Super Finding App

Chapter 1925: Du Qiu

Du Qiu?

"How could it be you?"

Wu Huihui's surprised mouth widened and blurted out. Du Qiu was wearing ordinary clothes. At the moment, he was still holding a bucket and a rag and a mop. Obviously he was cleaning.

But what surprised Wu Huihui and Du Mingyue was that Du Qiu's body emitted a red light, exactly like Du Mingyue's homing sign, which marked the supernatural search of APp.

This red light even soared into the sky, showing that Du Qiu was the target they were looking for.

"I'm here to clean up. What's the matter with you? Is there anything I can help you with? You can order me and I can do it right away."

Du Qiu had some awkwardly reached out and touched the back of his head. He looked at Du Mingyue, and some of his hands dropped his head, his face was slightly red.

Obviously he is a relatively stingy boy.

"It's okay, it's okay, we just come and take a look, we just come and take a look"

Compared with his mouth wide, and even some overwhelmed Du Mingyue, Wu Huihui quickly responded, and randomly found an excuse to pass it on.

Du Qiu nodded heavily

"In this case, I will go to work if I have a problem. If you have a problem, you can come to me, and it's not too early now, you need to rest earlier."

Du Qiu said a few words and turned to continue cleaning.

Wu Huihui and Du Mingyue looked at Du Qi who was leaving with complex expressions

"No. Could it be that Du Qiu was the one who rescued you from the fire six months ago? This is too strange, I thought of many people, but I never thought it would be Du Qiu to save you. There are some unrealistic things at all. Isn't it true that the piety-seeking goal of the super-hunting app is wrong? "

Because the purpose of this super-hunting app's devotion to find things is beyond her expectations, this makes Wu Huihui feel strange.

Two people lowered their heads and Du Mingyue set their eyes on the mobile phone. I saw a text appearing on the page of the super-hunting app.

[Super Finding App Religious Finding Success, I wish the seekers a smooth sailing]

"It turned out to be true, Du Mingyue, if you look at this super patrol app, it turns out that the search for the object was successful. Doesn't that mean that Du Qiu really saved you from the fire six months ago, It turned out to be Du Qiu. "

"This is really beyond our expectations. This Du Qiu Ping Xiang didn't have much sense of existence at all. I didn't expect to be able to do such a thing. It's just strange. Since he saved you, why is he? Do n’t show it? Why is Peng Donghai taking his credit, but he is silent? This is too strange, is there anything we do n’t know?

The more Wu Huihui thought, the more strange she felt, and she frowned slightly.

Du Mingyue bit her teeth slightly, her fingers were shaking slightly, and she raised her head.

"I also find it very strange, but since this super-hunting app has found Du Qiu, that is enough to show that Du Qiu must have been the one who rescued me from the fire six months ago. I must find him and ask clearly. What happened, if it was really he who saved me, why he refused to come out and admit it, and instead gave the credit to Peng Donghai. "

"Wait, wait, Du Mingyue, you can think clearly. Although we have found Du Qiu now, but if you really ask, what do you think? Are you ready to break up with Peng Dongkai? Still, what do you want? After all, Peng Donghai and you will get married in half a month, do n’t you want to regret it?

Wu Huihui had some pain in her head. Originally, he thought that the person rescued by Du Mingyue and the fire scene that Super Finding App had finally found must be Peng Donghai, but he did not expect that it would be Du Qiu.

There are really many troublesome things. The most important thing is that Du Mingyue and Peng Donghai will get married in half a month. Everyone has already discussed marriage, and even wedding stickers have been issued. This is an urgent matter .

“I do n’t know, I do n’t know, but I do know that marriage is very important. Maybe I wo n’t break up with Peng Donghai, but the main thing is to know what ’s going on between Peng Donghai and Du Qiu. Deal, what happened to the two of them? "

"Is Peng Donghai worthy of my marriage? Wu Huihui, I don't want to divorce after getting married. What women are most afraid of is marrying the wrong person."

Obviously, Du Mingyue considered very carefully.

Although she only carved an unusually pale face, her heart was beating fiercely.

Just before she was about to get married, she found that Peng Donghai had something to deceive herself, which made her feel terrified and disturbed.

You can lie before you get married. After you get married, how can Du Mingyue not have any confidence to gamble.

She desperately wanted to know the truth of the matter, maybe it was a good-faith lie.

"What should we do now?"

Wu Huihui frowned, and she felt quite curious, and asked

Du Mingyue gritted his teeth, and a serious look appeared in his eyes

"Let's go to Du Xiu now and ask him in person. I have to know what happened in the fire half a year ago. Since he saved me and didn't admit it, he gave the credit to Peng. Donghai, I need to know what happened! "

"This is indeed possible. If you ask Peng Donghai, he may use other words to deal with you in the past. Du Qiu is quite honest, and he should not say panic. We will pass now and just look for Du Qiu to watch. See what's going on "

"I am also very curious. Since he saved you in the fire half a year ago, why did he give credit to Peng Donghai? Is there anything unspeakable between them?"

On the other side, in Jiangzhen City, Cheng Yiping's home.

At this moment, he yawned and sat in front of the computer desk, his eyes filled with sadness.

Head down, but a piece of text appears in my head

[Super Finding App Super Feeling Faith Finding Success ...]

[Get 150 Faith Points]

After a long time.

Cheng Yiping then raised his head, looked through the window to the Wanjia lights outside, and sighed sighingly.

"I never thought that this would be the case. This is really a very sad story. It was really a difficult sea, but Wushan is not a cloud ..."

"This is really a very **** world!"

"Perhaps for Du Mingyue, if she does not know the truth of the matter, it is a very good thing for her. It can be seen that there are some things in this world that cannot be investigated, and some truths are There are some things you ca n’t touch, but it ’s better not to know. ”

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