Super Finding App

Chapter 1963: Each intends (two)

"For Shen Xiangrui, you don't need to put too much on your body. It's still the same as before. If he wants to do cp, he will do cp. This does not cause much loss to you. Instead, it can increase the exposure and more Besides, there is Yang Juan's presence this time. Do you think Shen Xiangrui will pay attention to your body? "

Sister Zhang said with a smile


His eyes lit up.

Touched chin

"Wang Aier, this time you have to take the initiative to contact Shen Xiangrui, and you must be quite close."

"What? Let me take the initiative to contact Shen Xiangrui, but also to show quite close, why, why?"

Hearing the words of agent Zhang Jie, Wang Aier was instantly annoyed, and some could not understand.

"Stupid, do you want fire? Do you want to be famous? Do you want to be a top star? If you want to, just do as I do."

Sister Zhang raised her head violently, exposing delicate light in her pupils.

All the words of Wang Yaner were swallowed up, and he said carefully.

"Sister Zhang, of course I will do what you say, and I also believe in you very much, but I really feel very curious, why is it so?"

"Don't understand yet? Yang Juaner belongs to the front-line celebrities. With Shen Xiangrui's **** nature, he will definitely sacrifice Yang Juaner, even if he wants to pursue Yang Juaner. By then you will be able to suffer. Identities appear, and now people are quite sympathetic to the weak, especially women. When the time comes to make an article, Yang Juaner will be a corner of her girlfriend, Wang Dier. Do you think the news is enough? By then, you think the result What will happen? "

Sister Zhang licked her lips, showing a cruel look.

Even in the entertainment industry, even news is blackmailing each other. It can be said that you step on me, and I step on you step by step.

The news is also extremely scary. A good news can make a person become a star and endlessly endorsed.

The same bad news can make front-line stars instantly lose their reputation and knock down the dust.

Wang Yan'er's breathing became more and more rapid. Obviously, she also thought about this, and her head was the same as the chick pecking.

"Yeah, yeah, Sister Zhang, Sister Zhang, you are really too clever. Why didn't I think of such a possibility? This is really big news."

"You can make me famous by Yang Juaner's reputation. If you can, even if I call Yang Juaner now, there is no problem. Isn't it just making up Yang Juan? Isn't it just being a plastic sister? Is there anything? Amazing, of course I can do it "

Wang Yaner's breathing became more and more rapid, and her charming and charming face also showed a bright smile.

She is eager to try, there is nothing that can make her feel happier than climbing up Yang Juaner

At the same time, behind the red commercial vehicle, a conversation continued in the black commercial vehicle that followed.

"Yang Juaner, Yang Juaner, I did not expect that Yang Juaner would participate in this archaeological reality show. This is really God ’s help, this is really God ’s help.”

A man wearing glasses and a suit and leather shoes, his face was extremely excited, and the tablet in his hand was constantly moving. He was looking for information about Yang Juan'er.

Shen Xiangrui, who was sitting aside, was equally excited. Now he still thought about Yang Juaner's youthful appearance, and couldn't help licking his lips.

"Agent, didn't I tell you when I took the show, did they invite the front-line star Yang Juaner?"

Until now, he feels that there are some good nights. After all, Yang Juaner belongs to the front-line celebrities. There should be a lot of announcements and announcements. How can it take three months to half a year to come to Jiangzhen to participate in this? A show, but also participated in a very remote and unpopular archeological program.

Whatever I think is very strange

"No, they just told me to have a front-line star. What I originally meant was that since you are a front-line star, if you deal with them well, it is possible to increase your popularity, not to mention that another guest turned out to be Wang Yaner. You and Wang Linger did a good job in the filming of TV series some time ago, so I also considered that this time you can form a CP with Wang Linger again. It should be able to improve your reputation, but I did not expect The guest of another front-line superstar turned out to be Yang Juaner. "

Tall male agent said doubtfully

"It's really impermanent. This world is full of strange and unexpected things."

"That's true. Agent, how do you say I have a good relationship with Yang Juaner? Yang Juaner is a star in the front line. If she can be with her, she will definitely be able to ignite me with some of her resources. "

As Shen Xiangrui said, a look of excitement appeared on his face, and he couldn't help licking his lips.

The tall agent nodded

"This is indeed possible. Throughout the entertainment industry, there are also many male stars who were obscured at first, but it is because they have married a female star and female artist who are higher than them, with the help of their resources. And suddenly became a front-line star "

"Yang Juaner is now a front-line star. If you can really fall in love with Yang Juaner, even if you only talk for a period of time, your exposure will definitely go up, if you can really catch up Yang Juan'er, I'm afraid you're on your way to fame, and the time to become a front-line star will become even shorter. Yang Juan'er is now hot and can be regarded as a big cp. "

There are three opportunities to change your destiny.

The first is abortion.

The second is reading. Reading can really change a person's destiny.

The third is marriage.

Whether you are a man or a woman, if you can marry a good wife or a good husband, that will change your future and the fate of everyone.

Generally speaking, rebirth is a technical job. You ca n’t decide at all. Reading is quite hard. The so-called reading is to read a good book, not a dead book. At least you have to go to 985,211 schools, or even Tsinghua Only the top universities such as Peking University Fudan can change their destiny.

If you read the general 2 or 3 books, it is really impossible to say whether you can change your destiny. It can be said that both the hard time and the long time are quite uncertain.

In contrast, only marriage is immediate.

A poor boy who married a rich woman can immediately become a rich man. If a little star in the third or fourth line can climb to the big star in the front line, he can instantly be worth hundreds of feet.

This happens from time to time in the entertainment industry.

This is exactly why there are so many old husbands and young wives in the entertainment industry.

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