Super Finding App

Chapter 2035: Mural (2)

"Professor Lu Renzhang, are you telling the truth? I'm just a whim."

Li An grinned, stretched out his hand calmly, and touched the back of his head.

"After all, we have searched for such a long time in the Ghanaian monuments. Although we have some gains, they are all cultural relics and monuments. The history of Ghanaian monuments is quite scarce, so I was thinking, The important secrets of this Ghanaian monument will not be engraved on this mural, after all, I really see some strangeness in this mural "

Li An continued to speak

Although his discourse makes some sense, in Cheng Yiping's opinion, it seems more like a forced explanation.

"After all, according to some archaeological remains I looked at before, I find that the murals on this mural are generally local history and major events, or important things that buried people, but the Ghanaian monuments are completely different. The mural paintings are all portraits, but there is no trace of history and relics about this ancient site in Ghana, which makes me feel very strange. I pondered for a long time and wondered whether there might be some inexplicable on the mural. The meaning and meaning are hidden in the murals because they cannot be straightforward. "

Listening to Li An's words in front of him, Professor Lu Renzhang's eyes lit up even more, his head nodded like a chick pecking.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, what you said, Li An, really reminded me, after all, according to the news we have obtained before, such Ghana monuments and even temples The murals all have their own meanings, and they should introduce the history or some meaning here, but there are only six portraits on the walls of this Ghana historic site. This is quite strange. Does it mean that there is anything on the murals? What do we not know? "

Professor Lu Renzhang said more and more excited, he seemed to have a touch of interest, looked up, and looked at the six murals around.

His three students also stood up, looked around, and asked in confusion.

"Professor Lu, we also feel that this sentence is really weird. When we saw it on the first day, we studied it and found that the mural is a portrait. It doesn't seem to have any other meaning. This is really true. It ’s quite strange. We always thought that this was just 6 portraits of some people in this Ghana historic site. Could it be said that some kind of secret is really hidden inside? "

"We don't know if there is a secret or not, but if we say that, the portrait is indeed quite strange, which makes us have some doubts, but if there is really a secret in the portrait, in the end What kind of secret would it be "

"It's really unclear, after all, the six portraits of this Ghanaian monument have been hundreds of years ago, and some places have been mottled and fuzzy. Even if there are some, they can be found now. Difficulties"

"Calm down, calm down, you must know that archeology is a very difficult thing. It is to find the hidden truth in the vast history. If simple and simple archaeological success can be achieved, then it will not. Called archeology, if you want archeology, you must bear loneliness first. "

Professor Lu Renzhang spoke in a timely manner, and coughed slightly.

The words seemed to be spoken to their students, and they were also given archeological proof.

Not right, not right, really not right, how could Li An raise such a question well?

Are there any problems or secrets in the murals in this Ghanaian monument?

That's why Professor Lu Renzhang focused his attention on the murals of this historic site.

Cheng Yiping felt puzzled. He absolutely did not believe that Li An in front of him would raise this issue for no reason. This is simply impossible.

According to Li An's habits, since he mentioned the mural, it is enough to show that this mural may be really related to the ancient monuments in Ghana.

What exactly is going on?

"Master Zhao, Master Zhao, you also come to see my paintings and see if my murals in Lintong look like or not. Don't underestimate them. They used to be in the art school. But it's painting. "

The charming figure Wang Wanger came to Zhaozhou in two or three steps with her own painting, and said like a tribute

He calmly stuck his body between Zhaozhou and Yang Juan'er, with a charming smile on his face.

Zhaozhou's face was obviously a little unhappy, but looking at the smiling Wang Meier who was smiling and charming, he still suppressed his dissatisfaction.

After all, so far, on the road of pursuing Yang Juaner, Wang Yinger has provided a lot of help.

It seems overkill to turn his face before chasing Yang Juan.

Thinking of this, he reached out and took over the three paintings in Wang Dier's hands, and looked up carefully.

"Yes, your paintings are really quite good. Compared with Yang Juaner, it is indeed a higher skill. It seems that you deserve to belong to the painting profession."

"Where and where, I'm just an expert in arts. Yang Juan's only talked for a short time. I believe that if I practice painting a lot, I will soon be able to catch up with me."

Who is Wang Yaner?

That ’s an absolute human spirit. At a glance, you can see that Yangzhou at this moment seems to have some dissatisfaction with himself, and quickly remedy.

"Nothing, Wang Aier, your drawing ability is better than me, I have known for a long time."

Yang Juaner didn't seem to care about it at all. He laughed lightly, moved his body, and gave it to Wang Yueer, who was close to Zhaozhou.

"Wait, wait, everyone, wait, be careful"


There was a shout of urgency behind him, and a staff member holding a bottle of mineral water in the water stumbled over.

It seems that because of being tripped under his feet, the whole person fell and fell to the ground.

Suddenly knocked Wang Wanger.

And Wang Yaner's body hit Yang Juaner's body. Although the two were not stumbled, the scrolls in their hands were scattered on the ground with the wind, overlapping.

"What's going on? Why is it so careless, why is it so careless, what are you doing? If you really hurt the star, what can you do?"

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station, who has been filming on the side, yelled immediately


The star is full of money

"It's okay, it's okay. The two of us are okay. You need to pay attention to it later."

Yang Juaner and Wang Yaner shook their heads gently, even if they were dissatisfied, they would not speak

After all, now, during the shooting, I squatted down and passed the mineral water spilled to the staff.

Yang Juaner stood up, turned his head, and just wanted to speak with Cheng Yiping.

But found that Cheng Yiping was half-squatting on the ground at this moment, his eyes widened.

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