Super Finding App

Chapter 2024: Conjecture (1)

"Finally liberated, finally liberated, it really killed me, it really killed me."

Shen Xiangrui was sitting next to a bucket at the moment and drinking water.

Heaven and earth conscience, he was fully tied for two days or so, and he only drank a little water every day. In the words of Yiping, it was only when he was hungry that he could get all the iron in his body. All the nematodes and A. elegans eggs came out, and only in this way could they be foolproof:

Shen Xiangrui never thought that drinking water was such a happy thing.

"Drink slowly, drink slowly, be careful, be careful. You are really unlucky. I didn't expect that the insects would get into your body. What you think is very commanding. Something creepy "

"Not, but isn't it? How do I know it will be like this, how will I know it will become like this, how do I know that there will be bugs in my body, this is not normal at all, you will not think I know some bugs will run over and let the bugs get into my body. "

Shen Xiangrui, who was drinking a lot of water, still had an unusually pale face at this moment. It can be seen that even after he completely cleared the nematodes from his body, he was already very injured. It is true, but then again, how do I feel Strange, one thing feels very strange "

Wang Yaner came over from one side, frowning

She stopped a few steps away from Shen Xiangrui, and she still hasn't forgotten how crazy she was when she was about to strangle him!

"Strange? What do you mean is weird? I can be infected by those abominable bugs in this Ghanaian monument. Is it the strangest thing, okay?"

Shen Xiangrui gritted his teeth and said, his teeth were snoring.

He remembered what everyone was telling him, it was almost no different from being crazy,

"No, the strange thing I said is not your Shen Xiangrui, but the village head of the minority."

Wang Yaner raised her headband, looked around, and said word by word.

"I don't think everyone has forgotten. When Shen Xiangrui didn't disappear, the village chief of the minority came to us and issued a warning telling us that we must leave this Ghana historic site, otherwise we will suffer from Ghana. The curse of the historic site, and the first one to suffer the curse is Shen Xiangrui, don't you think this is strange? Why would the village chief of this minority know that Shen Xiangrui would have an accident! "

"Yes, yes"

"Wang Chener said that it was absolutely true. How can we forget this? Now think about it, it is indeed full of strange factors, which is too strange."

Yang Juaner raised her head, with a look of surprise.

It really feels very strange when I think about it!

"Yang Juaner was absolutely right. I think now that this is really beyond our expectations. There must be something wrong with it."

Zhao Zhou came over from one side and stood next to Yang Juan'er, staring fiercely at Cheng Yiping. If his gaze can kill people, he will surely be killed.

Such a gaze made Cheng Yiping look suspicious, reached out and touched his cheek, not knowing where he had offended this Zhao Chuanzhou.

Zhaozhou coughed twice gently, attracting everyone's attention

"Everyone, this is really very strange. When the village chief of this minority came here, I was also there. The topic he said was really scary, but in combination with what happened to Shen Xiangrui now, it was quite equivalent. strange."

"So we can infer two results. The first result is that the village chief of this minority has some ability to predict, or some kind of idea, he can know that Shen Xiangrui has been invaded by the nematodes. Therefore, I knew that Shen Xiangrui would go crazy and warned in advance, but if this is the case, then all this is a bit unexplainable. It is because the village chief of the minority knows that Shen Xiangrui has iron wires in his body. Then why did n’t he tell it in advance, if he told us in advance, he could prevent Shen Xiangrui from having A. nematodes in his body and then go crazy. After all, this time Shen Xiangrui could be rescued. Sir, without him, God knows what will happen! "

"That's right, that's right, Zhaozhou was completely right. This time it is really thanks to Cheng Yiping. Otherwise, how can we know that Shen Xiangrui will have a nematode in his body, and if he is really because If we are dehydrated and die, or we are crazy, all of us will be unlucky "

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station nodded heavily

"This is indeed a very horrible thing. After all, we really do n’t know how things would have happened without Mr. Cheng ’s arrival. Once Shen Xiangrui goes mad, it will be self-evident. thing."

Zhao Zhou nodded and raised his head. At this moment, he saw that everyone's eyes were gathered on him, which made him proud. Of course, what he cared most was Yang Juan's eyes. In his opinion, Yang Juan He focused on him before he felt everything was meaningful and took a deep breath

"So if the first one may not work, then there is a second possibility, that is, the nematodes in Shen Xiangrui may have been exhibited by the village chief of this minority, although I do n’t know if they use What kind of method, but because they planted the nematode in Shen Xiangrui's body, they will know that Shen Xiangrui is crazy! "

Zhaozhou's words were instantly in the minds of everyone, as the same thunderbolt fell in the minds of everyone

The staff of the Jiangzhen TV station filming group talked up

"Yes, yes, this analysis by Master Zhaozhou is really quite accurate. How will this village chief know that Shen Xiangrui is going crazy? Is there really a so-called **** operator, which is not at all Possible. "

"Yes, yes, Shen Xiangrui is crazy, there are iron maggots in our body, we don't know anything, how does the village chief of this minority know, isn't it that he has the magical power?"

"This is not true. The village chief of this minority is in this forest all the year round. He will know that with this special discount, he should not be surprised to be able to say this. Things. "

"What is said is wrong. Although the village heads of these ethnic minorities do live in the forest and know the existence of this nematode, the question is how do they know that Shen Xiangrui has iron wires in their bodies. They How can we be sure that Shen Xiangrui has worms in his body and will go crazy? "

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