Super Finding App

Chapter 1964: Their respective plans (3)

"Hey, rest assured, Agent Zhou, I know what to do next. There is no problem at all. Although Yang Juaner is a front-line star, she is usually watched by Gao Jingjing's agent. And I ’m not too old, I believe I can do it. ”

Shen Xiangrui licked his lips like a prey and stared at Yang Juan's body.

He is not the same as ordinary fans. Fans always think that stars are very tall and very unattainable, but in fact, they will find that the star is actually not as big as ordinary people. The difference is even more stupid than ordinary people.

It's just that their work and staffing are all done by companies and brokers, and they don't need too much labor and labor.

This also gave Shen Xiangrui the best chance. He believed that by virtue of his handsome appearance and the method of picking up girls, there was no problem in trying to soak Yang Juaner into his hands.

Yang Juaner is just a little girl. By then, as long as she uses some means, she will be able to catch her and get lost.

Agent Liu smiled slightly, and he still admired the ability of this little boy Shen Xiangrui to chase the girl.

I have to say that some people are naturally attracted to girls and take a deep breath

"Well, if you can do it, it's a good thing for your career. I won't stop you, but you have to think about it."

"Hey, no problem, no problem, Yang Juan, you obediently become my prey."

Shen Xiangrui showed a cruel smile and was inexplicably excited.

For him, finding a girlfriend is not like or dislike, it's the same for everyone, it depends on whether the other party can bring a lot of resources to himself and whether he can make himself superior.

The silver van was on the highway in time, and the atmosphere inside the van was really fierce.

"Fortunately, we are really so lucky. I thought that this time Director Zhang would be looking for several stars in the third and fourth tiers. I would be able to take photos with the stars at that time. I did not expect that even Yang Juan would be invited. Well, this is really amazing, but this star is really a front-line star. "

"Isn't it? Yang Juaner is one of my favorite singers. The invisible wings she sings are really nice. How many times can I rekindle my hope in life when I'm desperate, but it's really not It's great to think that she often comes to this show today. It's really beyond our expectations. "

"Well, Yang Juaner is a front-line star. It seems that this director is really quite capable."

On the bus, Liu Xiang, Luo Zhanfeng, and Han Junkui talked with each other. At this moment, where do they start to learn, just like three ordinary people?

And most of what they discussed fell on Yang Juan's body, which made Professor Lu quite dissatisfied, and those with a dull face could drip water.

"Enough, you all calm me down. Don't forget what your mission is today?"

"It was with me to excavate the ancient monuments of Ghana, not to come to chase the stars, or to say that you do not want your own credits, I hope I deduct your credits!"

Facing the naked words of the landing professor, the three students suddenly slumped, swallowed droolily, and carefully looked at Professor Lu with an unhappy face.

"Professor, sorry, we knew it was wrong, we were only curious for a moment, rest assured, we will never drop the chain when we reach the archaeological site of Ghana"

"Yes, we will never drop the chain."

Professor Lu Renzhang's original complexion had slightly eased, took a deep breath, and frowned and shook his head.

"Don't blame me for speaking awful, and I don't mean what kind of opinions you have about chasing stars, but work is work, archeology is archeology, and it is impossible to follow the stars together. Once we went to Ghana for archaeology. It is very important, otherwise, it will never be filmed with Jiangzhen TV Station. This is also a good thing for you. After all, if the archaeological site of Ghana is really successful this time, it will be work for you. It is still very helpful in terms of experience, and once it can be shown on TV, it will also help your fame. It will have important considerations for your life and employment in the future. clear"

Han Junkui, Luo Zhanfeng, and Liu Xiang were left for a while. They seemed to understand something. They nodded like chickens pecking, and said quickly.

"Professor Lu we understand, we know what to do next, we will never drop the chain"

They are very clear that they can grab the identity of Professor Lu, and it is definitely not a simple matter to accompany Professor Lu to archeology.

After all, other students in the archeology class also hope to be able to increase their education and credits by taking this opportunity to teach archaeology with Professor Lu.

The most important thing is to excavate a monument that has not been developed. For them, they have very important achievements and political achievements, so that their future resumes will look much better.

Especially now that the TV station in Jiangzhen City is still filming, and finally it is broadcast as a program, it will be of great help to them regardless of whether they are working or rising channels.

It is precisely that these three students will pass the painstaking efforts and be qualified by Professor Lu, how can they be abandoned because of a few stars?

The trivial importance here is very clear to these three students.

A star is a star, you can like him, you can love him, you can admire him, but it is not worth mentioning at all compared to his education!

Professor Lu nodded heavily and looked at the three students whose faces were abnormally changed. They were quite satisfied and said.

"To the point where you can know the key points, that is the best. On this way, you sort out the information of this Ghana monument again, remember, you must sort it out carefully, this time we must make this Ghana Excavation of ancient monuments, if you can dig cultural relics with historical and cultural value, that would be a very good thing. "

"As for these celebrities, since they are here to participate in the show, they will be responsible for Zhang Dao of the TV station in Jiangzhen City, as long as they do not come to disturb our normal archeology!"

Professor Lu said, rubbing his temples with a headache.

Archaeology and reality shows are always weird.

It really made him feel like a hodgepodge.

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