Super Finding App

Chapter 1990: camping

"Well, everyone, everyone, now that everyone is here, let's go now. We have to rush to Ghana's monuments before sunset, otherwise it seems we can only be in this jungle. Overnight! "

With the guidance of Jiangzhen City TV Station Zhang's words, the assistant of Jiangzhen City TV station greeted the crew of the film crew and began to prepare for the journey.

Professor Lu Renzhang also moved with his students, but at this moment there were more Li An and Li An with Duan Yue, Duan Ri and Sun Boyuan.

Professor Lu and Li An were at first sight, they were very happy,

The two talked while walking, and all the news was about the news between archeological circles and the problems that occurred during archeology. It can be said that the three trainees behind them listened to each other, and it was not clear what was still Thought Ang Lee was also a famous professor of archeology.

The other group is the star group, Yang Juaner, Wang Yaner, Shen Xiangrui, and Zhaozhou, Xiaozhou, field survival experts and bodyguards behind them. It seems that the entire group is divided into three parts.

One part is a member of the crew composed of Zhang Zhen and assistants from Jiangzhen TV Station.

The other part is Professor Lu Renzhang and the station sponsor Li An.

The other part is the star team.

The three sides can form three squares, walking forward sternly, seemingly happy, but they are not related to each other, and there is some weird peace.

And the happiest of them is Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen TV Station.

He arranged that the crew of the crew focused all their attention on Yang Juaner, Shen Xiangrui, Wang Yaner, and Zhao Zhou, which was the top priority of his show.

On the contrary, the attention of passers-by, such as Professor Zhang and Li An, is not too much, just to let the people in the film crew pass by.

After all, there is nothing to shoot even if it has not yet reached the Ghana monuments.

The main thing is that although it is archeology, the focus of this archaeological reality show is still on the stars, not archaeology such as Professor Lu Renzhang.

Walking in the forest is not a simple matter. Sometimes it seems that it is a straight line on the map. It only takes tens of kilometers to reach, but it may reach tens of kilometers if it is really out.

Obviously, not far from the front is a hill, but when I walked by, I found it difficult. After all, there is no formal road in Linhai, and people need to walk step by step.

In this way, time is greatly consumed.

Fortunately, Professor Lu Renzhang has also been to the vicinity of Ghana's historic site before. He can be regarded as having an impression and familiarity with this road, which has made everyone avoid taking some detours.

But even if you want to reach Ghana's monuments at night, it is not an easy task.

Eventually, when the night gradually wanted to come, the crowd came to a remote place.

Professor Lu Renzhang took a long breath and looked back frowning. He was able to walk on his own, but the star camp was clearly breathless. There was no way to continue walking. Zhang Dao aside Came over

"Professor Lu, let's camp here tonight. Although we can still walk, the crew of the film crew is really struggling to carry the equipment."

Obviously, Director Zhang didn't push the matter to the stars. After all, that ’s a star. It ’s not a grievance for the crew of the camera crew to prepare the pot. After all, the crew of the camera crew with cameras and various equipment really Is panting.

Professor Lu Renzhang nodded and nodded

"Well, camping is also possible, but I haven't camped in the middle of the forest. If there is danger, it is a worthwhile thing."

"It's okay, it's completely okay."

Zhao Zhou, who was still behind Yang Juaner, was already sweating at this moment, feeling sore on both legs.

The so-called beauty and like have long since disappeared, I just hope to find a place to sit down quickly.

He stretched out his fingers to Yang Lidao, a field survival expert

"My companion is a well-known expert in the field of survival in the country. I believe that there is no problem with the protection camp if he is there. We just need to obey his words."

Yang Li is a thin-skinned man, tall and dark-skinned. At first glance, he walks outside for years, giving him a fairly honest and mature feeling.

Listening to the words of his employer, Zhao Zhou, he stepped forward to Jiang Dao, a TV station in Jiangzhen City. He looked around like a falcon and said,

"The main thing to survive in the wild is to find a safe camp. This camp is not suitable. It belongs to a downwind area and there are jungles around it. What we are looking for is a safe vision without too much danger. Place, there is a very suitable area where we just came over, we can now go back to camp! "

"No, you do n’t have to be so troublesome, you do n’t have to be so troublesome. If you go back now, you have to go a bit longer. This is really a bit of a trouble. I think the location here is very suitable.

Yang Li's voice just fell and Li An suddenly said

He was already quite familiar with Professor Lu on the way, and the two of them were just like each other at first sight.

Professor Lu is also quite satisfied with Li An, as a stamina student.

"The most fearful thing in the wild is trouble. Although it is true that there are some troubles when walking back for another half an hour, but in comparison, safety is the most important thing. The least fearful thing in the wild is trouble."

Yang Li frowned and looked at Li An coldly, feeling that his professionalism was challenged, saying word by word

"From the forest, we don't know what kind of danger will be there at night, nor what kind of wolves, tigers and panthers will appear at night. If it becomes death or danger because of a momentary care, this is a It ’s worth the loss. I think it ’s worthwhile to go back for another half an hour. Safety is the most important thing. ”

"That's true, everyone. Although I don't know why you feel unwilling, this Mr. Li, but I can tell you that here is Mr. Yang Li, the world's most famous expert on survival in the wild. He has survived in the wild for a month, and he can survive in the harsh environment. I believe listening to him is a very suitable thing for us. "

"He will never make a joke about this thing!"

"After all, as the saying goes, professional things are best left to professional people to do."

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