Super Finding App

Chapter 1953: Times

"Here, here, here, Yang Juan is here, hurry up"

Suddenly, at the door of the house, a young girl stretched out her hand and swayed, with a look of anxiety on her face, and looked left and right. It was quite strange and careful, as if she was doing something bad. .

The girl wearing a peaked cap and a mask immediately ran away, and quickly entered the room on the first floor next to her. Although there were some residents on the way, they looked suspicious. However, I still shook my head gently and didn't bother. After all, the quality of the current air is not very good. Some people wear masks, which is completely reasonable.

It's just that some people find it strange why the girl's back always feels so familiar.

"It's great, Yang Juaner, you finally came back. I still thought you were delayed, or that the agent didn't let you go. I didn't expect you to be really brave, so I just returned. I got an invitation to this archeological program in Jiangzhen City. "

The young and beautiful Xu Shuting chuckled a bright smile, opened the door and welcomed Yang Juaner.

This is a house they rented, with 2 bedrooms and 1 living room. The decoration also looks very elegant and ordinary, and there is no problem for ordinary people to live.

"The agent naturally sent someone over, but I just threw them away. There are still two days left before the filming of this show. I will take a good rest during these two days, and I will be in Jiangzhen in two days. Go to the city TV station to report. Let ’s get together in the past two days, "

Take off the peak cap on the head, and remove the mask at the same time, revealing Yang Juan's unusually delicate face.

Xu Shuting crooked her head and looked at Yang Juaner carefully, looked up and down, and showed a look of admiration

"It ’s really people who wear clothes and horses and saddles. I still remember what you looked like a year ago. I did n’t expect that the whole person ’s temperament has changed dramatically in just one year. Really. It ’s like a star. If you did n’t know you in advance, it ’s estimated that your friends and relatives will not know you at all if you walk on the road, and your changes may be too big. ”

Xu Shuting showed a look of admiration. She has always seen Yang Juan's changes on the TV. Although there are some strangeness, but the TV had a filter effect at that time, I always feel that there is still some familiarity. Within range.

But now witnessing the appearance of Yang Juan'er, she discovered that Yang Juan's had really changed dramatically and became quite delicate and beautiful and full of celebrities.

It can be seen that why so many young girls are willing to be celebrities nowadays really have such a saying.

Even an ugly duckling can become a beautiful girl under the influence of delicate cosmetics and makeup techniques. Coupled with wearing decent clothes and expensive high-end jewelry, it can be said that it can be a good thing to become a beautiful girl.

"Really? Really? Have I really grown so much? I don't think I have changed much either. All this was done by a makeup artist arranged by a candy entertainment company agent. Do n’t say makeup, even the clothes and jewelry that I wear on my body are all made by specialized clothes designers and collocationists. I just need to be in charge. You do n’t know what I wear. And what kind of jewelry to bring, all have strict requirements, I have no way to choose at all, I do n’t like clothes like this at all, but I still have to wear them. ”

Yang Juaner touched the clothes on her body and said with a sigh of sigh that she didn't like such a dress, but in the company this dress could set off her temperament.

Sometimes people are so weird that what they like is not necessarily the most suitable for them.

"Okay, okay, it doesn't seem to be a simple thing to be a celebrity, but it doesn't matter. Yang Yuling and I have already graduated in one or two years, and I will be able to get a lawyer's license by then. And the agent ’s license. By that time, the three of us will create a studio together, so you do n’t have to be restrained and restrained. I believe the three of us will be able to break through some of the famous halls. ”

Xu Shuting stretched out her hand to hold her fist tightly and turned into a fist, she said firmly.

Until now he still remembers when he met Yang Juaner a year ago. If Yang Juaner hadn't encouraged her, Xu Shuting wouldn't have a life at all, and the direction forward was good.

I also very much hope to be with you soon.

Xu Shuting lived with a bright smile, just like a chick pecking, he didn't abandon his friends and girlfriends after becoming famous like other people.

In her mind, Xu Shuting and Yang Yuting are true friends.

She will never give up on them.

She believes that the friendship between the three of them is exceptionally long and lasting.

Not much to say, although this two-bedroom, one-living room is not large, Yang Juaner is quite comfortable to live in. Two people are watching TV and eating snacks in the room.

The night slowly came to Yang Juaner's face with some ugliness, he said, asking carefully

"Yes, do you know what happened to Uncle?"

There was a smirk in Xu Shuting's mouth

"What's wrong, Yang Juan, I don't want to ask about the situation of your uncle. I thought you wouldn't ask today. I didn't expect you to hold back."

Yang Juaner's face became a little flushed, and your ears were already red, and he said carefully and shyly

"Do n’t say that, I really want to thank the uncle for the uncle. You also know that if it wasn't for the uncle's existence, I wouldn't be like this now. I really just want to thank the uncle.

"Okay, okay, I know, I know you just want to thank Uncle, you just want to thank Uncle, I know"

Xu Shuting said

Although she repeated the same sentence three or five times, from the bones, the expression she showed revealed that Xu Shuting had not believed at all.

"What about uncle? What about uncle? Do you know where the uncle is?"

Obviously, Yang Juaner also knew that no one believed this excuse and asked.

Xu Shuting shook her head gently and shrugged her shoulders.

"No, in this period of time, since you were signed by Candy Entertainment Group Company, I have also found an uncle once, but have only contacted him on the Internet. I have never seen an uncle once in reality. I heard that it is also very Busy "

"When you returned to Jiangzhen this time, I also told him by letter Z, but he didn't reply. I'm afraid there will be some difficulties if I want to find it."

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