Super Finding App

Chapter 1918: Super Hidden Object

"Super Finding App? I see, I understand. Are you talking about Super Finding App?"

Du Mingyue apparently froze, then reacted, turned around, picked up his mobile phone from the bedside table and opened it, and there was a super-find app icon in it.

Click gently.

Suddenly, a bright and rotating starry sky emerged, and a deep and distant one-eyed pupil appeared, but when I continued to click, I found that a paragraph of text was displayed.

[Insufficient faith points! 】

"Useless, useless, since the super-hunting app appeared, I used it when I was okay, but I needed faith points. You also know that I was busy performing every day when I was in the theater company. There are so many, it is simply impossible to take two hours to pray religiously, not to mention that the so-called God of Finding Objects is more like an ethereal thing. I do n’t believe it at all, how can there be such a faith point? "

"Aren't you going to let me start praying every day to gather my faith points and launch a super-hunting app?"

Du Mingyue looked at the mobile phone in his hand and sighed, looked up, and showed a bitter smile.

One way is that when the book is used, the party hates less.

Also when I used the Super Hidden Object App, I realized that the faith points are so precious, and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"What's more, even if I pray for two hours every day now, God knows how many faith points I need to find success. Don't forget that I will marry Peng Donghai after half a month. If I have time, I will have no time at all I do n’t know, this is too risky. "

"It's true. I didn't expect that this super finder app needs faith points. No, to be precise, I don't know that this belief point is not enough. This is really a very troublesome thing."

Wu Huihui tilted her head with a hesitant look.

Suddenly, he looked up and said

"Well, besides this super finder app, we have other ways."

"There are other ways? What else do you do?"

Du Mingyue looked puzzled, and found that her girlfriend Wu Huihui was really quick-witted, one after another, and she was at a loss as to where she was.

"It's very simple, we can look for super finders"

Du Mingyue nodded for a moment, then gave a bitter smile and shook his head.

"I have already told you that the super finder app on my mobile phone needs faith points, and my belief points are not enough at all, how to use the super finder app"

"No, no, Du Mingyue, you are wrong. I mean not to use the super finder app on the mobile phone, but to find the super finder on the Internet. He is a person who helps people find things. I've seen it on posts on the Internet before. I heard that many people have searched for him, and they have been 100% successful. It is a great urban legend. I think we can try it out if he can really find success. Anymore? "

"An urban legend named Super Hidden Object? Really fake? Wouldn't it be a joke, and it is said that this thing is really reliable?"

Du Mingyue opened her mouth, her face full of doubt.

"How could it be unbelievable, please. Now, even such magical things as Super Hidden App have appeared. Do you think it is strange that some other magical things appear again? Moreover, we just contacted it, did we only know if we found it? Or do you have other ways to think "

Wu Huihui shrugged her shoulders, and some said indifferently

Du Mingyue's expression became hesitant, and he nodded heavily.

"Yes, you are absolutely correct. If so, give it a try. I really want to know who was the one who rescued me from the fire half a year ago. What is he hiding in Peng Donghai? Secret, if I do n’t figure this out, this marriage, I really do n’t dare

"Hey, no problem, let's find it now"

Wu Huihui pulled out her phone and started searching quickly.

After about half an hour, I finally found a post of the Super Hidden App in one of the sites that was almost sinked to the bottom, and my eyes suddenly lighted up.

"I found it, I found it. You see this post. Super-finding is pretty good. Is it using a satellite navigation system plus face recognition? And it's cheap to find someone, as long as 500 yuan. Somewhat strange, can he find it? "

Wu Huihui frowned at this super-looking post, and saw her eyes glared, then raised her head, revealing a helpless smile.

"Du Mingyue, it seems that I am mistaken. This person seems to be using satellite navigation system and face recognition to find, in other words, he can help us find people, but we want him to help us find people in half a year. Who is the one who saved you in the fire?

Du Mingyue, who had some hope, smiled bitterly

"This is of course. One is looking for an existing goal, and I want to find an unknown person. It seems that there is really no way."

Looking at the depressed Du Mingyue, Wu Huihui had some concerns and reached out and patted her shoulder.

"If that's the case, let's think about other ways."

Du Mingyue nodded slightly, looking at the night road outside the window

"We also rest early, I need to think about it myself."

As night fell, the room fell into silence, Wu Huihui lying on the bed thinking about it, always feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

He pulled out his phone and checked out the super-hunting post, after a moment of hesitation.

In the end, the contact method of the super seeker was recorded, and then opened on the letter Z to add it, and wrote in the verification code

"Super find, can you find it if it is unknown?"

I'm really a demon

I don't even know what kind of person I am looking for. Now let someone search for it through satellite navigation system and face recognition. How could I find it?

What the **** am I doing.

After the verification message was sent, Wu Huihui showed a bitter smile. She felt that she had some nervousness.

It is estimated that the super-seeker who saw this verification message will definitely treat her as an idiot.

Thinking of here, Wu Huihui shook her head funnyly, just ready to put the phone aside and suddenly the phone vibrated slightly, and only saw a message appear in her eyes.

[Super Finding is verified, Super Finding and friends can now chat! 】

"What does it mean to find someone unknown? I need to know the details!"

"That's it. My friend, she had a fire half a year ago. She needs to find someone who rescued her from the fire, but we only know that he is a man and wearing a mask. He doesn't know his face. Even if you can find success in this way? "

Looking at the news that she called out, Wu Huihui thought it was heaven and earth.

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