Super Finding App

Chapter 2000: Discussion (1)

"Is it the curse and the yak that provokes doom? This is indeed quite in line with the literature recorded in the book, which is really interesting, and it is also very interesting."

Professor Lu's eyes are glowing

"According to archaeological legends that we have passed down, in ancient times, people were very feudal and superstitious. They would assign everything they did n’t understand or say to heaven and gods, or even some so-called, Uh, horrible things are also attributed to the revelation of heaven, or the curse of heaven, so this Yasha may also be fabricated, this is completely in the past, if this is true, then this time we are The archaeology of Ghana's monuments is very important. It seems that I am looking for the right place, otherwise the so-called Yasha will not appear. "

Professor Lu's really excited eyes were all glowing, and the eyes of Sun Baiyuan were all excited,

"I did not expect that this time I will meet the original inhabitants of the forest and sea when I go to the ancient monuments in Ghana, and they are still the guardian people of the ancient monuments in Ghana. This really means that the pie will fall from the sky."

"Okay, okay, don't discuss these anymore. What I want to know now is whether there is Yasha, and who attacked me at night, did I have a virus?"

Shen Xiangrui's face was red and white, and his teeth were snoring. He didn't care about the archaeology of the so-called ancient books of Ghana by Professor Lu, nor did he care about the feudal superstition activities of the so-called ancient people. Shen Xiangrui said he didn't mind at all, he didn't care at all!

The only thing he knew was whether he would die.

"Of course not, Yasha is just a legendary creature. How could there be a so-called Yasha in this world. I want to say that you must have been pranked by someone at night, but he is now Do n’t stand up, otherwise we will definitely be criticized and cracked down, so think about it now, do n’t be too surprised, someone must have done a prank to you. ”

"Yes, yes, definitely yes, there must be some mischief, otherwise how could such a thing happen, either you Shen Xiangrui drunk yourself yesterday or hit a tree and finally passed out. In short, I I would rather believe that somebody is playing a prank, or that there is a so-called Yasha in this world, it is too funny "

The staff of the Jiangzhen TV station filming team talked with you in a word, and said that Shen Xiangrui's face eased slightly.

Honestly now, he also said that he was panicking.

He would rather believe that he was truly sleepwalking, and he definitely did not believe that he would be entangled by the so-called Yasha, which was too creepy.

"Wait, wait, Sun Baiyuan, you just said that Mr. Shen Xiangrui may have encountered Yasha, so what is your reason? How can you be sure that Shen Xiangrui may encounter Yasha?"

Li An suddenly asked aside, there was a gleam of light in her eyes.

Sun Baiyuan's body trembled slightly, his mouth opened.

"Because in our tribal legend, only going to Ghana's monuments, and opening Ghana's monuments will attract the curse of Yasha"

"Going to Ghana's historic sites, will the talents who disturb Ghana's historic sites attract bad curses? That's the case, so you will say that Shen Xiangrui may have hit the so-called Yasha, which caused the trouble of Yasha. We are all going to the ancient monuments of Ghana. If this is the case, it is enough to show that this Yasha does not exist at all "

Zhao Zhou suddenly said, standing up, clapping his hands gently, attracting everyone's attention

"Everyone, let's not discuss whether the Yasha in the Ghana monuments is true or false. After all, it belongs to the legend. Just as the original inhabitant Sun Boyuan said, even if there is a so-called Yasha Exists, and the purpose of the appearance of Yasha is to prevent us from entering the Ghanaian monuments, but we must not forget that this time we entered the archaeological sites of Ghana, but all of us, not just Shen Xiangrui alone, the so-called Yasha He would only find Shen Xiangrui, and not the rest of us, or even Professor Lu, in the morning. Don't you think this is a very strange thing? "

"This is enough to explain what the so-called protectors of Ghana's monuments and what the so-called yaksha are nonsense. What I want to say is that Shen Xiangrui simply met him at night because it was convenient for him to go out alone. Prank, this is just a simple prank event. You do n’t need to think about it so deeply. You have scared yourself to death before you reach the Ghana monuments. This is too ridiculous. thing"

"Yeah, yeah, why didn't we think of this. If it is really protecting the ancient sites in Ghana, wouldn't Yasha find Professor Lu on the best thing? After all, Professor Lu is an expert in archeology, like us. It ’s just the crew. Shen Xiangrui is also a star who came to participate in the archeological reality show. There is not much use for archeology. How could she find Shen Xiangrui? It seems that the so-called Yasha is just nonsense. ”

"Yes, yes, yes, some things are really indistinguishable, and one thing is clear. Now I want to see that we are all frightening ourselves. Where is the so-called Yasha, this is simply impossible, even if there is Yasha should also be looking for Professor Lu. How could he find Shen Xiangrui, he is just a star? "

"Smart, why didn't we think of this"

Hearing Li An's words in his ears, all of them were relieved suddenly, showing a bright smile.

Even Shen Xiangrui froze for a moment, then immediately came over.

To be honest, in the context of the unfamiliar life in the forest, facing the endless forest, it is impossible to not worry or fear.

After all, in the face of the vast and boundless forest, the ghost knew what would happen inside.

The atmosphere of watching everyone present suddenly became relaxed.

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station breathed a long sigh of relief.

He knew very well that the shooting time was from three months to half a year. During this period, he said that the length of time is not short and short, and he is far away from the crowd. If it is not handled properly, an accident may occur.

He didn't want to fail before reaching Ghana's monuments, but he really lost his wife and lost his troops.

"Okay guys, okay guys, this is the end of this matter. Do n’t scare yourself. After all, we are going to Ninghai this way, and it is also Ghana. It is probably equivalent to what was called Golden Egypt. Like a pyramid, old and mysterious,

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