Super Finding App

Chapter 2005: Arrival (4)

"Why are you following me? Do you really want to stay here? You have to think clearly"

Yang Juaner looked at Lin Hai in front of her, and there was some excitement in her heart, far away from the earth, and here she did feel a touch of tranquility.

Of course, this is the best thing if there are no people she doesn't like to stay around.

"You need to know that it takes at least three months to half a year for me to shoot a reality show here. Do you think it really okay for you to leave for such a long period of three months to half a year?"

Zhao Zhou had not spoken yet, Xiao Zhou on the side stepped forward and frowned.

In this forest, he is really not used to persuading

"Master Zhao, Miss Yang Juaner said nothing and did nothing. This time what we came out to tell your father was just to travel. About a week, if we really want to stay here for three days to half a year, If that ’s the case, it ’s definitely not appropriate, not to mention that we did n’t have much supplies this time. If you are here, you will become quite uncomfortable. I think it ’s safest to leave here earlier. After all, it will take a day to leave Lin Hai from here. "

Zhaozhou's face became a little ugly, he reached out and grabbed his hair

"It's really a bit murky. I thought that even though this Ghanaian monument is in the depths of the forest, it can still have some buildings and even a village. After all, some villages are also engaged in tourism, at least accommodation. There is no problem at all, but I did not expect that this ancient Ghanaian monument would be located in such a deep place in Linhai, and it can only set up camp. If you live here for three months to half a year, it is really not good. "

Zhao had some hesitation.

After all, he's just a playboy. Even if it's not the same as an ordinary playboy, he's also a young master.

His habits have been destined to live a life that is too hard to bear, and shook his head.

"It's not good, since Yang Juaner can stay here, so can I."

Yang Juaner said helplessly

"It's different. I'm here for work. You're not working here, and you left Emperor for 3 months to half a year. Are you sure that your family won't bother you? Are you sure no one will worry?"

Zhaozhou's face changed instantly, biting his teeth lightly. As the four princes of the imperial capital, they all seemed to be blooming, but in fact, if it was really useless, they would have been transformed by the family

He also has his own things and work to do, but compared to different people, his work is more mental work than physical work.

"I see, I see, but if it's so full, there should be another week or so. We'll stay here for three or four days, three days, and then we'll go back."

Zhaozhou eventually made a concession. Don't look at him as one of the four princes of the imperial capital, but there are still fathers and mothers in charge of him.

He knew very well that if he did something wrong, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Xiaozhou exhaled a long breath, although he did not pull Zhaozhou back to the imperial capital at the beginning, but he did not have to stay here for three months to six months.

Otherwise, some of him can't believe it. If he really stays here for three to six months, he will know what it will look like.

"Duanji breaks the moon. During this period, the two of you must take good care of Master Zhao, and you must stay here. Lin Hai is not as safe as in the online city. God knows what will happen here. occur"

Xiao Zhou's face became abnormally dignified and ugly, looking around the entire forest and the sea, and could not see at all.

Humans are really small here, and even have a sense of fear.

This fear comes from Xiao Zhou's fear of being beyond his control.

After all, in real society, he can have resources to use in the city, and he has a lot of resources and connections behind him.

In this forest, it can be said that resources are useless, relying only on themselves.

"Ghana's monuments, Ghana's monuments, hurry up, this is the Ghana's monuments, although now we are seeing the pillars of the Ghana's monuments buried outside, but as long as we can find the right direction into the Ghana monument, then We will be able to enter the ancient monuments of Gala. Now you can carefully study the engravings and patterns on these beads. They are quite particular. "

Professor Lu Renzhang was quite excited at the moment. He simply did not care about the ideas of the crew of the TV station in Jiangzhen City and the celebrities.

Taking his three students to study carefully around the apparently ragged pillar

If you change to other people, you will only think that this is a rotten pillar with a strange pattern on it, and you can't see anything interesting at all.

But this kind of tattered pillar looks like something precious in the eyes of Professor Lu Renzhang and the students behind him.

This is the so-called difference between professional and non-professional.

"It's really weird. The patterns on these pillars can still be clearly seen for such a long time. There must be a special tool, which is really very special."

"Yes, yes, if you look closely, you will find that the lines and patterns on this pillar seem to have some meaning, which is completely different from the patterns we have studied before."

"This is of course. Every relic has local customs and culture. In some cases, we look like fancy patterns related to the history and cultural knowledge of the local country. Is it true that the same is true of the ancient sites in Ghana?"

"Professor, professor, we are very strange, where exactly is the intersection of this Ghana historic site, this Ghana historic site is so long, there should be hundreds of years this pattern can be so clear, it can be seen that the craftsmanship at that time must be quite remarkable"

"It's really weird. Have you made such a process for hundreds of years?"

"I know you are all very curious, but I am also curious"

Professor Lu Renzhang said

"I used to have an occasional expedition with my professor in the forests of the sea. When I encountered this Ghana historic site, it has always been very strange and shocking. Today I finally had the opportunity to study it well. It is said that the Ghana historic site should have some entrances, but This is just a guess "

"The staff of the archeological team organized by the mayor of Canghai City only excavated the outer part of the Ghana historic site. They did not enter the inside of the Ghana historic site at all, or they did not find the real entrance to the Ghana historic site. This time we are the Excavation of monuments, if possible, it is best to find the real entrance to the monuments of Ghana "

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