Super Finding App

Chapter 2023: Sober (4)

"Uncle, uncle, we really haven't seen anyone for a long time. Why do I sometimes send a letter Z and ask you, why don't you ignore me? I thought you deleted all my letter z"

Yang Juaner's hands were in front of him, constantly tangled, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar Cheng Yiping in front of his mouth and saying

That looks quite wronged

You have to know that if other fans know that their celebrities have a private relationship with them, you will be very excited.

Cheng Yiping reached out and touched the back of his head, and looked at Yang Juaner in front of him with a bright smile.

"Sorry, I use less of this letter, and it ’s not much now, not to mention that you are a celebrity. Usually, you are always very busy, and I do n’t want to disturb you. , But I did n’t expect to meet you within this Ghanaian monument, the world is really quite small ”

"How have you been recently? There should be no problem. According to some news mentioned in the latest consultation, your current acting career is still quite good."

Cheng Yiping looked at Yang Juaner in front of him and smiled brightly.

I remembered the appearance when I first met Yang Juaner, she was so small, but now Yang Juaner can't deny that she has exudes a temperament as a star, and she can't help looking.

Both the spirit and the temperament have undergone tremendous changes.

"Okay, okay, I'm working hard now, every time I work hard, I can't keep up, I will think of Uncle Cheng, if you tell me, you will stick it out, I believe that a bright future will be ahead. "

"Ha ha ha, yes, yes, Yang Juaner, what you said is completely without any mistakes, then as long as you insist, the future will always be ahead. Although life is more painful, as long as you believe in the light, the light It will always come in front of you. After all, you look at the world with light, and the world will give you back with light. If you look at the world with dark eyes, the world will only give you back with darkness. "

"Yes, yes, Uncle Cheng, you are absolutely right, Uncle Cheng, you are completely right"

Yang Juaner smiled brightly. On the side, Wang Linger came curiously and turned her head, looking at Yang Juan'er and Cheng Yiping's eyes, a flash of surprise flashed, showing a grinning expression.

"Yang Juaner, don't you tell me about it? Do you two know each other?"

Yang Juan's whole body shocked, and her smile turned slightly red.

"Wang Aier, let me introduce this is Uncle Cheng. It was Uncle Cheng who helped me back then, so I was able to join the performing arts circle. Uncle Cheng is my nobleman."

Speaking of Cheng Yiping, Yang Juaner's smiling face became even more red, and his eyes stared at Cheng Yiping in front of him. Such an expression, as long as everyone understands what is going on.

No, no, that's what happened.

Could it be that the reason why Yang Juan'er has never accepted Master Zhaozhou is the person in front of him?

No way?

Is this a gossip, is this definitely a gossip today?

Wang Yaner's eyes lightened, and looking at the performance of Yang Juaner in front of her instantly understood, her mouth opened wide, and some were stunned.

The conscience of heaven and earth, she had not expected that such a thing would happen. She thought Yang Juan would not accept the confession of Master Zhaozhou, because Master Zhaozhou's usual style of work was a playboy, but now it seems that this is not the case It ’s because Yang Juaner already had other men in her heart from the beginning!

Thinking of this, she opened her mouth and twisted her head, looking at Zhaozhou on the side. At the moment, Zhaozhou gritted her teeth, but she had some helplessness:

Wang Yaner's eyes did light up completely. A bright smile in my heart

"Yes, good, this must be a good thing. This is definitely a good thing for myself. At first, I was still afraid that Yang Juaner might be better with Zhaozhou and two people. For those who won Zhaozhou, The plan is to go bankrupt, but now it seems that since this Yang Juaner has a sweetheart, she will definitely not find Zhaozhou, and once Zhaozhou falls in love, that is the best opportunity for me to take it. "

Thinking of Wang Linger's brain turning fast here, I simulated the situation that is most beneficial to me in an instant.

Looking up

Seeing Cheng Yiping's charming smile

"Originally, Mr. Chen, I have heard Yang Juaner talk about it before, and I have never witnessed it with my own eyes. It is true that I saw it today.




Although Wang Zier's expression was very charming in front of him, he fell into Cheng Yiping's mind and knew that the Wang Zier in front of him was too fake.

Although her figure is very hot and her smile is quite charming, Cheng Yiping still clearly feels that there are many illusions in her smile.

This Wang Yaner is many times more complicated than Yang Juaner.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yiping shook his head funnyly

Indeed, think about it

If it ’s so stupid and sweet in the entertainment industry, I do n’t know how many times it has been sold.

Like Yang Juaner, thanks to her good agent Gao Jingjing, otherwise, it is not a simple matter to want to mix in the acting circle?

Of course, if this is a normal thing, you wo n’t say your eyes. There is a flash of light in your eyes, and you say

"It's Miss Wang Linger. Hello, I'm very happy to meet you."

Very polite words

Wang Yaner's eyes lightened, and she smiled randomly.

She felt weird. If other men saw her, their eyes would be shining, and she was very confident in her figure.

It seems strange that Cheng Yiping has no interest at all.

"Uncle Cheng, Uncle Cheng, what are you doing here in Ghana? Are you also very interested in this Ghana monument?"

Yang Juaner didn't care about Wang Yaner at all, she looked at Cheng Yiping.

"Yes, that's right. I'm very interested in the ancient sites in Ghana, so Professor Lu Luzhang who just saw from the newspaper is going to come to Ghana for archeology, so I came to take a look and didn't expect this to happen. Things. "

"Honestly, there are a lot of bugs in the wild countryside. You have to be careful. After all, in this deep mountain jungle, no one knows whether these bugs have changed over the years. You have to know that there are even some viruses and germs. Once they are bitten, they may get sick. Fever is quite troublesome. "

"You have to protect yourself, don't be careless."

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