Super Finding App

Chapter 1989: At first sight

What does archeologists mean?

Professor Lu Renzhang frowned, and he also knew that the archaeological event he participated in had sponsors, so they were all the best in all the way, regardless of clothing, food, shelter, food, etc., even the current equipment is also the best.

As far as the government is concerned, it is impossible to allocate so much money. Therefore, it is within the understanding of Professor Lu Renzhang to have a sponsor.

It was just strange that he didn't expect the sponsor to go to the ancient monuments of Ghana.

"Yes, that's right, Professor Lu's agreement with Mr. Li is here. I think Mr. Li should come again later. He is a real archeologist and he heard this time Your team is led by Professor Lu Renzhang and Zhang willing to invest, and suddenly invested 10 million in sponsorship, our program can be broadcast smoothly, he is your admirer and admirer, but also your fan. "

Zhang Zhen of Jiangzhen City TV station filmed this set of ass, one by one, Professor Lu Renzhang became more and more surprised and confused,

Archaeologists like them have very few fans if they have fans. Even if they have the most students in the same college, after all, they are archeologists, not film stars.

Now that someone is a fan of him?

And also willing to provide 10 million sponsors?

It's a very strange thing to think about it.

Professor Lu Renzhang frowned as he thought about it. It felt strange that he thought it was totally wrong.

"Are you sure you are telling the truth, aren't you lying to me? Will someone really sponsor 10 million, but also because of me? Because they are my fans?"

Professor Lu Renzhang shook his head with some incredible things, which seemed to be the biggest joke he had ever heard.

"Of course it's true, of course it's true. Actually, this is why he came to me to offer sponsorship, because he knew that Professor Lu Renzhang was going to go to Ghana for archaeology. The sponsors will be reminded that I count the time and they should come over! "

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV could n’t wait to say

When I heard the sound of Lilili behind him, he turned his head and looked, and a group of people came out slowly from the grass and the sea of ​​clouds.

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV immediately showed a bright smile

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li, finally here, sorry, sorry, but let you come here to meet us, it is really embarrassing, I am afraid you will be too late or you will get lost ! "

Director Jiangzheng TV station saw Li An's arrival. Instead of being surprised, he showed a bright smile. He quickly walked over and stretched out his hand and Li An's hand, his face filled with a bright smile. , Turned around and introduced to everyone

"Everyone, everybody, hello everyone, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Li, he is the sponsor of our archeological reality show, but he sponsored a whole 10 million, this time our archeological All the road equipment costs, expenses, and leisure expenses are all sponsored by Mr. Li. We are very grateful to Mr. Li. Similarly, Mr. Li is also very interested in this Ghana historic site, so he will accompany us to explore this time For the ancient monuments of Ghana, I think Professor Lu has no problem! "

After introducing Li An to everyone, Zhang Dao set his eyes on Professor Lu who was resting aside.

After all, Professor Lu is the leader of everyone

I have an opinion?

Do I have feedback useful?

Professor Lu opened his mouth and his face became a little ugly. Looking at Zhang Dao in front of him, he took a deep breath and almost squeezed a word from his teeth.

"I don't have any opinion, as long as it does not interfere with archeology"

"Of course it will not interfere, of course it will not interfere"

Li An grinned, walked over in two or three steps, came to Professor Lu, reached out and enthusiastically shook Professor Lu, and said

"Professor Lu ’s name is like Lei Guaner in the archeological world. I am also very interested in this Ghana historic site. This time I came here with the idea of ​​learning, so Professor Lu treats me like an ordinary person. There is absolutely no problem, and I will definitely not affect any of your research by Professor Lu. "

"In contrast, Professor Lu, if you have any research on the above issues, or funding requirements, despite telling me that there is no problem at all, I will do my best to help. I am very clear that scholars like Professor Lu are in archeology Absolute talents, although you are usually unknown, it is precisely because of excellent talents like you that the archaeological community develops, so that we can know the history of the past. "

"Professor Lu, rest assured that we will definitely not give you any trouble on this journey, but I am your most loyal fan!"

Li An's smile was so brilliant that she almost covered the sun.

This is the first time Professor Lu Renzhang encountered such a situation. He opened his mouth and was quite at a loss. He wanted to decline it, but he really couldn't say anything. In the end, he could only deal with Li An Discourse

"Okay, okay, I know, I understand, as long as you don't interfere with archeology"

"Absolutely not, absolutely not. I still have a lot of questions about archeology. I want to ask Professor Lu."

"Professor Lu, please rest assured that we have also done some research on this archeology. It is really a blessing to be able to meet Professor Lu today. It is just that I have some insights on archeology. I can communicate with and consult with Professor Lu. , I would also like to ask Professor Lu for your enlightenment. I am really happy to meet Professor Lu today. "

As Li An talked, he pulled Professor Lu Lun and talked. After speaking about a few archaeological problems at random, Professor Lu's eyes brightened, and he and Li Chuan began to talk with you in a word and threw everyone away. Aside.

I don't know what they thought they were partners for a long time

Obviously, Li An is also quite researched on archeology. In just a few words, he talked with Professor Lu and had to say that the conversation was quite pleasant.

Mr. Zhang of Jiangzheng Zhengzheng TV Station looked at the scene in front of him with a long sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Professor Lu would be careful and dissatisfied, but now it seems to have been resolved satisfactorily.

In addition to Li An, Li An also came with three people.

One of the men, Sun Boyuan, wore a minority costume, and his face became a little dignified. Looking around, his look was extremely complicated.

The other two were young men, tall and strong. They looked like a trainer. The faces of the two were almost identical. Obviously, the two were twins and months.

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