Super Finding App

Chapter 1952: chat

"Yes, yes, what you said, Professor Lu, is completely correct. Just like in Jiangzhen City University, although the number of archaeology students is full, the ones I really like are all Some of the few people joined it because the archaeological scores are relatively easy. Honestly, it is both sad and helpless. After all, the times are developing too fast. Like us at that time, I especially like archeology. Fewer people, archeology really needs patience "

Professor Zhang nodded his head, said intently, and then sighed leisurely.

"It's true, so this time I asked the TV station of Jiangzhen City to cooperate and start an archeological program. I also agreed. You also know that in many cases, I don't like to participate. Some archaeological programs on TV stations, or some variety shows, I think this is too exaggerated. What we do is learning, archeology is archeology, and the stars on TV are completely different. Not for show "

"This is indeed the case, Professor Lu, but this time it is completely different. If it can really make an archeological program, it will arouse people's enthusiasm for archeology. It would be great."

Professor Liu can't wait to say

"Even if there are 100 people at that time, no, to be precise, as long as one of the 1,000 people really likes archeology, our archeology will be able to revitalize. This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people."

Professor Liu said with relief, he paused and turned to look at Professor Lu Renzhang.

"Professor Lu, what do you think about the Ghanaian monuments this time, although so far, the main address of the Ghanaian monuments, we are all very clear about what kind of place, but the specific location until now Didn't find out, this time you and the people from Jiangzhen City TV Station participated in the program for evaluation. If you can't find the ancient sites in Ghana, then it is quite troublesome. Maybe even the program cannot be made successfully. Things, and there are some legends in this Ghana, you have to be careful

"The existence of Ghana's ancient monuments has always been part of the urban legend. Although it is very difficult to find, but with the development of the times and the advancement of science, it has gradually been found exactly where the Ghana's monuments are located." .

Professor Lu Renzhang nodded slightly.

"It is true, but rest assured, this time I have collected a lot of documents, I have speculated about the main location of Ghana's monuments, and someone has gone to check in advance to confirm that the location of Ghana's monuments does indeed exist The next thing to do is to develop and excavate the ancient monuments of Ghana. You also know that the ancient monuments of Ghana are very amazing. They belong to the ancient civilization of hundreds or even 1,000 years ago. No, and this civilization is quite equivalent. Strange and peculiar, if the state and situation of people's lives in these Ghanaian monuments hundreds of years ago can be excavated in this excavation, it will be of vital importance to our archeology. "

"After all, archeology is digging one piece after another, piece together the pieces of the past, we can know the origin of our humanity, and know what happened in the past."

Professor Lu Renzhang can't wait to say

For many people, archeology seems to be the development and excavation of ancient tombs, but in fact this is just one of them.

Real archeology is the ability to know what happened in the past.

There is a way to know the ancients and to talk about the ancients and the present. Only by knowing what happened in the past, only by knowing the history of the past, can we learn from history, and from the long river of history, can we know what our origin is.

It is exactly the same as today's people have fallen leaves.

After all, only when you know your past can you feel rooted. Archeology seems very boring, but it also has its existence value.

"Really? If that's the case, that would be great. During this period, you would have a good rest in this university in Jiangzhen City. All the problems could not be left to me to deal with. You can have a good rest here. Just wait for the normal launch, and I am very much looking forward to the broadcast. "

Professor Liu nodded and said

"The same is true, but I hope it will really have an effect, but you should not have too much hope. After all, programs such as archeology are very rare from beginning to end. People who really watch are not really Too unique, it is really difficult to achieve the effect of universal viewing. "

Professor Lu Renzhang sighed, although he was very dissatisfied with some things.

But it is clear that reality is only reality after all, and the ratings of archeological programs are indeed quite low. It is not very good to make the effect of watching for the whole people.

Time goes by

Three days in a flash have passed, and the preliminary preparations are ready. Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station has been busy for three days and his assistant has determined a total of three stars to join.

In addition to Yang Juaner being a first-line star, the other two are second- and third-tier stars, although they are definitely not as big as Yang Juaner, but they are also with their own traffic, or the most recent high-profile stars

They also used this opportunity to increase their exposure and some recent events that made these second- and third-tier stars need to take the lead and naturally became the most suitable candidate for Director Zhang.

Everything is in full swing step by step. A black off-road commercial vehicle was driving fast on the highway.

If you look from the outside, you will only see the black glass of the commercial vehicle. It is impossible to see what kind of person is inside the commercial vehicle. On the contrary, the person sitting in the commercial vehicle can pass the glass to the outside. The view is clear.

This is the single-sided glass that is used specially, and it is also the model and glass that the stars are most adept at.

At this moment, the commercial vehicle crunched and stopped in a relatively remote corner of Jiangzhen City.

The door was slowly opened, and a young girl dressed in a stylish city came out.

I saw her wearing a peaked cap and a mask, carrying a small bag behind her, her hands in her pants pockets and looking like an ordinary female college student.

But if someone observes carefully, it will be noticed that this girl exudes an attractive ability whether she is walking or physically.

Attract everyone around

Some people passing by couldn't help watching, as if there was some kind of attraction on her body, it was indeed quite strange.

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