Super Finding App

Chapter 2025: Conjecture (2)

"Indeed, this is really a very strange thing."

Cheng Yiping's eyes lightened slightly, shrinking violently, listening to the voices of the people in the filming crew of Jiangzhen City TV Station, he was understood.

Zhaozhou is indeed very reasonable. How can the village chief of this minority know that Shen Xiangrui has the presence of nematodes in his body. Perhaps as a natural way of ethnic minorities living in the forests, he has iron wires, but How could he be sure that the nematode had penetrated Shen Xiangrui's body?

It is not normal to think of it.

If this can be done, the only explanation is that the nematodes in Shen Xiangrui were put in by village heads and other people of ethnic minorities.

Zhao Chuan's words can be said to have stirred up Qian Zhonglang for a moment and let all the people present take a breath of air.

Shen Xiangrui slammed his thigh, his face paled abnormally.

"It makes sense, it makes sense, and it makes perfect sense. If the village chief of this minority group didn't put A. nematodes in my body, how would he know that I would have A. elegans in my body. Everyone can Do n’t forget that I mutated. What I think is abnormal started from that night. I went out that night and it was convenient for me, but I was fainted. I slept in the wilderness for a night. I think this one Everyone should still remember things, although you both identified me as sleepwalking, but tell you that I really do n’t have a sleepwalking certificate. If I want to come now, it may be that the village chief of the minority and so on gave me a faint that night. Then I placed a nematode in my body, and that's exactly the way he would know that I would have an accident. "

"That was the case, it was the case, the village chief of this minority wanted me to die."

Shen Xiangrui reprimanded and drank in anger, his teeth creaked, turned his head sharply, and gritted his teeth to the same ethnic minority man Sun Boyuan.

"Sun Boyuan, have you already known that this is the case, so you have been watching the drama on the side, you and the village chief are all a group, now I can understand why you and the village leaders of a few tribes It's a group "

In an instant.

Everyone focused their attention on Sun Boyuan of the ethnic minority, with hesitation in his eyes.

"This is indeed the case. Please do n’t forget that this Sun Boyuan is also a minority tribe living in this forest. He also knows the village chief of the minority tribe. Does it mean that they are the same group? ? "

"No, even if they are the same gang, Sun Boyuan may not be the one who will give Shen Xiangrui a nematode."

"This should be unlikely"

"How can it be said that it is impossible, even if he did not, it should be able to know that Shen Xiangrui has nematodes in his body, but he didn't even mention it, and he thought it was very strange.

"Yes, yes, this is indeed a very strange thing. What is going on?"

Everyone's goals and eyes were fixed on Sun Boyuan of the ethnic minority, making him look constantly changing.

Li An came over and said

"Sun Boyuan, everyone did say some truth, I think you owe an explanation to all of us, don't you?"

The face of the minority man Sun Boyuan continued to change, and then he took a long breath and said

"You guys, I know you doubt me. It is indeed possible according to the current situation. Just as I said in the camp when Shen Xiangrui might have hit Yasha, in fact, we have never been for hundreds of years. No one can see Yecha, this is a legend in the village passed down from the ancestor of the village's previous generation. We young people today will never believe it. "

"So we never thought that Shen Xiangrui would be this A. elegans. I don't know. If I knew it, I would tell you earlier."

Li An nodded slightly, a smile of fine light appeared in his eyes.

"Everyone, I fully believe what Sun Boyuan said. After all, everyone knows what time it is now, and who would believe the so-called ghosts and gods. As for the so-called Yasha, I also studied with Professor Lu Renzhang in detail. After analysis, I am afraid that the so-called Yasha is also the A. elegans. After all, the effects formed by the Yasha and the I. are really very similar, but they are just people in the village or they do not know the harm of A. elegans, so Turn the weird image after the invasion of A. elegans into Yasha "

"Even if it is known, then this matter is still in the village. It should be only the upper-level village chief and other talents know. Sun Boyuan is just an ordinary villager in the village and has been away from the village for a long time. He does not know this. I think it's extenuating. After all, every place has its own legend. Who knows what the legend is? "

As soon as Li An's words fell, Professor Lu Yi came over and nodded, holding a book in his hand and saying

"Mr. Li is absolutely right. Just now, I and Mr. Li and my students also studied and analyzed in detail the so-called yaksha may be really this mutant A. elegans. After all, it can be obtained from the records in the books. Knowing that the so-called Yasha is gone without a trace, it can make people die and die. "

"This is very similar to the effect of A. elegans, so we speculate that the special environment of Ghana's monuments may have caused A. elegans to mutate in the past, and some people unknownly came to Ghana's monuments and were charged by iron. From the invasion, he went mad, drank water, died of a cough, and this horror look was not understood by the ethnic minorities and others under the circumstances at the time, and it was eventually considered a curse of Ghana's monuments. Of course, this Is a conjecture "

"The other one was hundreds of years ago, or people in Ghana's historic sites already knew the usefulness of A. nematodes. In order to protect the ancient sites of Ghana, this mutant A. elegans was placed here, and at the same time it spread the horrors. Yasha's, be wary of all people not to enter the ancient monuments of Ghana, otherwise they will suffer the curse of Yasha "

So it is so

After listening to the words of Professor Luzhang Renzhang, the director of Jiangzhen City TV Station and the crew of the film crew fully understood it. He nodded slightly, and everything seemed to be clear.

"Whether the so-called A. nematode was placed here by the founders of Ghana's monuments hundreds of years ago, or survived in a special environment, was recognized by ethnic minority people as Yasha. This undoubtedly only illustrates one problem, that There is no such thing as a sorcery within this Ghanaian monument. "

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