Super Finding App

Chapter 1951: Strange thing

"It's really weird. It's really weird. It happens every year, and this year is particularly many. I have to say that things in the entertainment industry are really quite complicated. I will say that this is a new popularity in the Candy Entertainment Group. Why did the front-line star Yang Juaner accept our invitation for an archaeological program for no reason? It turned out to be a long time to avoid Master Zhao. This was really beyond our expectations. "

Director Zhang sat on his desk with a butt, looking at the documents in his hands, a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, and shook his head.

"Although Master Zhao is hardly a playboy, it is one of the four princes of Kyoto. After all, he has a strong family background and is quite strong. It can be said that many celebrities hope to have something with Master Zhao. The connection and connection, after all, in terms of the resources brought by the young master himself, it can indeed make some little stars and even net reds have a rapid rise in value, which has the effect of increasing their value. "

"Even she could have a lot of resources to hold her up, but did not expect that Yang Juaner would reject it. In the end, Zhao Shao's Yang Juaner gave up the endorsement announcement for about half a year, and was even willing to join us. In the archeology show, this is really beyond our expectations. "

The assistant nodded slightly, biting his teeth slightly

"" Director Zhang, Director Zhang, I think this way we can say that Yang Juaner is mighty and unyielding, rich and rich cannot be kinky, Yang Juaner is willing to join our program. This is the best thing, should we refuse ? "

"No, no, no, why can't I reject it? I thought what kind of negative news this Yang Juaner would have, just like some stars reported in the news. If you have negative news, if you have negative news, The influence of the show is very big, but now it seems that there are no other effects, just because of the lace news. If this is the case, there will naturally not be any problems. Not only that, this lace news will also increase the popularity of our show. This is really God help me too, it really is God help "

Director Zhang said more and more excited, more and more excited, and his eyes were full of light, can't wait to say

"You can now contact the people at Candy Entertainment to determine if Yang Juaner is really willing to join our archeology program. If so, when the announcement is finalized, select another two stars, even if it is For the second and third tiers, there should be no problems. No, it should be said that since Yang Juan's stars are willing to join our program, we can use this gimmick to become the bargaining chip and let the other frontline Stars can also find one or two to join our show, and by then, the effect on our show will be even more outstanding and outstanding. "

Director Zhang can't wait to say

There are some shortness of breath.

If you think about your own show, if you can get three front-line stars and join the celebrity, then the popularity will be quickly improved and developed. After that, he only needs to intersperse some gimmicks in the show, or make Some gossip and cp can completely make this archeological show a reality show.

This is also an iron affair.

Once there is a viewership and a clickthrough rate, will there be fewer ads later?

I can also go up.

"I see, I see, Director Zhang, I will do it now, I will do it now!"

The assistant's head nodded just like the chick pecking, and he began to work quickly.

The thought of seeing her idol, Yang Juaner, showed a bright and excited look on her face.

Jiangzhen City, Jiangzhen University faculty and staff run school building. As a university in Jiangzhen City, Jiangzhen University, every year, students from all directions enter the university to study hard.

There are also a large number of excellent teachers in the teaching staff.

Professor Lu Renzhang enjoys some reputation throughout the country and is a professor at a famous university. This time, he went to Jiangzhen City TV Station for a joint filming program, and at the same time will temporarily reside in Jiangzhen City University.

At this moment he is chatting with a few friends in the university. As people who are also archeologists, within the same circle, everyone also knows each other.

Although there is usually no connection, they are quite familiar. After all, the archeological circle is not too big, and the number of participants is quite limited.

Most of them are archeologists who belong to the outside world.

"Good thing, good thing, this is really a very good thing. Professor Lu did not expect that the above will agree with you on the development and excavation of Ghana's monuments, and even protect it, and the main thing is I really didn't expect that it would often let you and Jiangzhen City TV Station start an archeological program. I think this program is really good and timely. "

Professor Liu stood up and held a cup of tea in front of Professor Lu Renzhang, a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his expression was a little excited.

"Although the country's cultural heritage protection is very large now, it is a pity that young people nowadays love archeology less and less, even if there are some archaeological professions who are willing to join. I have n’t settled down to study the value of these archeological cultures. According to the deep meaning of the cultural monuments I understand, most of them are just learning how to witness antiques and then stock trading. It is said that the world is bright, all are good, and the world is full of good, but it is so distressing that we apply for archeology for the sake of benefit. We need real archeology students instead of People with other purposes "

As Professor Liu said, he took the coffee, took a sip, and shook his head gently, his face with some tangles

As a professor within the university, he was extremely worried about Lu Renzhang's future.

Professor Lu Renzhang nodded slightly.

"Is this not the case? Even in universities, some of which are willing to insert 10 of our archeology, 8 of them are not specifically added to archeology, just because they want to be admitted to the university to obey the transfer. Being transferred to archeology, honestly, it is not easy to find the one who really likes archeology! "

"Now think about how naive we were at that time. We all have fun with archeology. I hope that archeology can be continued and cultural relics can be protected. The appearance of each relic makes us excited. Same thing, they get everything, the first thing they see is how much money they can sell and how much money they make, not the value behind some cultural relics. "

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