Super Finding App

Chapter 2006: Conversation (1)

The weeds surrounding the Ghana monument in Linhaine, Canghai City have been cleared by a crew of formal television crews, and then the ground has been established. Although it is relatively simple, it already has the appearance of a campsite, enough. Everyone who participated in the reality show of Ghana's historic sites camped.

After working all day, everyone felt very tired and went to sleep peacefully in the camp.

But there are also many people who are unable to sleep or are excited and cannot sleep at all.

Professor Lu Renzhang

At this moment, he was flipping through the information about Ghana's monuments in his tent, and the students who came across from him were also desperately searching through the data. Everyone's face showed an excited look.

For these students, originally they were still very excited about the stars, but after gradually contacting them, they will find that the excitement has gradually subsided. For them, it is more about the research on the ancient monuments of Ghana.

In particular, they found that the various carvings and patterns inscribed on the outer pillars of this Ghanaian monument really surprised them. After hundreds of years, these patterns can be so clear, This process is even more surprised and shocked than the current process.

"Professor, this is really amazing. This pattern and pattern seems to contain some kind of text. It is really very magical. It is a bit similar to Oracle and is very similar to the current Oracle. I do n’t know. Who will be the builders of the monuments in Ghana, and how did they design such words? "

"That's true, professor. This pattern of Ghanaian monuments has such a pattern. If we can really find a way to the real entrance of Ghanaian monuments, wouldn't we be able to enter this Ghanaian monument."

"That is indeed the case. Three students, why did I agree to the above requirements this time, even their so-called archeological reality show, so as to be able to enter this Ghana historic site, the city of Canghai The chief organized an archaeologist to conduct an investigation of Ghana's historic sites, but has always only opened the front hall of Ghana's Ghana, the so-called front door. Many cultural monuments have been found in it, but in general it is not very useful However, according to the research of archeologists, there should still be a huge dungeon under the Ghanaian monuments. There should be a real Ghanaian monument, which is the so-called Ghanaian city, but so far no one can find it. Ghana City Approach "

"If we can find it, then we can be famous in the archeological world, which is enough to make you brag about your life."

Professor Lu Renzhang's eyes glowed with light, and now he still came over and followed archeology.

Obviously Professor Lu Renzhang also has his own ideas.

The three students' eyes lighted up at the hearing, and their heads nodded like chicks.

They are also very clear that if they can really find a way to enter the city of Ghana under the ancient monuments of Ghana, as the first group of participants, the three of them will have some heavy sums on their resumes.

This will become their capital, no matter where they go, they will be more qualified to brag!

"Great, great professor, let's find it quickly, if we can really find a way to get into Ghana, then it is really a very good thing."

"Professor we will look it up carefully and we will be able to find a way to enter the ancient monuments of Ghana"

Professor Lu Renzhang looked at the three students in front of him and nodded heavily.

"It is a very good thing for you to have a fighting spirit, but you must also consider clearly that the archaeologists organized by the mayor of Canghai City will not be inferior to us, but when they have gone through two or three months, We have n’t found a way to enter the ancient monuments in Ghana. We may not be able to find a way to enter it. So do n’t be too excited. The main thing is to study it carefully. If you can find this, If you ca n’t find a very good thing, you can only blame us for learning, waiting for the next opportunity, and the next opportunity for archeology. ”

Professor Lu Renzhang exhaled a long breath.

He is well aware that archeology is not a simple matter, and even if you can stay here for three to six months now, you cannot guarantee that you can find a way to enter Ghana.

After all, archeological things, sometimes you can find your luck on the second day after you arrive. If you are unlucky, you will not find it for a lifetime.

This is a question of benevolent seeing benevolent seeing wisdom.

"No, no, professor. I believe we can find it, we can find it."

Professor Lu Renzhang's three students gave him a quick glance and said quickly

Just kidding, this time the three of them were able to follow the landing of Professor Renzhang to this Canadian monument. This is their only chance.

If you wait until the next time, the first does not know when

The next time, God knows whether they still have the qualifications to follow the landing professor Ren Zhang to archeology at that time, it can be said that the three of them can't wait

The bright moonlight shone through the branches of Ghana's monuments, and everything seemed so peaceful.

If there are not too many mosquitoes here and few people are here, it is indeed a very talkative place, but it is a pity that for lovers, love can go anywhere, and to the depths of the forest, I am afraid that I can only feed mosquitoes. Up

At the moment inside the tent, Li sat quietly in front of him, held a glass of wine, took a sip, and looked up at Sun Boyuan, a minority man sitting in front of him.

"Sun Boyuan, now I need you to tell me about the legends in your tribe. The Ghanaian monuments have been found, but my goal is not the Ghanaian monuments, but the legendary Ghanaian city below the Ghanaian monuments, no Know if there is a way to get into Ghana in the legend of your tribe "

"If anything, I still want you to tell me Sun Boyuan, rest assured that you should know that I am not a shy person. If you can know the way to enter Sun Boyuan and tell me, I can give you 10 million. "

10 million!

Sun Boyuan's breathing was quick and his eyes widened.

If he has been in the forest of this primitive jungle, he may not even know how much and how charming the 10 million is.

But when he came out of Lin Hai and came to the real society, he knew very clearly how important the money in the real society is.

10 million!

This is money he can't make in a lifetime

Thinking of here he raised his head, breathing quickly

"Mr Li An, are you really willing to pay 10 million?"

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