Super Finding App

Chapter 1965: Canghai City (1)

The location of Ghana's historic sites is in Canghai City, which is in the western Zhouzhou of the Tang Dynasty. It is in a dense virgin jungle. It can be said that the walking route is very long and it needs to pass through several provinces and cities.

Originally, I wanted to fly, but there is no direct route to the plane, so I can only drive on the highway in a commercial car. It is conservatively estimated that it will take a long time to drive.

During this period, people who were not familiar with it were also thinking about running in.

Director Zhang is working out a detailed program task flow for the entire program and running in the crew of the film crew. After all, everyone is pieced together from other places and needs a running-in period.

If it ’s the most leisurely, there are three guests who come here. They basically do n’t do some heavy work, but Yang Juaner is sitting in the car at the moment, looking at some information about the ancient monuments in Ghana And some archaeological basic common sense.

This is the basic cultivation of a star, even if you really do n’t know anything about archeology, at least you should be able to know the basic knowledge of archeology, otherwise there will be a joke when shooting, once it is broadcast, the consequences are unthinkable .

Do not think that the directors of these shootings will know that you do not understand archeology and modify them. Some directors will intentionally leave this plot as a highlight.

At that time, the traffic of the show will have, and the fame will also have, but as a star, it is self-evident whether it is recruiting black people or attracting people.

Although Yang Juaner is a guest, she is very serious about each job, and she also reads the basic knowledge about archeology and the historical sites of Ghana along the way.

If you really want to say what happened on this road, I am afraid it belongs to Shen Xiangrui.

As soon as Shen Xiangrui stopped at the service area along the way, she would come to Yang Juan's side to offer her hospitality.

It is undeniable that there is a nanny like a cow who is next to her and replaced by other girls. I am afraid that she has long been fascinated. Shen Xiangrui does have such capital.

Not only is he handsome, but he really understands women.

The reason why women like bad men is that these bad men know the heart of women, know how to spend money, know how to spend money, or that they have no responsibility at all, just want to play.

But unfortunately, no matter how Shen Xiangrui's dedication and diligence seems to have nothing to do with Yang Juaner.

This annoyed Shen Xiangrui, but was somewhat helpless.

On the other side, Wang Yaner often came to Zhang Yangjuan's side, and even slept with Yang Juaner at night, flattering strongly, the relationship between the two was just like one.

What's unclear is that they really think they are very good sisters, not so-called plastic friendships.

On the other side, Professor Lu is leading three of his students Liu Xiang, Luo Zhanfeng, and Han Junkui, who are staying up late to study the information about Ghana's historic sites.

After being severely reprimanded by Professor Lu, the three people fully understood.

Curiosity about stars is also gradually decreasing, perhaps this is the so-called maturity.

I saw the stars occasionally and I was quite excited, very excited, but now I am with the stars every day, and I find that the stars are just like this. It is not much different from ordinary people.

When curiosity, freshness, and mystery disappeared, the three of them went into their work and everything went smoothly.

After three days of driving, we finally arrived at Canghai City on Nanzhou Road!

The unusually prosperous city of Canghai is marked by huge trees.

There are all kinds of tall trees everywhere in the city. The branches and leaves of these trees are densely connected, as if entering a forest city, even the air exudes a fresh breath.

"The environment here is really great. I didn't expect this city. Canghai City has such a good environment. It is basically like a garden city. If you can, it is quite good to come here for a holiday in the future."

After the crowd stopped at the special Canghai City Hotel, one after another came out one after another, and they looked at the surrounding scenery and revealed their amazing identities.

"This is for sure. The forests in Canghai City are famous. The forests are endless. It is one of the most important forest reserves in the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, there are a lot of flora and fauna here. Do n’t say these trees. I heard that sometimes I see some wild animals running into this sea city. "

"Of course, the main thing is that it also benefits the development and protection of Canghai City leaders."

Zhang Dao laughed, walked over and explained patiently

Before he came, he had done a detailed investigation of Canghai City. Originally, Canghai City was close to Linhai.

Therefore, some large chemical factories and factories were originally expelled and rushed to other places.

Although this has caused some lags in the development of Canghai City, it is undeniable that it has retained the air and environment of Canghai City, as well as a large number of flora and fauna. Canghai City is now mainly based on tourism.

The famous Linhai has also become a forest reserve, which can be said to be quite prosperous.

Canghai City's environmental protection indicators are ranked on the national rankings every year.

"Is this the case? That ’s really great. Now some cities have vigorously developed the economy in order to develop that. They have introduced various factories, even chemical plants and coal and some heavy industry plants. , Although the tax was eventually obtained, the mountains and rivers are indeed gone "

Shen Xiangrui pretended to say in general that people who don't know thought he was really a person who liked and valued environmental protection very much.

Aside from looking at her, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes, she bet that the agent must have told him, otherwise, how could Shen Xiangrui's straw hat be able to say such a high IQ to protect the environment.

Zhang Dao clearly didn't know the intrigue between the guests, and patted his hands gently.

"Okay, everyone, everyone has worked hard today, and have a good rest in the best hotel in Canghai City. We have already arranged a room for you. We will take another day off tomorrow. The day after tomorrow we will go to Lin Hai immediately. Professor Lu will pick you up. I just need you to come down, no problem. "

Professor Lu, who has been waiting impatiently for a long time, even nodded in backache, nodded heavily.

"No problem, I will tell you the schedule the day after tomorrow. I would like to remind you here that once you have entered Linhai, it will not be as comfortable as it is now. You need to walk on foot. Be prepared."

"I would like to give you another piece of advice here. Archeology is not as simple as eating and drinking tea, especially those that have not been excavated like the ancient sites in Ghana. It is estimated that it will be very hard. I hope everyone will be mentally prepared."

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