Super Finding App

Chapter 1995: Assault (2)

"What's going on with Zhang Dao? How could Shen Xiangru sleep well in the wilderness? It's too strange, is it really what he said he had recognized him at night? Attack, if that's the case, it would be too dangerous. "

Huang Zhen, an assistant of Jiangzhen City Television, asked, with some doubts on her face. She couldn't help taking a nap while watching Lin Hai.

"Don't think nonsense, don't talk nonsense, this should be impossible, think about it, there is no injury to Shen Xiangrui, and there is no loss of money. Who will stun him? Is it money or color? "

"It is neither a fortune-telling nor a fortune-telling. What is the purpose of doing this? It does n’t make sense at all. It may be that Shen Xiangrui really has his own sleepwalking, but you also know that as a star, if people find that Sleepwalking is a very dangerous thing, and it should have a serious impact on his acting career, so he lied that someone fainted him. "

Zhang Zhenzai of Jiangzhen City TV Station analyzed carefully and nodded while analyzing

"My analysis of me should be correct, after all, there is no second reason that can be explained except this."

Listening to Guide Zhang's words, Huang Mei nodded

"Yes, Guide Zhang, I think so too, because all of us who came here participated in the archeological reality show. No one will have revenge on Shen Xiangrui. This should not happen. The problem is probably his sleepwalking "

"Yes, yes, that's true, but no matter what, when you gather for a while, you still ask, don't we all arrange for vigils at night? I believe what you should find if you enter the vigil The situation, if it is really sleepwalking, then everything is justified, but we can hide this matter, if Shen Xiangrui is really unwilling to disclose it, it is assumed that he does not know. "

Leader Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV said earnestly

Walk towards the campsite.

"The program of the archeological reality show was made with a lot of effort. I just hope that this program can be shown intact and produced, and there must be no messy things, nothing. Mess, this is absolutely bad behavior "

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV kept mumbling in his heart, suddenly his eyes brightened, and he turned his head to Huang Mei and said

"I thought about it. I just thought it was a bad behavior. After all, it can cause panic, but on the other hand, if you can really find out that this sleepwalking disease, then it can be used as a tidbit. , Think about it, a weird incident that happened at night in a campsite for a group of people who went to the archeological reality show site. Do n’t you think this is a suspenseful, gimmicky thing? Can it attract people ’s attention? ”


For Zhang Tao of Jiangzhen City at this moment, as long as he can have any ideas and works to improve his ratings, he will never give up.

Huang Mei's eyes nodded.

"Zhang Dao's idea is so genius, we think it's okay!"

"Yes, yes, of course, but before that, let's find out why Shen Xiangrui sleeps in the wilderness, is it his sleepwalking, or is someone doing a prank?"

The film crew of Jiangzhen City TV Station has a special mate in it. In the morning, they have already got up early in the morning and started to cook breakfast, and delivered it to everyone.

After a good night's sleep, everyone stood up and felt the heart-warming atmosphere in the forest. They couldn't help but stretch a lazy waist.

"I slept really well last night. It wasn't practical to think that I would not be able to sleep in the wild countryside, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, although in the beginning It ’s still a bit uncomfortable to sleep, but slowly I feel very comfortable sleeping. I have n’t slept so well for a long time. I am busy rushing to make announcements every day, and the sleep time also changes. Very few, now it ’s really a very good thing to want to pick up this announcement, at least to relax myself "

Early in the morning, Yang Juaner stepped out of her tent and stretched a lazy waist. She had n’t slept like this for a long time, she had n’t slept like this for a long time, and even had a feeling of vitality.

"That's because your work is too hard, Yang Juan, if you are with me in the future, then you don't have to go to work so hard. You can sleep as long as you want. The problem is, if you like this natural environment, I can build a villa for you in the natural rest area. It will be no problem for a holiday. "

Zhaozhou's eyes were all glowing, and he looked up at the pure Yang Juan in front of his eyes, and the saliva was flowing down.

She has not done makeup, but Yang Yaner, who is so beautiful, stands on a step. The sun in the sky shines on him through the shade of the tree, making her cute and pure like an elf, so that Zhaozhou He was stunned and dumbfounded.

Unlike those glamorous or completely different from his past, his heart was beating almost violently.

Like is a very strange feeling.

One way is that carrots and greens have their own love

For many people, although Yangzhouer is pure and lovely, it is not the type that is all over the country. To be precise, it can only be regarded as middle-class.

But the strange thing is, haven't you seen too many charming young girls, and they really like Zhaozhou like Yang Juan's, and even feel agitated.

"Forget it, no need, I still prefer to make money to buy it myself, it can never be depended on by men."

Yang Juaner smiled and shook her head and looked at Zhaozhou.

Since she doesn't like Zhaozhou, naturally she won't accept Zhaozhou's gifts

But it is undeniable that she is just a girl after all, a man ran for thousands of miles for her from the imperial capital to this forest, saying that it is impossible to not touch it.

It was only that Yang Juan'er knew more clearly, or the experience she had experienced since she was a child, and her independent life, so that she knew that it was better to rely on others than on herself.

Others can help you for a while, but they will not help you for a lifetime.

And if a person wants to survive, he still depends on himself.

Asking others is better than asking ourselves.

In her heart, the only one who helped her the most was her uncle, besides her loved ones.

That was the one who really changed her destiny.

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