Super Finding App

Chapter 1950: News

There are so many types of cars that they really do n’t know anything about people who do n’t know cars.

But fortunately, there is something in this world called the Internet. By using the Internet to level one, you can easily find a vehicle that meets your requirements and record it.

And divided into several models for your choice.

After a while

Cheng Yiping came to the 4s store, and the number of cars in the 4s store was quite large. Although there may also be low-eye conditions, it is fortunate that this did not happen.

It's true when you think about it, like the service staff in the four s shop are basically professionally trained. How can it happen that the eyes are shiny and the dog's eyes are low?

Maybe it will appear in some 4s shops, but in general it is quite small.

Man of few words.

Cheng Yiping purchased an off-road vehicle with sufficient horsepower after paying the full price.

He sat on top of the off-road vehicle, reached out and touched the steering wheel, with a look of admiration.

"I really didn't expect that before, it should be said that one year ago, I was still a security guard in a five-star hotel. Don't say that I paid for these off-road vehicles. I'm afraid even one wheel, car They ca n’t afford it at all, but now they are able to drive cars and buy off-road vehicles. I have to say that people ’s opportunities are really strange and wonderful. ”

Cheng Yiping shook his head gently, expressing his gratitude for the super finder app in his mind, but he was also quite apprehensive about the emergence of the super finder app

Because he didn't know what the essence of this super finder app was?

Night fell.

Cheng Yiping drove to the door of Jiangzhen TV Station after waiting for a moment. After waiting for a while, Zhang Xiaona walked out of the TV station and came to the front of Cheng Yiping SUV. She looked up and down, shaking gently Shook his head

"Cheng Yiping, are you going to go to Jiangana's historic site?"

"Xiao Na, how did you know?"

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth, revealing a look of doubt.

Heaven and earth conscience, he really hasn't mentioned such a thing with Zhang Xiaona, or when Zhang Xiaona was preparing to mention it, Zhang Xiaona had already yelled out.

"It's very simple. You came to Jiangzhen City TV Station yesterday to come to me to find me. Although you said you were watching me, there was another reason to ask about Ghana's monuments and Professor Lu Renzhang. I wondered if you had any purpose for Ghana's monuments, and now you have bought a new off-road vehicle. I have seen this off-road vehicle on the Internet. It is very powerful and suitable for long Time off-road, suitable for driving in extreme environments, then the combination of the two things makes it easy to speculate that you are going to Ghana's monuments "



It's really amazing.

What kind of girlfriend am I looking for?

Cheng Yiping's mouth opened wide, and heaven and earth had conscience. He really hadn't thought that Zhang Xiaona could have guessed so much based on his words and expressions, both surprised and frightened.

Zhang Xiaona is so clever. If you marry Zhang Xiaona in the future, you may not be able to make any surprises.

If nothing surprises you, if you want to do something bad, you can't guess it clearly?

"What are you thinking?"

Obviously there was some change in Cheng Yiping's face, Zhang Xiaona asked in doubt

"It's okay, it's okay, I didn't think of anything"

Cheng Yiping coughed up the thoughts in his head for a moment and coughed.

"Yes, Xiao Na, you are right. I received a task to find the ancient monuments in Ghana. You also know that I have a super-hunting app. I have a lot of faith points in my hand. Sometimes I It ’s also to help people find things and make money. This time, the price he asked was for me to find Ghana's monuments. You also know that the place where Ghana's monuments exist is quite remote, so you bought this off-road vehicle. You Rest assured, as long as I find the ancient monuments in Ghana, I will be back as soon as possible, but if I really want to go, I am afraid this time will be a little longer. "

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth, hesitantly.

When someone talks about an object, they want to be able to stand by their object for a long time, and they talk to Zhang Xiaona, but they do the opposite.

Either Zhang Xiaona's work is quite busy and she needs to work overtime, or she helped people find things and ran for 10 days and a half months before coming back.

Honestly, after such a long separation, it is a miracle that Zhang Xiaona did not break up with herself.

Zhang Xiaona bit her teeth gently, her face became a little tangled, and she raised her head and said it word by word.

"Ghana's monuments are very important. Must we go?"

"Really right?"

"Okay, I see. If so, pay attention to your safety. I'll wait for you in Jiangzhen City!"

Zhang Xiaona lowered her head slightly, then raised her beautiful jaw, exposing a delicate face, full of intellectuality, she exuded an intoxicating temperament

"I will definitely be back."

Cheng Yi nodded solemnly, looking at Zhang Xiaona in front of her, reaching out her hand, hugging her in her arms.

He likes Zhang Xiaona, more because Zhang Xiaona exudes intellectual temperament and knowledge.

Maybe Zhang Xiaona feels confused about going out often, but she never asks. Maybe for Zhang Xiaona, when she really tells her all the secrets one day, she will tell her biggest secrets herself tell her.

Before that, Zhang Xiaona was willing to wait quietly.

This is also trust!

"Okay, okay, so many people, don't hold it"

Zhang Xiaona's face became abnormally red, and her ears became red. She twisted and twisted her body, breaking out of a flat embrace.

Looking at Zhang Xiaona, who was full of shameful looks, Cheng Yiping was unusually happy and cheerful.

"Let's go, Xiao Na, I'll invite you to dinner today!"

Cheng Yiping reached out and patted his chest.

"Are you sure? This is the information you said you came here. This is why the Candy Entertainment Group agreed to let their first-line star Yang Juaner participate in our archeological activity. Are you sure you are not making fun of me ? "

In the TV station of Jiangzhen City, Zhang Dao reached out and held the information in his hand, stunned, his mouth widened.

He thought of many possibilities, but he never really thought that the possibility would be like this, which is too bloody.

"This is true. This is true. I have said to Zhang Dao that Yang Juaner will definitely not do any bad things. This is what I found by finding people through inside information. This news must be true. of!"

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