Super Finding App

Chapter 1930: misunderstanding

"Hurry, look, come out, come out, someone comes out, someone comes out"

"Du Mingyue was rescued, Du Mingyue was rescued"

While standing near the scene of the fire, and rescued by firefighters, Peng Donghai's face was unusually ugly and tangled, and he was exhaling, exclaiming.

Peng Donghai suddenly raised his head and said

"What? Was Du Mingyue rescued? Where, where? Where is Du Mingyue?"

Li Lei and other actors of the Repertory Theatre also showed surprise, and looked up.

I saw a fire scene not far away, a man wearing a monkey mask hurriedly holding Du Mingyue and rushed out of the fire scene, although he was supported by firefighters on both sides, but even so It can be seen that his body is full of wolf, almost all of his clothes have been burnt to a burnt black color, and sweat is dripping. danger.

Du Qiu stumbled and held Du Mingyue out of the fire. Immediately, the doctors and nurses rushed up to support them.

As soon as he stepped out of the scene of the fire, Du Qiuzhen felt that his whole body's strength seemed to be exhausted in an instant.

He looked up and looked at the continuously-receiving drama group's apartment. He lowered his head and looked at Du Mingyue in his arms, slowly raised his head, and looked at the doctor and nurse who ran towards him with a hoarse, hoarse voice Feel old

"Save her, save her"

Then fainted, Du Qiu thumped and fell to the ground.

Before he fell to the ground, he was quickly supported by one of the nurses. When he touched Du Qiu's body, he could feel a hot temperature.

"Hurry up, save people, hurry up and take them to the hospital"

"Where is the ambulance?

Tossing the East China Sea quickly came towards an ambulance and saw Du Qiu who had been lying on a stretcher at a glance.

His monkey mask has long been taken aside by medical staff and slipped to the ground

Peng Donghai's face became harder and harder to look at, and even surprised.

"Du Qiu, Du Qiu, it will be Du Qiu"

"I did not expect that Du Qiu would rush to the scene of the fire to rescue Du Mingyue. This is really a man with an unattractive appearance. The seawater is incomparable. This is really quite interesting.

Peng Donghai's face became more ugly, and the more he felt the more annoyed and angry

Yes, there was a rush of anger from the inside of his heart to the door of his head, which made him grit his teeth, and even looked at Du Qi with some anger and hatred.

This hatred comes more from blame.

Du Mingyue was trapped in the fire scene, but he was outside the fire scene, and he did not dare to take a step at all.

Although under the circumstances at the time, I told myself that the fire was professional and was done by professional people. If I went in, I might still be burned by the fire, disfigured, or I might die in the fire, so Your decision is correct.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with what you do

However, his instinct still told him that he loved Du Mingyue and was willing to give everything for Du Mingyue, but when he was in danger, he cared more about his own life, not his life. .

Although this statement was very cruel, it was already very clear tossing the East China Sea. If he and Du Mingyue were in a dangerous situation, he would definitely save himself and throw Du Mingyue.

This is human nature.

"I did nothing wrong, I did nothing wrong, I absolutely did nothing wrong, all I did was followed the normal process, I did nothing wrong, and I definitely did nothing wrong"

Peng Donghai kept gritting his teeth and beating himself constantly.

Talking, he slowly took Du Qiu's monkey mask to the ground.

People are sometimes such strange things, they all have so-called love houses and black, or they are angry at people.

If others can't do it, instead of being grateful, he will feel very angry, and even have a sense of anger.

And this is what is called anger!

"It turned out to be Du Qiu. This was really beyond our expectations. I did not expect Du Qiu to rescue Du Mingyue in the fire. This really made us feel very unexpected. "

"Yes, yes, this Du Qiu really made us feel unexpected. Originally, it was just a messenger in this theater company, and it was not noticeable at all. I didn't expect him to be like this. Brave, this is really a real person who does not show up, and a show is not real! "

"Yes, yes, yes, this Du Qiu is really beyond our expectations. It seems that I have made a difference to him."

Peng Donghai listened to the members of the Repertory Theatre in your ears and talked with me in a whisper, and his face became increasingly ugly.

Maybe because the more they say and the more good things Du Qi said, Peng Donghai listened to it more and more ugly, and even abnormally uncomfortable in his heart. This made him grit his teeth, but he was helpless.

Looking down, watching the burning of Du Qiu in his hand became a coke-like ignorant mask gnashing his teeth.

Suddenly, the voice of a paramedic came from my ears

"You who are her companions, come up to accompany me to the hospital, come up to accompany me to the hospital"

Peng Donghai took a long breath and raised his head and said

"I am her companion, I go, I go"

After speaking, Peng Dong boarded the ambulance and then rushed away in the ambulance accompanied by the doctor and nurse.

Looking at Du Mingyue who was still in a coma, his complexion was extremely complicated.

Once upon a time, he thought how much he liked Du Mingyue, and even willing to give everything for Du Mingyue, but he really came to understand the moment when his life was in danger.

It turned out that he did not love Du Mingyue as much as he thought. When facing danger, he cared more about himself.

"No, no, yes, this is not right at all, it is not right at all. If Du Mingyue was close to me when he was at the scene of the fire, I would save you as well. I ’m just drunk, I ’m just drunk. "

Peng Donghai kept cheering himself up to justify his actions thoroughly. He needed to find an excuse, an excuse that could explain his behavior.

And drunkenness is obviously a very good excuse.

Soon, the ambulance drove directly into the hospital, and the hospital that had already received the news in advance had already made emergency ambulance measures and arranged them properly.

Time goes by little by little.

Du Mingyue lay on the bed, slowly opened his eyes, and looked into the white ceiling.

Then I felt the presence of a person by the bed, turned my head, but saw Peng Donghai lying on her bedside, and put the burning monkey mask in front of her bedside table ...

"Peng Donghai, did you save me?"

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