Super Finding App

Chapter 1917: Method

Inside the room, Du Mingyue and Wu Huihui were silent, and the atmosphere suddenly solidified, as if a needle fell to the ground and could be heard clearly.

Wu Huihui exhaled for a long time, only to find that she was cold all over the body, and fell to the bed with a thump, and the words she spoke were trembling with concealment.

"What the **** is going on here? Du Mingyue, if what we analyze is correct, then this Peng Donghai is really completely different from what we imagined. Seeing that Peng Donghai usually treats you as a gentleman, and He is still a handsome rich man, which is very in line with the image of the prince in the heart of the girl. He is also in every respect and considerate to you. Even I think he and you are golden boys and girls. If he really deceives you, it is really too It ’s terrible. It ’s a way of knowing others, knowing what they are thinking. God knows what he thinks. If you really find that Peng Donghai is deceiving you, what would you do? ”

"I don't know, I don't know, my brain is in a state of chaos now, and I don't know what to do."

Du Mingyue shook his head with a bitter smile. He really has no God.

It seems like the facts that I could have always believed and the three views instantly collapsed.

Peng Donghai, who in her opinion has been regarded as her future half who can be entrusted to life, but now she is surprised to find that she has no understanding of the other half and even deceives herself, which really makes her feel creepy. And overwhelmed.

Looking at Du Mingyue's nervousness and fear, Wu Huihui sat up and reached out and patted Du Mingyue's back comfortably.

"Mr. Du Mingyue, don't be too cranky. People always make mistakes. No one can guarantee that others will not make any mistakes. Maybe Peng Donghai really likes you. He may lie because of a misunderstanding. If that's the case, I think it is excusable. "

"You won't really part ways with him just because he is lying, I think he should be sincere to you"

"I understand, I understand, or just because of this, I am even more apprehensive and uneasy. I do n’t know if Peng Donghai and Peng Donghai I know are really alone. He only deceived me, or did he say There are many things that have deceived me. You should also know that when a woman marries, she entrusts him with the second half of her life. I don't want to entrust non-people. That is a matter of a lifetime. "

Du Mingyue nodded heavily. Although she grew up abroad, she attached great importance to marriage.

Although it is a very common thing to get married and divorced these days, for Du Mingyue, after all, it is a major event in life. It is very important and must not be careless.

"I see. This is exactly what you think and worry about, but what should you do so far, are you going to confront Peng Donghai? I believe that if you face him with him, I should be able to know the truth of the matter "

Du Mingyue shakes his head like a rattle, and the whole person exudes a gray air.

"No, no, no, I do n’t want to confront Hu Donghai. Maybe when I face him, I can really know why he lied, but now I do have some distrust in him because I do n’t know what he said. Is it true or not? Is there anything else he is hiding from me? I don't want to be deceived by him anymore, at least I need to know the truth. "

Trust is hard to understand, but it is very important for couples.

Once there is no trust between couples, I am afraid the relationship will fall apart.

Obviously, Du Mingyue is a very sensitive woman who values ​​her trust, or that she does not want to be deceived.

"This is because, after all, a man can tell a lie, he can say a second time, he can say a third time, and a fourth time. No one knows what a man says is true and which is false. Is that all right? If a man can rely on a sow, he will go up the tree. "

Wu Huihui nodded deeply. Although he was an independent maiden, she was tall and graceful and her face was sought after by many men in society.

There are many company leaders and customers. Of course, most people only care about her body.


There is no way to be sincere, then naturally you will not be hurt.

"Well, what are you going to do now? If you don't ask Peng Donghai, how can you know who is the one who saved you six months ago?"

Wu Huihui frowned and was at a loss.

"After all, things have passed so long, and no one has jumped out and identified Peng Donghai as lying. That is really something weird."

"It's true, but one thing can prove that the person who saved me must be our Repertory Theatre"

Du Mingyue said decisively.

"It must be someone from your troupe? Why are you so confident? Can it not be outsiders, not firefighters, why do you say it will be your troupe?"

Wu Huihui felt strange and asked curiously.

"It's very simple, because his monkey mask was at the time. Do you think firefighters will bring monkey masks?"

"Yeah, yeah, how can I forget this, if you say so, this is indeed the case. If you are a monkey mask, only the talents of your theater company will wear it. Firefighters, even if they come in to save people, I will definitely not wear a monkey mask, only a smoke-proof mask. It is really possible to say that, it ’s the people of your theater company.

"Since you are from the Repertory Theatre, he must know that Peng Donghai is lying, but in this case, why didn't he jump out? This is too strange, right?"

Wu Huihui nodded cautiously, but then felt more strange, it seemed that the mystery became more

Du Mingyue nodded

"This is indeed quite strange, but I believe that as long as I can find out the one who really saved me, everything will be revealed. So, Wu Huihui, can you help me? Find out who will really save me. "

This is already the best method that Du Yueming can think of now,

The best way to know the whole truth of the matter is to find out the parties.

"Okay, okay, what is Du Mingyue's relationship with you, but you are my girlfriend, you do n’t say that I will really help you, it ’s just weird. If you want to find someone, how should you find it? ? Although I have been to your theater company a few times, I am not familiar with it. "

Wu Huihui nodded heavily and said with a sigh.

Suddenly his eyes lighted up and he said

"Wait, I thought of something that might help you"


Du Mingyue asked curiously.

Wu Huihui smiled, his eyes brightened.

"Super Finding App"

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