Super Finding App

Chapter 1988: Sponsor

"Yang Juaner, how can you say such a thing, Zhao Shao Qianli's coming here means that you are destined, and after listening to Zhao Shao's words, he also went to the ancient monuments of Ghana, I think we will be together together. The best thing is that everyone can understand each other, isn't it a good thing? "

As soon as Yang Juan's voice fell, Wang Aier interjected with facts

She is very clear that if she now engages in shamelessly with Zhao Shao, it will not only make Zhao Shao look down, but even Yang Juan will express dissatisfaction.

In case Yang Junjuan casually says a few words in front of Zhaozhou, she is expected to stop her food, so what she has to do now is to insert it between Yang Juaner and Zhaozhou like warm water boiled frog , Passing the time slowly and slowly grab Zhaozhou.

It's very thoughtful to grab a man Wang Yaner!

"Yes, yes, this Miss Wang is absolutely right. Anyway, I want to go to the ancient monuments in Ghana, and we will have no problem along the way."

Zhao Zhou immediately said, talking eloquently, looking at Wang Yaner's eyes with a trace of praise, no matter how Wang Linger really took this step.

The arrival of Zhaozhou, Xiaozhou, and the field survival expert Yang Li and the bodyguard Cheng Qiusheng was like a stone hitting the lake. Although some fluctuations occurred, they were quickly drowned. .

Since Zhang Zhen of Jiangzhen City TV Station has agreed that they can go together, for the other staff, there are only four more companions, which will not make much difference.

As for Professor Lu Renzhang and his trainees, they will not bother too much. They are more focused on the archeology of the upcoming Ghanaian monuments.

If it is said that the only influence is the three star guests Yang Juaner, Wang Yaner and Shen Xiangrui.

The arrival of Zhaozhou produced a magical chemical effect between them.

"Director Zhang, why did you agree with the four of them to join in, this is not very good."

Huang Zhen, assistant of Jiangzhen City TV Station, came to Zhang Dao carefully and said.

Although he is not a person involved, he can also feel the subtle relationship between Yang Juaner, Shen Xiangrui, Wang Yaner, and Zhaozhou, which makes him overwhelmed, for fear that such a relationship will Destroy the entire show.

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station shook his head proudly, showing a bright smile.

"No, no, don't you think this is a very good thing? This is a natural gimmick."

Zhang Dao said with a crazy look, his eyes were glowing.

"This time, we really have just taken the Grand Canal, Zhaozhou, you know, but the third prince, Zhaozhou, one of the four princes, has a huge traffic, and it is also on the Internet. A celebrity, it would have been impossible for us to invite him to participate in this small program, but I did n’t expect that he came to this forest to chase Yang Juan, and to participate in the archaeological site of Ghana together, you Don't you think this is the best opportunity for us? "

"The filming can also take this Zhaozhou together and become our free guest. The most important thing is that there will be wonderful chemical reactions between him and Yang Juaner, and even the three stars Wang Wanger and Shen Xiangrui. All this is to watch. As long as you have this gimmick, are you afraid that our program will not be hot when it is broadcast? "

"Why do you think I don't agree with their entry, and I can't find any reason to disagree with him!"

So it is so

Huang Mei froze for a moment, then immediately came over.

This is indeed the case. In addition to watching the content of the program, the audience is also a point of view for gossip.

If at the time of the notice, I played Zhaozhou Qianliyu and rushed from the imperial capital to Linhai in Canghai City to pursue Yang Juaner. I am afraid that this article can be hot search.

Afraid the show won't catch fire?

The show is not afraid that without gimmicks, it is afraid that gimmicks are too garbage and can not attract people's attention!

"I see, I see, Dao Zhang knows what to do next"

Huang Mei's eyes lighted up, just like a gigantic infusion, she figured out some problems.

"Yes, now tell the photographer immediately, remember to let them pay more attention to Zhaozhou when shooting, it is best to shoot everything related to Zhaozhou, after we go back, we can do well Sort it out and see how to make a good show, this time we really hit the jackpot! "

Teacher Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station became more and more excited, more and more excited, and her eyes were glowing.

After a while, everyone rested completely

Professor Lu Renzhang frowned and came over

"Guide Zhang, how long do we have to rest here? I think we can start the journey. If we don't leave soon, I'm afraid we won't be able to rush to the ancient monuments of Ghana. It would be very dangerous to sleep in the forest at night As for the newly added 4 people, I have no other ideas, I just hope they do n’t interfere with my archeological research. ”

"No problem, no problem, Professor Lu, rest assured, they belong to the category of celebrities and have nothing to do with it. Just as we said before, you only need to reach Ghana's historic sites safely and normally. Only archaeological research, other things have nothing to do with you, you rest assured, you rest assured that it will never affect your archeological research. "

Zhang Dao laughed and comforted quickly

He was really afraid that Professor Lu felt a hair coming over, and that would become troublesome.

Professor Lu Renzhang nodded slightly. He has completely given up on the star and ignored him.

"Then let's go now, we need to set off quickly."

"No problem, but we need to wait a bit, sorry, Professor Lu actually has people to come over besides them"

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen TV said, there was some twitching in the corners of his mouth.

"No, there are still people coming here. What the **** is going on?"

Professor Lu Renzhang's face changed instantly, with some dissatisfaction.

Is this still archaeology of Ghana's monuments?

East alone, west alone, what's going on?

Looking at the complexion in front of his eyes, Professor Lu suddenly said, and said,

"Professor Lu, rest assured, this time we are not waiting for other people, but sponsors. All the fees for entering Ghana this time are all provided by the sponsors. His only requirement is Can accompany us to archaeological sites in Ghana "

"He is also an archeologist!"

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