Super Finding App

Chapter 1997: Yaksha

If all the words spoken by the people are true, it is enough to show that nothing unexpected has been found.

Does that mean that Shen Xiangrui said that he could not fly out of the tent?

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV showed a look of doubt, but he felt wrong.


There was a clear voice in my ear

"Wait last night, I saw Shen Xiangrui"

The eyes of all the people suddenly followed the voice and fell on Sun Baiyuan, who was wearing a minority costume.

"Yes, yes, I remembered it, I remembered it, and I remembered that I was almost scared to death when I came out last night, wasn't it that you didn't find anyone who attacked me? Don't you see it? "

Shen Xiangrui patted his thigh sharply. He remembered what happened last night, raised his head with a look of hope, and looked at Sun Boyuan, a man from a minority. His tone became extremely excited.

He stretched out his hand and touched it on the accessories of his minority clothes.

"Last night I and two other people were on a vigil. In the middle of the night, I did see this Mr. Shen Ruixiang appear from the tent. At first I thought it was dangerous, so I took a searchlight and shot it. This Mr. Shen Xiangrui, if he wants to go easily, I did n’t follow him. After that, I did n’t seem to see him again. I thought you were back in the tent. I did n’t expect to lie in the wilderness, and It ’s really weird after being attacked. "

"No, no, don't you even see you? Didn't you see anyone attacking me? That's too strange, if that's the case, tell me Who would attack me for no reason? This is simply not true. "

Shen Xiangrui, upset and angry, stood up, gritted his teeth, stretched out his feet and stepped on the ground violently for a few times, squinting his teeth and grinning.

He has some panic and anxiety.

If it's just a prank, it's all right, but if there is really someone dealing with themselves in the back, then this is a creepy thing, it is simply self-evident.

There is a way to catch thieves thousands of miles, how can there be a thousand miles to prevent thieves

"Strange, this is too strange, isn't Shen Xiangrui saying that you have met any kind of enemies? Or is it that someone really wants to play a prank with you, if it is a prank, I think this prank will be It ’s a little bit too much. Now if anyone is doing a prank or stand up, I apologize to Shen Ruixiang. This thing can be regarded as a thing of the past, but if it does n’t exist, it will be a thing if it is found out. Good thing, after all, everyone is now in Linhai, and we will have to get along for three to six months in the future. Do n’t make it too ugly. "

Zhaozhou's eyes turned a little, and suddenly he said, holding a bowl of soup in his right hand, drinking a spoonful of spoonful.

Of course, this big pot rice is made without the delicious food made by some exquisite chefs, but not to mention anything else, don't have a flavor of eating here.

He raised his eyebrows as he spoke, so he had already seen a lot.

Just talking, the body exudes the breath of the superior.

However, the waiting Zhaozhou was a dead silence. Obviously, no one wanted to come out and admit that he had stunned Shen Xiangrui.

"Hey, then this is really interesting. If it wasn't for the people in our camp who stunned Shen Xiangrui, who would it be? Is there anyone else in this jungle? Does it exist? Are there other people in this forest? "

Zhao Zhou grinned, the voice just fell, he turned his head sharply, and looked at Sun Boyuan, a man from a few tribes, and said

"Wait, Sun Boyuan, if I remember correctly, your tribe is in this forest. You belong to the original inhabitants of this forest. Could it be that the people in your tribe have set off against Shen Xiangrui? If that's the case, then there should always be a reason. "

As soon as the words fell, the rest of the people set their sights on Sun Boyuan, a man from a minority, and chattered.

"This is indeed the case. All of us here have no interest relationship with Shen Xiangrui. If we really want to say this, it seems that only this minority tribe will have the possibility of the original inhabitants in Linhai."

"But no, we have n’t had any contact with the indigenous people in the minority tribe. We do n’t know where they live. It ’s too strange to say why he shot at us and the target is Shen Xiangrui. A little bit "

"This is indeed a very strange thing. It should be possible, or else what would you say? Is it Shen Xiangrui's sleepwalking?"

"It's possible, it's possible, if it's not sleepwalking, it's the people in our camp, if it's not in our camp, it might be the original inhabitants of this forest, if the original inhabitants of the forest are not, then It is possible that Shen Xiangrui accidentally slammed into a tree when he walked by himself at night and passed out. "

"Okay, okay, do you think you are talking about password twisting, or you are talking about one set after another, isn't it right at all?"

"Shen Xiangrui himself said that he was attacked by something, and then he was stunned by covering his mouth and nose. It should be human beings who can cover his mouth and nose!"

"Weird, weird, too weird. So, wouldn't it fall back to the origin again?"

"Speaking of humans, but all of us don't have any contradiction with Shen Xiangrui, how could he faint him?"

"And he fainted neither for money nor fortune, nor for hurting his life, which is really strange."

The staff of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City in the surroundings chatted tremblingly, and an ominous atmosphere lingered in the hearts of everyone.

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station coughed twice and frowned slightly.

Could it be that all of my previous conjectures were wrong?

Shen Xiangrui was not sleepwalking, but was really attacked by someone.

Thinking of his increasingly rapid breathing here, he looked at the ethnic minority man Sun Boyuan with a hesitant look.

In an instant

Almost everyone focused on this goal in front of this minority man, Sun Boyuan.

I saw him take a long breath, bit his teeth and raised his head, showing a complex look on his face

"If we really want to say that it is a person in our tribe, after all, there is no contradiction and conflict between the people in the tribe and us, but if it is really related, it may A legend belonging to our tribe "

"Shen Xiangrui may have met Yasha!"

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