Super Finding App

Chapter 1994: Overnight (Thu)

"Yes, yes, since Zhaozhou likes Yang Juaner so much, even if the thousands of miles from here have rushed to the forest and want to pursue Yang Juaner, it ’s not my own pursuit of Yang Juaner that provokes Zhaozhou. Unhappy, even for you to destroy the disaster, then my best way now is to help this Zhaozhou to pursue Yang Juaner, I believe that with some means of my picking girls, it will definitely help Zhaozhou, and even Can help Zhaozhou chase Yang Juaner. Once he can really chase it, not to mention anything else, Zhaozhou will definitely thank Dade for me. Even if there is no Thanksgiving Dade, he will be treated as a brother. By that time, Show me a little bit of benefit for me, I'm enough for me to be fragrant and spicy, what else should I worry about, afraid of no resources, or afraid of not becoming a first-line star? This is absolutely impossible! "

The thought of Shen Xiangrui's breathing quickly, he made a decision instantly.

As for the alliance with Wang Dier, one pursues Zhaozhou and the other pursues Yang Juaner, and Shen Xiangrui immediately leaves it behind.

He wasn't the kind of person who spared his life for Wang Yaoer.

What's more, the so-called accomplices are just nonsense, but they are not enough interests.

"It's really too obscure. It's really too obscure. How could I never have thought that Zhaozhou ran from the capital to Linhai. I had pushed out so many endorsements and announcements from the capital. In order to get rid of Zhaozhou, I have already run into this state of the sea, and he even chased after him. Why ca n’t it be thrown off like a dog skin plaster? It ’s too depressing. ”

Inside the pink tent, Yang Juaner muttered her mouth.

At this moment is turning on the phone, video chat with his friend Xu Shuting

Fortunately, even in this forest, the signal coverage is still quite strong. As long as there is a signal, it can also be connected even if the event is 10,000 meters away.

Xu Shuting inside the phone showed a bright smile

"No, it's so romantic. From the emperor all the way to this forest, without saying anything else. If you compare this, you can know that Zhaozhou really likes you very much. Maybe he treats you very much. But sincerely "

"Also a diamond king and five, and a magnate Yang Juan, you have to give up such a good thing, but if you say it, it will be thunder and thunder."

"Okay, okay, stop joking, I'm annoying people, even though this Zhaozhou is indeed a giant, and it is also the oldest diamond king, but what can you do? You also know that he is a flower Son, likes me, but it ’s just that I do n’t get my freshness. I ca n’t trust all my life to such a person. ”

"What if he finally joined the giants? There are so many rules in his family. Even if there are not many rules, he must take a woman who is helpful to their career, and it may not be a woman like me. , We say a star, but in the final analysis it is just an ordinary person "

Yang Juaner analyzed it very carefully. She did not think about Zhaozhou, but she thought that she was not a person who could entrust her for life.

Thinking of here, she said

"If I just want to raise awareness with Zhaozhou, or if I can make a fortune, that's perfectly fine, but what I want is a man who, in addition to money, wants to love my life. , Not just dandy, not just money. Honestly, I really ca n’t afford to gamble, and I do n’t dare. ”

Yang Juan's voice was revealed for the first time. She was not unmoved. She was attracted to the five kings of diamonds and handsome men. This is the plot of a domineering president that only appears in the novel.

But the problem is that novels are always just novels. He can't take all his opportunities to bet on such an opportunity, and to bet on Zhaozhou will be good for himself all his life.

She couldn't do it at all.

Yang Juaner is very clear that two people are in the same love, just like eating chocolate, always sweet

But life and marriage are another matter, more like a cup of tea, but also a cup of bitter tea.

There are sweet and sour bitters.

It's not easy to survive!

"Okay, okay, Yang Juan, what you said is indeed true. Playboys like Zhaozhou, to be honest, if I change to me, I'm afraid I won't believe that, after all. If you turn your face and do n’t confess your account, you wo n’t be able to cry. ”

"Okay, okay, do n’t talk about him, do n’t talk about him, right to the uncle, did the uncle find it? I rarely came to Jiangzhen City but I did n’t find the uncle. Now I ’m here again. I'm afraid I won't meet the uncle again. "

"I don't know. I have been searching online but I haven't found it. You also know that since that incident, the uncle hasn't contacted us very much. Even if he has some contacts, he is always looking for people outside. Things, then, think about it now, I really miss some uncles. "

Xu Shuting said on the phone that the two were talking to each other.

After turning off the phone for a while, Yang Juaner lay her whole body in a sleeping bag, gradually fell into sleep, and fell asleep.

Night fell, and even this bright moonlight could not penetrate the dense jungle of the forest and sea. Only scattered moonlight could shine through the branches into this camp. It seemed unusually quiet and beautiful, as if it were like Scenes from fairy tales.

Shen Xiangrui shivered fiercely. He opened his eyes and felt a strong urge to climb up, and then creaked and pulled out his sleeping bag and stepped out.

Behind him, the assistant was still waking loudly.

Stepping out of the sleeping bag and standing on the campsite, I could feel a cool breath coming from my face.

I have to say that there is a little coolness in the wild in the jungle and it feels completely different in the sleeping bag.

Shen Ruixiang came to the outside of the camp with his hands on his feet, but he didn't go far enough. Suddenly, the searchlight hit him, startled him, and a cold voice came from his ear.

"Who's there?"

"It's me! It's me"

Shen Xiangrui yelled loudly, and, with the help of faint moonlight, saw Sun Boyuan, a man dressed in ethnic minorities, opened his mouth and asked.

"Why are you here, didn't you go to sleep?"

"I'm on a vigil"

"That's really hard for you."

Shen Xiangrui nodded, covering his lower limbs, and quickly walked into the bushes beside him. There was a voice from Shen Xiangrui behind him.

"Wait, remember, you need to go to a clean place when you go to the toilet. Do not go to a place with a water source, understand? A place with a water source can be very dangerous."

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