Super Finding App

Chapter 1996: strange

"Yang Juan'er ca n’t say that. I think Zhaozhou is absolutely right. After all, it ’s really pleasant to say that the natural environment like this is really good. Sometimes when you do a movie, the whole person will become tight. And it wo n’t come out quickly in the play. It takes a while to recuperate, and it ’s the best way to go to the remote suburbs and in the natural world. If Mr. Zhao really has these villas, I think we will It ’s very good to go together, at least I can relax my mood a little bit and prepare for future work, isn't it? After all, this is also Zhaozhou ’s intentions. "

Wang Yier stepped out from the side in a timely manner, stretched out her hand and bent Yang Juan's arm, and said, but her eyes looked at Zhaozhou.

Although she was helping Yang Juaner both inside and outside her words, she was no doubt persuading Yang Juaner to accept Zhaozhou's kindness.

This snack can be heard by Yang Juaner, of course, Zhaozhou can also hear it, watching Wang Aier nodded slightly.

He likes such women, at least to understand his own heart.

"Okay, okay, do n’t talk about this, do n’t talk about this, now I have started to eat, and I have started to put it in. Let ’s all come together.”

Yang Juaner sighed, why couldn't he see what kind of mind Wang Wanger was around?

If Wang Yaner really likes Zhaozhou, then Yang Qianer will have no idea if he snatches him away and will even raise his hand to welcome him.

But if you think of yourself as stepping stones and pedals, Yang Juaner really dislikes it.

Looking up at this moment, watching the crowd walk towards the center of the campsite.

The morning breakfast has already been distributed, and he quickly said, and found an excuse to walk over.

After a while everyone gathered together, and Professor Lu and his three students and Li An and others also gathered around.

Although some of them bring their own dry food and food, it is better to have a bite of hot soup than those awkward food.

Waiting for the kitchen guys to deliver all the food to everyone, Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station clapped his hands, coughed twice, and focused all the attention of everyone. Come over and smile brightly

"Everyone, we are not too far away from the ancient monuments in Ghana. Conservatively, we can reach them in half a day at most. After arriving, we can set up camps and the programs will be on schedule. The time is about three to six months For a period of time left and right, I would like to ask for your attention in the future. "

Some words from the director of Jiangzhen City TV Station Zhang should have just started to talk after the conversation.

"No problem, Zhang Dao, we all heard it very clearly at the beginning, and there were no problems in three months to six months."

"We will shoot as scheduled"

"Yes, we won't play big names"

"Okay, okay, of course I know you won't play big names. This is a very good thing. I also hope we can cooperate happily here."

Mr. Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV showed a bright smile, and looked at Shen Xiangrui, who was still pale, and said,

"One more thing I want to ask you, this morning, Shen Xiangrui, Mr. Shen was found lying in the wilderness, not in his tent. Listen to him, he came out at night When it was convenient, someone was stunned from behind, so I wanted to ask if you knew this. Last night I remember someone patrolling and vigil. I do n’t know if you found this thing. ”

"What? Shen Xiangrui was stunned and lying in the wilderness, how could this happen?"

"No, no, we went to bed early last night and didn't come out or come outside the tent."

"That is, how could anyone take action against Shen Xiangrui, and we and Shen Xiangru have nothing to do with each other and no resentment. How could we do such a thing?"

"No, how could anyone have shot at Shen Xiangrui and passed him out of the coma? Is there any resentment or resentment?"

"Should not, if there is really hatred and resentment, if you really want to start, here is Lin Hai, but in the wild countryside, you will be stunned, and then thrown into a poor and remote place. It ’s God who does n’t know the ghost, how can it be possible for everyone to lie in the wilderness beside the camp? ”

"It's too strange, this is indeed a very strange thing."

"What about the money, is there any less money? Maybe some people want to take money, so they will stun them later"

"No, no, Shen Xiangrui has no money at all, and there is no loss of money in his tent. The assistant has already checked and there is no financial loss at all."

"That's weird. Nothing was lost. Why would someone stun Shen Xiangrui? What's going on?"

The staff and stars of the working crew in Jiangzhen City TV station chattered

Everyone feels ominous about this kind of thing, and some are at a loss

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station turned his attention to Yang Li, an expert on survival skills in the wild, and Sun Boyuan, an ethnic minority

"Two, I don't doubt the two. Last night, there were two people who arranged some manpower. For the vigil at our camp, I don't know if you found any unexpected situation last night."

How is it possible to camp in the wild and all the people sleep in the tent?

It would be better if it was in a safe area, and in today's forests, I am afraid no one has such a big heart.

So apart from the celebrity and crew members, as well as Professor Lu and other people sleeping.

Some young guys in the film crew have also been selected to cope with the unexpected situation since the vigil turns in the evening.

Of course it ’s all alone in the middle of the night

Hurry up during the day.

On the second day, if a vigil is needed, another person will come over to work shifts to ensure the safety of the night.

"No, no, I didn't notice Mr. Shen Xiangrui's coming out last night, and you know that it was particularly dark at night. We basically stayed beside the fire, only we heard the voice. To go out, we really did not find Mr. Shen Xiangrui out of the tent. "

"Is he already there when we're vigil?"

"It's true. We didn't notice anything last night. They were very quiet, not even animals."

"Yeah, yeah, it was really quiet last night. We didn't find anything unexpected."

"Strange, weird, really weird, right?"

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