discomfort in his heart. He looked up and asked Zhao Xiaohui word by word.

"Are you really determined? Are you ready to auction friendship paintings?"

She was really displeased. After all, she gave Zhao Xiaohui, the girl she couldn't reach the waterfall, to complete Zhao Xiaohui's grandmother Zhao Juan's last wish, not to auction it off.

Although Zhang Huanlan is really short of money now, there is always a feeling of being deceived.

Zhao Xiaohui with a beautiful face stood up quickly and looked at Bai Jinglan in front of him with a hesitant look.

"" Ms. Bai, I did not agree at first, but now this is the only way to help Ms. Zhang Huanlan. After all, I think if my grandma is alive, she will make the same choice. After all, the painting is just a painting. Being able to help my friends and girlfriends is the most important thing. "

"Is Zhao Juan?"

A look of confusion appeared in Ms. Bai Jinglan's eyes.

Had it not been for the two sides to have parted ways under the waterfall where this friendship painting had been painted, it would not have been 30 years.

Although it is said that people die like a lamp, Zhao Juan is dead, but this root still exists in the heart.

Perhaps it is because of the age that they can see things in the past deeper and more clearly than before.

You can don't mind it, but it doesn't mean that you don't have a mustache in your heart.

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, you guys did it on purpose."

Miss Zhao, who was listening to her, suddenly stood up, showing a sarcastic smile, her eyes widened, and she said angrily.

"Grandma don't believe them. They are all a group of scammers. They are good at deceiving your painting for their grandma's will. That's it. If it is done, it will be fine. Selling paintings is simply ridiculous "

"And if I guessed right, the reason they asked your grandma for your consent was because you wanted to make grandma's fame. After all, you are the painter and the celebrity, and the paintings of the other two are worthless. Money, grandma, don't be fooled "

"And get the words back."

It is unemotional to have the word.

If money is not involved, I am afraid that many disputes in the world will be eliminated.

It is a pity that money is not a good thing, but the problem is that it is absolutely impossible to have no money on the whole world.

Jinglan Lan's face became increasingly ugly and changing.

He agreed with his granddaughter Miss Zhao, but hesitated a little bit, saying that he didn't feel cheated, which is impossible.

But looking at Zhang Yelan in front of her, she opened her mouth and refused to say anything.

When she was hesitant, Cheng Yiping stood up and said,

"Hi Ms. Bai, that's it. I think there is one thing I hope you can know a little better."

Is there one thing I would like to know?

Bai Jinglan, who was in a tangled state, looked up, revealing a look of doubt.

Cheng Yiping nodded and replied

"Yes, we looked for the last painting in Zhao Juan's grandma's house, and there was a letter in the painting. This letter was written for you. It should be said that Ms. Zhao Juan wrote to Ms. Bai Jinglan. A letter "

"What? Zhao Juan left a letter for me?"

Bai Jinglan's eyes widened suddenly, with some doubts and confusion.

Cheng Yiping motioned Zhao Xiaohui with his eyes.

Zhao Xiaohui then reacted, and quickly took the letter from her arms and put it in her clothes.

It is clear.

This letter was specially treated. Maybe Zhao Juan knew that she had no time, so she put it in the painting, so that later people could see it and give it to Bai Jinglan.

"Zhao Juan, Zhao Juan"

Bai Jinglan took the letter with a complex complexion. Looking at the slightly delicate handwriting on the letter, he could see at a glance that it was indeed a character written by his dear girlfriend Zhao Juan.

In other words, it is the one who treats herself as a girlfriend, but finally betrays her.

Bai Jinglan's complexion was pale and pale, and he exhaled a long breath.

If I was 10 years ago, I wouldn't even look at these things, I would even grit my teeth.

She hates the feeling of betrayal the most, but now people go to tea, people die like lights, people are already dead, what's the point of your struggle now?

The thought of Bai Jinglan sighed, there was some remorse, some complexity, and even some sadness.

Slowly tore the letter bit by bit, and took out the piece of paper still printed with blood ...

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