Super Finding App

Chapter 1924: It's him

"Interesting, interesting, this is really quite interesting. I am afraid this is a plot that only appears in TV novels. This is really interesting."

For Du Mingyue and Wu Huihui, the piety-seeking of the super-hunting app was just a few minutes later to find the target they were looking for. Who was the one who rescued Du Mingyue and the fire half a year ago?

However, for Cheng Yiping, the time has passed quite a long time. Taking him to find things using the super-sense belief of the super finder app, in reality is only a few seconds but in the process of finding things A long time has passed.

The length of this time depends on the path that Cheng Yiping is looking for.

When he received Du Mingyue's pious search request, he immediately clicked the super-sense belief search in the Super Search App.

With the emergence of texts in the mind of the super-hunting APP faith in the mind.

[Super Sensational Searches cost 500 faith points, whether to use them]


Cheng Yiping clicked and used it with some pain. After a while, the rotating and bright starry sky appeared in his mind, and the deep and distant unique pupil appeared.

As the golden light erupted, it surrounded the starry sky with a colorful channel.

The soul avatar quietly appeared at the intersection of the passage, then turned and walked into the colorful passage.

next moment

Immediately in a vast universe, surrounded by a blue planet, the majestic attraction from the planet sucked the soul into it.

In an instant

Crossing the sea of ​​clouds, the fallen world, with a bang, the soul turned over and floated in a theater apartment. The red flames in the theater apartment were constantly burning, making a crackling sound.

Just through the soul avatar, Cheng Yiping can still feel the desperate atmosphere at that time. The red flame is constantly burning the apartment in front of him, burning all the items.

Facing the horrible flames of purgatory, human beings are so incompetent and weak, they can only make a voice for help.

A large number of residents in the apartment and members of the Repertory Theatre fled from the apartment in a daunting manner, and they simply did not care whether they still had their money in the room, whether they still had their own belongings, and kept their A small life, this is the most important.

Watching the endless group of members running out, Cheng Yiping, who was under his soul, shook his head slightly.

In peace, people need more money and more benefits. But when facing the danger of their lives and the danger of their own lives, the money and benefits they rely on are simply unbeatable.

Only your own life is the most precious.

"Help me, help me, help me, help me, help me, help me"

The flames kept burning, and exclaimed and flustered shouts came.

The soul slowly lifted his head, and clearly saw Du Mingyue trapped in the room among the constantly burning flames.

She desperately wanted to break free of the room surrounded by the flames, but was not forced to return to the room by a few steps. Within the entire room.

Du Mingyue covered her mouth and nose, and gradually collapsed. She felt desperate, her soul moved forward, her body passed through the flames and the people being rescued.

Walking in the flames.

A flame that is enough to burn everything has no effect on the soul clone.

The soul traversed through it, without any harm, and appeared through Du Mingyue's room through the wall, lowering his head and expressionless.

Du Mingyue in the room was desperately struggling, but a lot of flames and smoke screamed, and she gradually fainted and fell to the ground with a plop.

When she was about to close her eyes and even fell into a coma, she saw the door burst open and a black figure burst out.

The figure was wearing a fire suit with flames.

The only thing I could see was a monkey-like mask on my face.

The man covered Du Mingyue's body with a fire suit, hugged her, and rushed out of the sea of ​​fire.

The flame was constantly burning. As soon as the door was about to be rushed out, the wood on the beam fell and slammed heavily on the man's left shoulder, burning a piece, and the man made a painful, low voice He couldn't care less about the scorched pain above his left shoulder, holding Du Mingyue out of the flames.

The flames were burning around him, but he hugged Du Mingyue out of the flames tightly, and an exclaiming sound came from outside!

Was it the man who rescued Du Mingyue six months ago?

The soul looked at it silently, without any hindrance, and then raised its hand and snapped a snapping finger.

In an instant.

The surrounding scenes seemed to be transformed into continuous bubbles like bubbles, and then disappeared, as if they were replayed, and everything was played back continuously.

The soul walked in tandem, walking step by step with the monkey mask-wearing man. After a while, the surrounding scene returned to normal

The soul was distracted looking at the weird lip color on the masked man's face.

And this scene also gradually passed through the eyes of the soul to fall into the eyes of Cheng Yiping, his look became abnormally strange, the pupils shrank sharply.

It would be him!

Du Mingyue and Wu Huihui walked step by step with Du Mingyue ’s mobile phone, following the instructions of the super-hunting app, and the two walked in the theater's apartment.

"It's really weird. The direction shown by this instruction is in the apartment of our theater company. Does it mean that Du Mingyue was really spoken by you? Is the person who rescued you half a year ago a member of the theater company?"

"If this is too strange, if he is really a member of the Repertory Theatre, he should know that Peng Donghai is lying, so why didn't he jump out and identify?"

Wu Huihui frowned as she walked, she felt very strange.

"This is indeed very strange, but I believe that as long as we find out who rescued me on the fire half a year ago, I think we should be able to know the answer. Let's go, there is the boy's dormitory in the apartment in front of me. Should be here "

Du Mingyue nodded heavily, biting her teeth lightly. It is impossible to say that she is 100% convinced of the piety-seeking app of Super Find App in her eyes, but now she still feels hesitant.

I hope I can really find out who was the one who saved himself and the fire six months ago.

Accompanying Wu Huihui and Du Mingyue, they walked along with the instructions of the super quest app.


The red arrow glowed before their eyes.

A man appeared in front of them, watching Du Mingyue and Wu Xiuxiu look confused.

"What are you two doing here?"

The crisp voice fell into the ears of Wu Huihui and Du Mingyue. The two raised their heads and their legs contracted sharply. The man who appeared in front of him was Du Qiu!

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