Super Finding App

Chapter 1926: Li Lei

Half a year ago ... night fell and the stars

After a day of performance and work, the members of the company returned to the company's apartment.

The main reason why they work on drama is because the theater company can eat, eat, and eat. Don't underestimate these two points and work hard in the field. Just eating and living will cost a lot of energy and money.

If you can provide food and accommodation, it will reduce the monthly expenses for foreigners.

"Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong, Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong"

Du Qiu returned to his room after a busy day of work.

At this moment, he carefully took out the box under the bed, and inside it was a set of Qitian Shengwu Wukong drama clothes, the most striking of which was a monkey mask.

He put the monkey's mask lightly on his face, turned around and started performing in the room.

The truth is that for one minute on stage, 10 years of success.

Many audiences have watched the actors perform superbly on the stage, but no one knows how hard they practice in private, how much blood and sweat they shed can show their perfection on the stage. status.

Du Qiu is very clear that he is only a juggler in the drama troupe after all, and has not learned a special drama performance.

He wants to perform, and it is more difficult to perform on stage, so the only thing he can do is practice his own performance at home while he is off work, performing his own acting skills, hope One day I can go on stage.

"Noisy, it's really noisy, I said, Du Qiu, what are you trying to do?"

The Theatre Company's apartment is a room for four people living together. It is simply not a single apartment.

Just after Du Qiu had performed in the room for a while, the door of a room was pushed open, and a man walked out in disgust, shook his head with a smile when watching Du Qiu

"I said Du Qiu, you wouldn't really think you could perform on stage, it's simply impossible. You just come here to do miscellaneous work. Isn't it enough to do your own job? You still want to perform, It's ridiculous. "

"If you can really get you on the stage, do you think that those of us who specialize in science classes should not be confused?"

Du Qiu lowered his head in shock. Don't rush to speak

"I, I'm just curious, I just perform at home, I'm just curious"

Obviously, Du Qiu is relatively inferior. After all, both in terms of education and performance are far worse than regular drama actors.

"Forget it, if you want to perform, just perform. Anyway, stay in the room and no one will watch it. I will go out after a while. This room will be left to you. You can do whatever you want, but when I come back, I will take care of the house. Clean it up, understand? "

The drama actor Li Lei nodded, and shook his head.

In his opinion, Du Qiu was just entertaining himself.

"I know, I know, rest assured, I will clean it up"

Du Qiu's head was like the chick pecking a ball

In fact, in the theater's apartment, each of the rooms should be cleaned by themselves, but who made Du Qiu to be a miscellaneous person, was also bullied in the apartment, and sometimes even in the apartment's public places Autumn comes to clean.

Du Qiu did not refuse, perhaps for him, being able to stay in the Repertory Theatre is already pretty good.

Li Lei nodded, immediately put on his clothes, then turned away and opened the door.

Du Qiu took a sigh of relief, then raised his head, a bright smile on his face again, and began to perform himself in the room.

He likes drama very much, even if he is not able to perform, just entertaining himself at home, everything is worth to him.

What's more, cleaning up these things is easy for Du Qiu.

"Boss, boss is here, boss is here."

Li Lei, a member of the Repertory Theatre, came to the other room of the Repertory Theatre with a smile, reached out and knocked on the door, and the door opened.

There are already a few members of the Repertory Theatre inside. When they saw Li Lei coming, they waved the beer cans in their hands.

"Come, come, Li Lei, I'm waiting for you, come in quickly."

Li Lei walked in with a bright smile, and immediately saw Peng Donghai sitting in the main position.

"Boss, I'm here. I'll be here as soon as I receive your news. Boss's performance today is really awesome. It's just wonderful to show this Monkey King Wukong's performance."

Members of the Repertory Theatre, who are drinking around, praise me

"Yes, yes, the boss ’s performance today is really awesome. He simply embodies the essence of Qi Tianda's grandson Wu Kong, and I believe no matter who sees it, he will feel very good."

"You can make a mistake in this sentence. I don't know if other people watched whether they liked anime or not, but we didn't know that our boss Peng Donghai wanted to let Miss Du Mingyue see it."

"Yes, yes, in the whole theater company, who doesn't know that our boss likes Du Mingyue the most, boss, when will Miss Du catch up with us, we will fully support you"

Peng Donghai, with a handsome and handsome face, laughed with a smile. The whole body was lying on the sofa, holding a can of beer in his hand, and drinking it.

"Well, Du Mingyue? Don't worry, if I want to, Du Mingyue can't escape my palm at all, and Du Mingyue returned from overseas, both in terms of education and family background, and is very good, and I ’m still the daughter of the old head, and believe that if I stay with her, you will be the one in the whole Repertory Theatre, and each of you will be good by then. ”

"This is of course. We believe in my boss, not to mention that there are no other people in the entire theater troupe who are worthy of Du Mingyue. There is no such thing."

Li Lei said as he took out the cigarette and carefully handed it to Peng Donghai.

Then he took out the lighter and lit a cigarette. After watching Peng Donghai smoking, he circulated the cigarette again, and then he drank it while drinking alcohol, eating beer, and smoking a cigarette. The days can be said. Quite chic!

Unconsciously, after 30 days of drinking, Peng Donghai and others had already drunk some of them, ashtrays on the table top were also full of cigarettes, and the room was full of the smell of smoke and wine, which made them a bit drowsy sleep

Peng Donghai took a bite of the cigarette, his eyelids were shaking, and it seemed that even the cigarette could not lift his spirit up.

Holding a cigarette in his right hand, he pulled it to the side of the sofa, his eyes closed slowly, and a purring sound was made. The cigarette between his right fingers fell to the carpet.

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