Super Finding App

Chapter 1987: Heartbeat

Wang Yan'er's face continued to change, his brain was turning quickly, watching the impatient Yang Juaner and Zhao Zhou's diligent face changing constantly beside him, suddenly a bright smile appeared.

"Shen Xiangrui is absolutely right. We can work together to achieve a win-win situation. It seems that Zhaozhou wants to join Yang Juaner in this forest and join the show like us. This is for us. But one of the best opportunities is to see people's hearts and love for a long time. I will take this opportunity to completely take down Zhaozhou, and if you can win Yang Juan, it will be good for your career. It is indeed helpful. In that case, how about our cooperation? "

"No problem, of course there is no problem, I now feel that our participation in this archaeological reality show is really a very good decision."

Facing Wang Yier's win-win proposal, Shen Xiangrui nodded without any hesitation.

The two looked at each other, everything was silent.

Suddenly a bright smile appeared on Wang'er's face, and she walked in two or three steps and came directly to Yang Juan's side. The smile on her face that pulled Yang Juan's arm almost melted the rocks. , Sweet and greasy, looked at Zhaozhou with emotion, said word by word

"What's wrong with Yang Juaner? Isn't this Zhao Shao? Zhao Shao came here to find you. Even we all feel his sincerity. Why is this necessary? Hello Zhao Shao, I'm Yang Juaner Girlfriend, Wang Aier, I'm really glad to see you. You are really good to Yang Juaner. Okay, we are all jealous. If a man treats me so well, even if only half I will marry immediately. "

I have to say that the arrival of four people, such as Zhaozhou, injected a torrent into this peaceful Jiangzhen TV station, and everyone talked about it.

Professor Lu frowned slightly, showing an unhappy look.

This time the archeology originally had these four stars, which made him feel very dissatisfied. Now how can a Japanese person emerge, and it still looks like he knows the stars, thinking that he has a headache and rubbed his temples, I do n’t know if it ’s good or bad to participate in the archeology of Jiangzhen TV Station this time, right or wrong.

Now there is still an archaeological feeling, as if it really turned into a film reality show, and in my ear came the voice of conversation among his three students.

"It turned out to be him, I know him, but he is Zhaozhou, and he is quite famous on the Internet."

"Of course, who doesn't know him, this Zhaozhou family is quite rich, but it has the title of the four crown princes and three princes of the imperial capital, and the wealth of the family is always incomparable to us."

"Yes, yes, but the strangest thing is that I remember he seemed to be in the capital, why did he come here?"

"Don't understand yet? Yang Juaner, Yang Juaner, he came to find Yang Juaner, Yang Juaner's fame is too great"

"Yes, yes, I have read news gossip reports. I heard that Zhaozhou likes Yang Juan very much and came to her everywhere. I used to think this might be some gossip news, but now it seems that it is true. of"

"Of course it's true. If it's not true, it will run into Linhai for thousands of miles. This is true love."

The three students of Professor Lu Renzhang talked with each other, and it became clear that gossip is always human nature.

However, they soon realized that their mentors could be dripping with sullen faces, and opened their mouths, spit out their tongues, and stopped talking.

Luo Zhanfeng, Liu Xiang, and Han Junkui are all very clear. Since taking this journey, Professor Lu Renzhang has been very dissatisfied. After all, Zhang Jian of Jiangzhen City Television has turned this good archeological program into the current archeology. Real humans, it is really dissatisfied to invite a large group of stars.

But after all, this is the task arranged above, and Professor Lu Renzhang can also support and accept it. Now if the three of them are mixed in again, Wei Junkui, Liu Xiang and Luo Zhanfeng only think that they are simply seeking death.

The three spit out their tongues, lowered their heads, and drank the water silently, as if they were turning a deaf ear to the stars around them.

At the moment, Zhang Dao of the TV station in Jiangzhen City had his eyes widened, and he was quite at a loss.

Originally entered the forest, thinking that there would be no other characters appearing. I did not expect that four more people would appear.

And all four of them are quite famous. Just when he was at a loss, Xiao Zhou came over two or three steps.

At this moment, Xiao Zhou was wearing eyes, although he was an assistant, but the body exuded a breath unique to the superior, standing in front of Zhang Dao, giving Zhang Da a feeling of helplessness, even in He had never faced the director before.

Xiao Zhou said

"Hi, Mr. Zhang, this is the case. Our young men and Miss Yang belonged to each other. It happened that this time I knew that Miss Yang came to you to participate in the archaeological reality show of the ancient monuments in Ghana. We young masters Zhao are also very interested. So I want to follow the way together, I do n’t know if you can, rest assured, we wo n’t follow you in vain, we will invest as a sponsor, if you have anything that needs us, you can also tell us that we can cooperate and negotiate , I believe this is a very good thing for you and us. "

The director of Jiangzhen City TV station swallowed droolily, opened his mouth, and suddenly said

"No problem, no problem, of course there is no problem, we are going to the archeology of Ghana's monuments, not to mention that the access to Ghana's monuments is not a secret base, and anyone can enter it. Since Zhao Shao wants to go to Ghana's monuments, Everyone is on the way, no problem. There is absolutely no problem, but there will be some hardships in the future. Can Zhao Shao bear it? "

"You don't need to worry about this, we will all be prepared, you just need to agree"

Xiao Zhou nodded slightly, and after getting the consent of Zhang Dao, he turned away.

He must follow Zhao Shao step by step, otherwise God will know what kind of unexpected situation will happen if Zhao Shao walks around in this forest.

"Yang Juaner, Yang Juaner, you can rest assured. I am also very interested in the historical sites in Ghana. I also did research on the way. When I reach the ancient sites in Ghana, I will give you a good introduction."

Zhao Zhou patted his chest, he had already been prepared to work hard in front of Yang Juan'er.

Yang Juaner frowned slightly, looking at the exaggerated Zhao Zhou before exhaling a long breath

"Zhaozhou I'm working now. I hope you don't prevent me from working."

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