Super Finding App

Chapter 2004: Arrival (3)

"Hurry up, hurry up, let's set up camp and clear up the ground here. We need to know that we are now in the depths of the forest and there are no camps around Ghana's historic sites. You need to work harder and clear up a place first. Come out, then set up the camp, and finally we think about what to do next "

Zhang Zhen, a TV station in Jiangzhen City, was extremely excited, and was directing the crew of the film crew to remove all the weeds on the ground.

As you can imagine, this is not a simple matter.

The crew of Jiangzhen City Television Station set up their heads while weeding, watching the stars standing leisurely chatting and the students led by Professor Lu Renzhang carefully studying the surface of Ghana's historic sites, with some indignation.

"Really, how could this be the case, we actually need to weed here when we come here, and we need to clean up the ground. We are here to do the filming, but not to make debris."

"Okay, do n’t say that, weeding quickly, this Ghanaian monument is in the depths of the forest and you also saw a patch of weeds and bushes everywhere. There is no place for me to camp. If the ground cannot be cleaned today I ’m afraid I wo n’t even have a place to sleep. ”

"I know, I understand, I just have but have been unwilling. You say that everyone is the same person. If we really want to weed and really clean up a group of camps, why are n’t the other people Do it, let's do it, it really is, but it's too irritating "

"Okay, you can't think about it. It ’s impossible for us to find Zhang Dao here, but first of all, it ’s not Yang Yanger from the first line. If we really let them weed out something, Everyone ca n’t afford the consequences. In addition, both Shen Xiangrui and Wang Yaner are stars. When do you see stars who have done such labor, you want to start a little bit. ”

"I know, I know, even if the celebrities arrive, the others, Professor Lu Renzhang took his three students to study the Ghana monuments. That ’s it. They are intellectuals, but what about the other two groups? Do n’t do anything, one is you, the other is someone from Zhaozhou who looks at the ancient monuments in Ghana and does n’t come to help. It ’s really annoying to wait for us to get the accounts. Up "

"No way, no way, you don't want to think about it, this Zhaozhou is not simple, but it is one of the four princes of the imperial capital. Do you think that if we let him do such a thing, will we still have good fruit to eat after we go back? People are not the same as people. In addition, Li An is a sponsor, but it is 10 million. "

"Brother, that's 10 million. If you don't say 10 million, if you make 1 million, Zhang Dao will definitely give you up."

"Okay, okay, do n’t talk about that, everyone, hurry up and clean up the ground before it gets dark today, and set up camp. I guess Zhang Dao will rest for two or three days. Rehearsals and preparations, after which we have time to be busy "

"It's true. Don't say it. Act quickly. We will stay here for three months to half a year. Don't make any mistakes."

"I see, I see, everyone hurry up and work"

Although the crew of the Jiangzhen City TV station had some dissatisfaction, they found that they could only do the work themselves, quickly clear the ground, and then set up camp.

After all, they will live here for three months to six months, which is definitely not a simple matter.

"No, there are so many mosquitoes here, do you really want to stay here for three months to half a year? When I received the announcement, I felt that I would be patient, but now When I really arrived in the forest, I found that it was completely different. "

Wang Linger was originally wearing hot clothes. Now she has changed into long sleeves and trousers. She hides her graceful figure under the clothes, stretches out her hand, and pats her skin from time to time. The big mosquito was sucking her blood.

So she was very upset.

"This is no way. When we got the announcement, we were in the city, but now we are in the forest. The forest can be said to be very dangerous. There is no convenient transportation in the city. Such a reality show is actually It ’s more difficult and harder than ordinary reality shows. We ’ll get the guys. I did n’t expect you to come, so bear with me. For two or three months, I hope to pass earlier. "

Shen Xiangrui came over, drinking water with a bottle of mineral water in his hands.

If you look closely, you will find that his lips are abnormally dry, and the skin is wrinkled, and the whole person's mental state is very bad.

"Shen Xiangrui see how you are drinking water again, I found that you have something wrong, your current state of mind is very bad, and your face is also very poor. It seems that your makeup artist needs to deal with you for a long time. Make-up is all right, have you been into the soil and water for such a short time since entering Linhai? "

Looking at Shen Xiangrui's apparent absence, Wang Aier asked with some worry.

"Nothing, nothing, just dissatisfied, some dry mouth, I'll be fine after a day or two of rest"

Shen Xiangrui's head shook like a rattle, and he quickly pulled out the mirror he was wearing, and looked at the pale, embarrassed self in the mirror, his eyes widened.

He is very clear that what he wants as a star is appearance, and if he is so shy, once he goes online, it is estimated that his acting career will be completely finished.

When he thought about it, he immediately turned around and scolded at the assistant.

"Assistant, hurry up, hurry up, call the makeup artist, I'm doing makeup, I definitely can't shoot the show in this way, this is absolutely not possible, absolutely not!"

"Here is the Ghana historic site. It's really desolate. If it wasn't for Professor Lu that the previous so-called pillars were the entrance to the Ghana historic site, in the case of the few of us who came here, that would be the most As an ordinary pillar, a glance at it, archeology is really interesting. "

Faced with the people who entered this Ghanaian monument, compared with other people, there were some discomforts, but Zhaozhou was quite excited.

He even had a feeling of returning to nature.

Behind him, Xiao Zhou and Duanri, Duanyue followed closely two or three people, for fear of what kind of accidents would occur in this jungle.

Their mission is to protect Zhaozhou from injuries.

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