Super Finding App

Chapter 1999: Yasha (2)

"Yes, yes, Sun Baiyuan, how did Yasha find me, I won't die."

Shen Xiangrui's terrified teeth were snoring, and I felt a weird feeling in the whole body, just like the pain in the body and the numbness. He grabbed it, with a look of panic and confusion on his face.

Just kidding, how old is he? He is only in his twenties. Although he is only a second- and third-rate little star, I believe he will have a great future in the future.

How could he just die inexplicably like this.

This is absolutely impossible.

He didn't want to die at all.

What's more, this time I came here just to participate in the show, how could I meet the so-called Yasha?

It ’s too scary. It ’s too scary.

In the face of Shen Xiangrui's panic and fear, the other people on the side also showed a surprised expression one by one, and the conversation began, and there was some fright.

"No, Shen Xiangrui is absolutely right. You said why Yasha found Shen Xiangrui, did she say that something has violated the taboo? Then what does Shen Xiangrui do? Things offend Yasha "

"Do n’t say that, what age is it now, how could there be so-called Yasha, and all said that Yasha may be just the so-called virus and bacteria, and there is no sense of self or self-consciousness, how could it be It ’s offended. Do n’t feudal superstition. Never speak the words of feudal superstition. There is no feudal superstition in this world. ”

"That's what it says, but what Shen Xiangrui said really made us feel very horrified. Does it mean that Shen Xiangrui already has a virus?"

"No, if this is the case, then we are still far away from Shen Xiangrui. If it is infected by him, it will be troublesome."

"No, no, isn't it called the Yasha virus? Will it be troublesome if it is contagious, and do we want to go to the ancient monuments in Ghana?"

The people in the TV station of Jiangzhen City talked horribly. The more they talked, the more they got scared, the more they got scared, and even they were infected with infectious diseases. Each one looked at Shen Xiangrui with fear and terror. Look and dislike

"Enough, enough, don't talk to me, don't talk to me, what are you talking about here?"

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV station looked up and drank loudly. Anyone with a dull face can drip water.

What a joke, she paid a lot of attention to this archeological reality show, and even found 10 million sponsors now, in order to be able to shoot this show

And now, it has been estimated that a so-called yaksha virus has emerged before it reaches the Ghana historic site.

Is there really a so-called infectious disease?

Will the whole show be filmed at that time?

It ’s ridiculous for Zhang Dao to make the filmed program come to an end.

Looked up

Word by word

"Don't make alarmists here. No one knows whether the so-called Yasha is true or false. Even some of the documents found by Professor Lu, the above records are just words, so I can know Shen Xiangrui. It must have been poisoned by the so-called yaksha, but he was stunned at night and slept for a night in the wilderness. What do you mean by now? "

"Don't talk nonsense here"

Zhang Dao's loud reprimanding speech made the original staff of the TV crew's TV station suddenly slumped and talked carefully.

There was no more quarrels, and Zhang Dao exhaled a long breath and looked at Sun Boyuan, who was wearing ethnic clothes. His face was abnormally gloomy.

"Mr. Sun, since you are the original inhabitant of this forest, what exactly is Yasha what you mean? Is it true that Yasha is a virus?"

"Is there really a so-called yaksha in this forest? It would be too weird if there is a so-called yaksha. How could the country not know it, after all, as you said, this yaksha is mad Infectious virus, then it will be known by the World Organization, and it will be treated, and it will not be left unattended as it is now. "

Sun Boyuan, dressed in ethnic clothes, nodded his head slightly, looked up, and looked at the complex forest, sighing sighingly

"You guys do n’t need to be surprised and afraid. The so-called yaksha is actually my conjecture. Actually, from the time I was born to the present, although the legend of yaksha is spread in my ethnic group, we have never seen it so far. What yasha "

"What, have you never seen Yecha?"

"Scared me, scared me, I thought there was a Yasha, it turned out to be just one of your legends"

"That is, that is, it is really scared to death. I really thought that if there was a Yasha, would there really be a virus? If there was a virus, it would be troublesome."

"It turned out to be a rumor in the city for a long time. It was really scary to death."

"It ’s better to say something early next time. It's better, we will be scared to death."

"That is, that is, I actually want to say that although we are in the middle of the forest, Zhang Dao also said nothing wrong. How could there be such a coincidence? The so-called Yasha is simply impossible."

The staff of the production team within Jiangzhen City TV Station, if you are overwhelmed, you are the one who talks with me.

But obviously their words are very relaxed, not like the atmosphere just condensed.

Minority man Sun Baiyuan showed a bitter smile, stretched out his hand and stroked it on a pendant on his clothes, and said

"My tribe is actually in the depths of this forest. People in our tribe have lived in the forest for many years and have very little contact with the outside world, but the good news is that the mayor of Canghai City It is very caring, so our tribe is not as backward as you think. Some electronic equipment and books and schools will have it, but a legend of Yasha has been circulating in our tribe. "

"It is said that our tribe has been waiting for Ghana's monuments since ancient times. It is not clear what Ghana has in it. We only know that it has been guarding Ghana's monuments since its ancestors and left a horrible message. That is, if anyone wants to open the Ghana monument in vain, he will be punished by the gods in the Ghana monument and he will attract the curse of Yasha. "

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