Super Finding App

Chapter 1939: Program (1)

"Dr. Lu, please rest assured that the TV station of Jiangzhen City will co-operate with you on this program. After all, the people across the country who have been posted above are called to care about archeology and cultural monuments. It ’s really strange, Professor Lu, this time you can cooperate with our TV station and be willing to lead a team to carry out archeology. This is undoubtedly a very good thing! "

A director in a casual outfit in a conference room of Jiangzhen City TV Station was in a state of emotional excitement.

Below is a middle-aged man who is clearly wearing archeological clothes exudes a convincing temperament

Behind him are three or four students. What are they recording while holding the notebook in their hands?

"Wait, wait, Director Zhang, everything you said doesn't seem to have anything to do with our archeology. This time, according to the above task, we will start an archeology program with your Jiangzhen TV station. This is completely No problem, after all, as archaeologists, we also hope that archeology can be known by more people, but is there something weird about this plan? We went to archeology, not to show, why? Do you want to do this? Do you have to invite the stars? I do n’t think it ’s worth it at all. After all, these stars are spoiled. It ’s not good if they hinder the archeological process. ”

"Moreover, archeology is far from being as simple and interesting as the TV said. It is more a boring life that requires years and months. I am afraid that these stars will not be able to persist at all, and you are simply nonsense."

Professor Lu Renzhang shook his head like a rattle and frowned. There were some strangeness and doubts.

He is Professor Lu, who belongs to the Ministry of Culture. This time, he applied for a large amount of funds for archaeology of Ghana's monuments. Although the application has been submitted and he has agreed, he has made a very strange request, that is, the hoper once Archaeology can cooperate with Jiangzhen City TV Station to make it into a program.

In the above words, it is a very good idea to let more people know about archeology, understand archeology, and thus protect cultural heritage through the performance of the program.

From the perspective of Professor Lu Renzhang, such a program is also completely problem-free. It belongs to a scientific column, not to mention the fact that it can obtain funds and even the attention of the people. He will certainly not refuse it if he can count it in one fell swoop.

But when I came to the TV station in Jiangzhen City, I met director Zhang who was in charge.

Because the content of the program that Director Zhang said and what he realized is one world at a time!

"Professor Lu, Professor Lu, listen to me, you listen to me, now you all know that it belongs to the era of traffic, it belongs to the age of stars, to say something bad, although Professor Lu is very prestigious in the academic world It is also very famous, but after the program is broadcast, I am afraid that other people who are interested in archeology, or your students and peers, want to watch it. This is not a simple matter. After all, as A TV program needs to be more entertaining and topical. Only entertainment and topicality can attract people's attention and curiosity, can they have ratings, can they get ratings, can they be more Many people watch archeological shows "

Mr. Zhang also apparently has done detailed research and patiently advised

"That's what it says, but we are a very rigorous archeologist. Do you still want me to sing and dance on the show while archeology? Or say something like that drama, and then what cp Do you have any more gossip? Is this still science? Is this still literature? Is this still archeology? You are just making a fool of it. "

Professor Lu's head shook loudly like a rattle.

It is impractical to think that this is a mess and a mess.

"No, no, Professor Lu is absolutely correct. If it is archaeology, of course, it is Professor Lu who has the final say. Similarly, we also fully support Professor Lu's archaeology this time. There will be absolutely no support. You are a representative with full powers, and that ’s why we thought about the role of traffic stars, and asked Liu Xingming to come to participate in archeology as a guest, you can completely block them, just tell them some simple I can talk about the topic, and I mainly talk about these guests as the director. The topics generated by the heat generated by these guests can attract people to look at archeology. Not only that, Professor Lu can also pass through the mouths of these stars Let more people know the knowledge of archeology, know the history of archeology, know the history and culture, and the importance of it. Let more people come to protect archeology, protect history, and protect cultural monuments. Is it not good to kill two birds with one stone? "

Professor Lu Renzhang's face became increasingly difficult to look and his expression was tangled. He always felt that the director Zhang in front of him was simply trying to make sense of it.

However, there is some truth in listening to what the other person said. Although Professor Lu is very reluctant to admit it, it is undeniable that the effect of stars is completely different from ordinary people.

A good traffic star can definitely cause a lot of people to watch the program, with ratings, but if there is no star, unless the program is of very good quality, it will be left unattended, and the quality of the program may even It's really good, but it might be left unattended.

This is the age of wine and fear of deep alleys.

It's not that people don't know the quality of the show, but that there are too many programs on TV, and the news is too dazzling. People's appetite has been nourished, just watching The name doesn't know whether the show is good or not.

Too many news hotspots have left people with no patience to understand a story or a program. What they like more is the kind of news that has a short-term stimulating effect and can be eye-catching.

That's why short videos are so popular these days.

Just turn on the phone, a short video, a minute or two, and a long time is three or four minutes, it can make people laugh, really attracts attention.

Compared to watching a two or three hour movie, it is better for a long time.

I have to say that this is the convenience that technology brings to people, but it is also changing the way people live.

If you want to follow the trend, you can only follow the trend, otherwise you can only be pulled down by the trend.

This is the development of the times and cannot be blocked by one's personal will.

This point is very clear to Professor Lu.

Although Professor Lu does not want to admit it, he is very clear that the presence of stars will indeed increase the exposure of the show

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