Super Finding App

Chapter 1931: greedy

How is this going?

Peng Donghai froze for a moment, his mouth widened. Obviously, he didn't respond. I don't know why Du Mingyue who was sober lying on the hospital bed suddenly said such a thing?

Du Mingyue was abnormally weak. He felt that he had really escaped from the dead, and his eyes fell from Peng Donghai's horrified face from the mask of the burnt monkey under the nightstand.

For her, this surprised expression was more shocked after she woke up and asked again

"What's wrong? Did you save me, Peng Donghai?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I saved you, I saved you, and you finally woke up. This is really great, this is really great."

"Du Mingyue, it really scared me to death"

Within 1 ‰ of a second, Peng Donghai immediately made a decision. He nodded to the chick and said, and reached out and grabbed Du Mingyue's hands. He looked excited with a look on his face. excitement.

"Thank you, thank you, Peng Donghai really thank you"

"Do you know? When I was in the fire, I really thought I was going to die. You saved me. You saved it. I really thank you very much. Peng Donghai really thank you so much. Up "

"Nothing, nothing, you do n’t need to thank me. All of this is what I am willing to do. As long as it can save you, let alone the fire, even if it is in the wind or the rain, there is nothing at all. Question, as long as I can be with you, everything is worth it to me "

Peng Donghai held Ming Mingyue's hand tightly, and said the words in his mouth one after another. Du Mingyue lying on the bed with an excited expression on his face, he tightly held Peng Donghai's hand. , Revealing a look of excitement, with a touch of love in his eyes.

"Have a good rest, take a good rest. I'll go to the doctor now to see if you have anything to do, and you take a good rest."

Peng Donghai carefully let Du Mingyue lie down and pulled out his hand, then nodded and said.

Then in the eyes of Du Mingyue's infinite nostalgia, he carefully exited the hospital ward, his face became abnormally ugly for a moment, even with some embarrassment.

"Boss, boss, what happened?"

"Boss, what happened to Du Mingyue? Nothing?"

In the aisle of the hospital, Peng Donghai didn't seek the doctor for the first time, but instead dripped water with a heavy face.

He didn't know how he could have said this for no reason, but he knew an opportunity for himself.

Suddenly came the voice of Li Lei and others, looking up, Li Lei Deng Deng had already hurried over.

"Nothing, Du Mingyue has woke up now, and there are not many things, the doctor has gone to check on her, but now there are some things that are more troublesome."

Peng Donghai gritted his teeth and said things again.

Li Lei's mouth widened and his face was aggressive.

"No, no, boss, do you mean that Du Mingyue treats the person who saved her as you? How could it be like this?"

"That is, boss, this is too weird, why is Du Mingyue looking at you as the one who saved her? This is too weird."

Peng Donghai nodded heavily, exhaling a long breath, his face became abnormally dignified.

"I'm afraid this is because I took Du Qiu's monkey mask that fell to the ground in my hands. What do you do now? Would you like me to tell Du Mingyue directly that I am not her lifesaver, instead Du Qiu is here. "

"No, no, absolutely not. The boss ca n’t do this. I think that since Du Mingyue has taken the boss as a life-saving benefactor, it is a good thing for the boss. Why should the boss tell the truth? Moreover, what is the so-called truth? The boss was originally going to save Du Mingyue, but the situation was too accidental at the time, so the boss didn't rush into the fire to save Du Mingyue. I think it is right now. "

"Yes, yes"

Li Lei said quickly,

"I think this statement is completely correct. The boss and Du Mingyue were originally a natural pair. Now that Du Mingyue mistakes the boss and is a life-saving benefactor, this is simply a god-given fate. I think the boss took this opportunity. It's totally possible to be with Du Mingyue. This is the best opportunity God has given the boss. Why do you want to refuse it? "

Li Lei nodded and said, his face was a bright smile.

He was very clear that Peng Donghai in front of him liked Du Mingyue very much. If he could really match them, wouldn't his status rise in the mind of the boss Peng Donghai?

Peng Donghai's face became extremely ugly, and he nodded.

"There is so much to say, but don't forget it, it's Du Qiu and not me who saved Du Mingyue. Now Du Qiu is in the rescue. If he wakes up, willn't everything be exposed? I feel like this is a bit insecure "

"The boss doesn't have any problems at all. Du Qiu is just a miscellaneous person. I think we can have a deep understanding with him. I believe Du Qiu will understand very well. When the time comes, as long as Du Qiu himself will give Stuck in the stomach, who will be able to know whether it was Du Bos or Du Qiu who saved Du Mingyue on the fire? "

"I think Du Qiu will agree. Is it impossible to give him some money or not give him a place for acting in the theater company?"

Peng Donghai's breathing became more rapid, lowering his head, and looking at Li Lei who laughed and laughed, he thought that what Li Lei said was very useful, and nodded heavily.

"Well, do you all think so?"

Li Lei and the rest of his team usually talked to chicks

"Boss, we think it's totally possible to do this. Anyway, the only person who knows that Du Qiu rescued Du Mingyue is only a few of us. As long as none of us say anything, no one else can tell the truth."

"It's wrong. What is the truth? The boss and Du Mingyue have a good relationship with each other. This incident is just a push for the relationship between the two. This is a good thing."

"Yes, yes, yes, this is a good thing. This is a god-given goodwill. This is definitely a god-given good luck."

In the urging of Li Lei and his younger brothers, Peng Donghai's original heart was a little overwhelmed, and he nodded heavily.

"You are not wrong. It was I Peng Donghai who saved Du Mingyue. In this fire, it was I Peng Donghai who saved Du Mingyue."

"I and Du Mingyue belong to the godsend."

"The person who rescued Du Mingyue from the fire was me Peng Donghai!"

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