Super Finding App

Chapter 1986: Zhaozhou (2)

Zhaozhou came to Yang Juan in two or three steps, with a bright smile.

"How? Surprised not surprised, surprised not surprised, but I came to you on purpose"

Yang Juaner's original bright complexion suddenly became a little ugly, even the gloomy ones could drip water and shook her head gently.

"Master Zhao, I think I told you that I and you are not suitable, not to mention that Lin Hai is very dangerous here. If you are here, it is quite inappropriate. If something happens, then we can offend you. From now on, you should go back to Didu, where you should stay. "

Yang Juaner shook her head gently, and refused to be far away

"Don't say this, don't say this, don't tell me just like those imperial relatives with delicate skin, please, where did Yang Juaner be born? This is not my choice."

Zhao Zhou didn't seem to have a high toe, he smiled hehe, came to Yang Juan's side, and raised his lips slightly.

"Not to mention you don't need to worry. You do n’t have to see the three people behind me. You know Xiao Zhou. He is a friend of mine, but he is quite capable. Let me introduce you to the other two. One is Yang Li, who has a very strong experience in the wild, but he has the experience of living in the jungle. He is said to have lived a full year without anything in the wild. I believe As long as there is him in this forest, there is no other uncertain thing, our chances of survival will be greatly improved. "

"The other person, do n’t look at him as not tall. He is a real martial arts master Cheng Qiusheng, but the bodyguards sent to me by my family are indeed quite powerful. If nothing else, even if I meet the Tiger He also has the ability to tear the tiger into pieces, so rest assured, there are absolutely no problems in Linhai with them protecting us. "

It seems that Zhaozhou is completely confident, or that he had already done everything before entering Linhai.

Xiao Zhou on the side was wearing gold silk glasses and slightly buckled his head. This young master of his own had some wonderful ideas.

When he knew that the young master wanted to enter the Linhai to take part in the ancient monuments of Ghana in search of Miss Yang Juaner, he had already made a full preparation, and even invited a special field survival expert Yang Li and the top-level specially equipped in the family. Bodyguard Cheng Qiusheng.

I believe that with the help of two people, without saying anything else, there is no problem in ensuring the safety of your own master.

Sure enough, as long as the young master saw Miss Yang Juaner immediately rushed past.

And he looked around and saw all the people in the Jiangzhen TV station setting group, as well as Professor Lu Renzhang and his students all in his eyes. He needs to keep all these people in his mind, and he must ensure that all No one will threaten the young master, he must ensure the safety of the young master!

"Zhaozhou is really Zhaozhou. It is really one of the four princes of the imperial capital. Does he have the title of the third prince Zhaozhou? It would be incredible to meet him here."

"If we can have a relationship with him, his value will skyrocket. Are you afraid that there will be no resources in the future?"

The handsome Shen Xiangrui was still proud at this moment, like a chick who saw delicious food, the saliva was flowing out, and he came to Wang Linger's side carefully, his eyes glowed with light.

"The rumors are indeed correct, and the rumors are indeed correct. There have been rumors that Zhaozhou likes Yang Juaner all the time, and they are always pursuing Yang Juaner, but we all regard it as a gossip. News, even when the agent talked to me about this, I actually did n’t believe it deep inside. After all, there are too many women that Master Zhao pursues in the entertainment industry, basically they are just playing. It's just that I didn't expect Master Zhao to actually catch up with Lin Hai this time. Could it be that he really likes Yang Juan? "

"It's not fair at all"

Wang Yaner bit her teeth and almost broke her gums.

Although this may happen to the agent, he can still feel deep jealousy when things really appear in front of himself

On what basis?

On what basis?

He is more beautiful and has a better body than Yang Juaner, and even his experience is even better than Yang Juaner. Why does Zhaozhou dislike himself and instead like Yang Juaner?

It is simply unfair.

"Hey, Wang Aier, I feel a strong sense of jealousy, I now understand it, no wonder you are as good as your girlfriend on the way with Yang Juaner. It turned out that you had such an idea from the beginning , I really underestimated you, it ’s really human beings who ca n’t be looked at. ”

"If Yang Juaner knows that you make good friends with her just to use her as a springboard, I don't know what kind of reaction Yang Juaner will have? I think if I use Yang Juaner's character, I will definitely It will be very sad and crying "

"If she tells Zhaozhou this sad thing, I don't know if it will have any effect on you. Wang Aier, you are playing with fire at all. You are not afraid of playing with fire. Burn yourself in, that's not worth the money. "

Shen Xiangrui said with a grin in his teeth, and instantly responded.

In the entertainment industry, it is just like a regular meal.

"Oh, Shen Xiangrui, isn't it? But don't forget it. You have been warm to Yang Juaner for a while. Don't think I don't know what kind of idea you're working on. If you tell Zhao Shao, you're working If Yang Juan's idea, what do you think Zhao Shao thinks of you? Will he be jealous? If Zhao Shao is also jealous, he only needs to say such a word, Shen Xiangrui may be in your career It ’s going to end up in nowhere, do you think your company will offend Master Zhao for you? ”

Wang Yaner was completely deaf to Shen Xiangrui's threatening words, even against the generals

Shen Xiangrui's complexion changed instantly, showing an awkward smile.

He is very clear that he is only a star in the second and third tiers in the company. If he is compared with Master Zhao, it is like a cloud.

If Zhao Shao wants to deal with him, it is really just a sentence.

Thinking of this, he laughed twice, embarrassed.

"Well, I'm afraid the two of us are killing each other and killing each other. I believe our goal is only one person, that is, this Zhaozhou. I think that the cooperation between the two of us can be regarded as a win-win situation. I You can get Yang Juan, and you can get Zhao Zhou! "

"We win together ..."

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