Super Finding App

Chapter 1938: Clues (2)

The early morning sun shone on this TV station in Jiangzhen City, which gradually restored the TV station in Jiangzhen City one night.

The staff in the TV station returned to the TV station one by one, and the night shift staff also yawned and went home to sleep.

When Yiping arrived at the entrance of the TV station in Jiangzhen City, a cold air struck him, and he could not help but snored.

Fortunately, Cheng Yiping and Jiangzheng TV station guards are already quite familiar, and after entering the registration records, he entered the Jiangzhen TV station.

Walking on the aisle, people come and go, people are moving, and at any time, the Jiangzhen TV station becomes very busy. After all, there are various announcements in the TV station in addition to the daily programs.

From time to time, I can see some stars walking in and out.

"Zhang Xiaona"

Cheng Yiping made his way to Zhang Xiaona's office.

There was a meeting in the moment, and everyone was busy.

Zhang Xiaona has entered the working state, her face is extremely serious.

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders and asked carefully

Zhang Xiaona lifted her head, a look of surprise appeared on her pretty eyes, then disappeared, coughed slightly, stood up, came to Cheng Yiping and asked

"Why are you here? I'm working now."

"I know, don't I just miss you?"

Cheng Yiping directly turned on the mouth-blowing mode, Zhang Xiaona could not help but rolled her eyes.

"Well, tell the truth, what's wrong?"

She naturally knew that Cheng Yiping would not really delay her work by going to work because she missed her.

This is also the place where she likes to be equal, at least she knows that she does not like to be disturbed when she is at work.

Zhang Xiaona likes Cheng Yiping, but this does not mean that she is willing to delay work for Cheng Yiping.

"That's it. When I saw you on the Internet, the TV station in Jiangzhen City heard that you would jointly organize an archeological column with Professor Lu Renzhang. The location is in the ancient site of Ghana. Is this the case?

Zhang Xiaona opened her mouth in surprise and frowned slightly.

"Are you talking about archeology? This is indeed the case. In response to the historical and cultural requirements above, Jiangzhen City TV Station will indeed launch a archaeological exploration program. This matter should have been announced online some time ago. It ’s also known on TV, but it ’s not my responsibility. What's wrong? Are you interested in this archeological program? ”

"Yes, that's true. The archaeological target I saw on the Internet is called the Ghana Monument. I'm still really interested in this Ghana monument, so Xiao Na, can you tell me where Professor Lu is, I have I want to discuss and inquire with him "

Zhang Xiaona nodded and hesitated.

"Okay, but you remember, Professor Lu Renzhang only came during the meeting. Our TV station in Jiangzhen City should now be negotiating with Archeologist Zhang of the 3rd group. If you want to go, but Don't hinder their work, can you? "

"No problem, of course I know that"

Cheng Yiping nodded and paused for a while

"By the way, did they not say that Du Mingyue and Peng Donghai came to you today to discuss the advertising event? Why didn't they see them?"


Turned into a topic, pretending to ask without knowing the general

After all, I learned what happened to Du Mingyue in the Drama Troupe through the super-sense finding of the super-seeking APP.

Cheng Yiping really has some curiosity, what exactly will Du Mingyue handle?

"They didn't come today"

Zhang Xiaona shook her head, a hint of doubt appeared on her face full of intellectual temperament.

"This morning, Du Mingyue called me and said that they sometimes temporarily stopped advertising matters. This is strange. When we watched the drama yesterday, Du Mingyue and Peng Donghai were very active, but now they are There has been a change, and it seems there is a sudden situation over them. "

That's it.

Is the advertisement stranded?

It seems that the drama group is really not peaceful

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, he had already guessed the reason.

It's just that Du Mingyue and Peng Donghai are going to be equal at the end. I really don't know.

After all, what Peng Donghai has done, you have to say that it is not too big, and you have to say that it is small, but it is really depressing and angry.

After all, it's a life-saving grace.

The thought of Cheng Yiping shook his head and left these things behind.

Faith-seeking in the super-hunting app has found Du Mingyue who rescued her from the fire half a year ago, and what kind of development will depend on Du Mingyue's own ideas.

After all, in the final analysis, the Super Hidden Object App is only an auxiliary tool. Whether it can be effective or not depends on what the user should think.

If Du Mingyue can get through this knot and find that he really likes Peng Donghai, he can continue to marry with Peng Donghai like he is devoted to finding things.

But if Du Mingyue really cares about Peng Donghai deceiving her in this matter, maybe the relationship between the two will fall apart instantly.

This is really a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

"Well, I understand. In that case, I'll look for Professor Lu Renzhang now. Don't worry, I won't disturb him."

Cheng Yiping shook his head gently, tossing the relationship between Du Mingyue, Peng Donghai and Du Qiu to his head.

For him, this is already a closed case

Now all he has to do is find Professor Lu Renzhang, he really wants to know if the eye-like totem in the ancient city of Ghana that Professor Lu Renzhang is looking for is really a one-eyed temple

For Cheng Yiping, this is the most important!

"Well, since that's the case, then you should hurry up and be careful. It's still the same sentence, don't disturb their work, understand?"

Zhang Xiaona hesitated and nodded.

"OK, no problem"

Cheng Yiping answered with a smile. After watching Cheng Yiping leave, Zhang Xiaona shook her head gently, sighed and turned to leave, she still has a lot of work to do.

I have accumulated a lot of work yesterday.

Cheng Yi walked parallel to the aisle of Jiangzhen-style TV station. The aisle of the TV station was complicated and quite large.

Each program is divided into quite detailed, people who are unclear may get lost when entering this TV station.

Therefore, the TV station has a flat map in each section.

Cheng Yiping stood on the flat map, and his fingers kept looking on the flat map. Finally, he found the target he was looking for and his current position. He nodded and headed toward the target.

Pedestrians and employees walking on both sides were in a hurry. Obviously, everyone was busy. Fortunately, Cheng Yiping was an acquaintance in Jiangzhen TV Station and was not expelled.

After seven rounds and eight rounds of walking, I came to the conference room, but before I got close, I heard the sound of a quarrel in the conference room.

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