Super Finding App

Chapter 2036: Map (1)

"Uncle Cheng, what happened to Uncle Cheng, what are you looking at?"

Pure and lovely Yang Juaner crooked her head and came to Cheng Yiping's side, asking curiously.

He had some strangeness. What fell on the ground was a painting copied by her brother Wang Aoer.

Is there anything weird?

Thinking of Yang Juan'er lowering her head here, looking at the murals on the ground stacked together, there seems to be no problem with the complexity.

"Uncle, come on, I'll collect all these paintings"

Thought that Cheng Yiping was talking to Yang Juaner who wanted to pick up the painting.

He stretched out his hand, about to draw the copy of his own copy on the ground, and stretched out his hand, grasping Yang Juan's Bai Nen's wrist tightly.

"Uncle, uncle, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Juan's cheeks blushed immediately

Is it because the uncle is going to confess to me?

If the uncle really confessed to me, would I accept it or not?

In an instant

Yang Juan'er even made up an 80-episode TV series in her mind.

If Cheng Yiping knows Yang Juaner's thoughts, he will often sigh and say that it is not just a man's right to love fantasy these years.

"Cheng Yiping, what are you doing and what do you want to do here?"

Zhao Zhou, who has always been the messenger of flower protection, was immediately ashamed when he saw it, rushed over, gritted his teeth and stared angrily, just like a angry lion

Just kidding.

So far, he hasn't signed Yang Juan's hand, but now he is being stolen by your love rival?

This is simply unbearable!

Faced with the storyline that almost became a soap opera, the charming Wang Yaner showed a look of bitter smile, and a little discomfort flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Damn, what the **** is going on? I'm pretending to be very good in front of this Zhaozhou, and I also strongly expressed my feelings for him, but this Zhaozhou still likes Yang Juaner so far , This is really abominable "

"Fortunately, depending on the current situation, Yang Juan'er should have no other thoughts about Zhaozhou. I still have a chance, I still have a chance, my Wang Aier will definitely be transferred to Zhaozhou's super scarab turtle, even if it is just a Two months are also at the expense of what is also worth it? "

Wang Er'er considered it very clearly, and she knew very well that even if she had become the subject of talks with one of the four princes like Zhaozhou, it would be difficult to marry a wealthy man, or it would be impossible.

After all, although it is said that the marriage is free, Wang Yueer is very clear. For large families such as Zhaozhou, most of their marriages are political marriages, and it is the door-to-door marriage.

The so-called freedom of marriage is nothing more than an illusion for ordinary people. The real people in power always pay attention to the door to the door.

The marriage of two people is not just a marriage of two people, but a reorganization of resources between two families

Although this is very cruel and very cold, it is undeniable that this is really the method adopted by the upper classes of the world.

For the upper class, they think more about the benefits than the so-called feelings.

Can feelings be eaten as meals?

Therefore, Wang Yaner knew very clearly that he and Zhaozhou could not go to the end, and could not enter the hall of marriage.

, Don't talk about himself, even if he really talks with Zhao Chuan, no one will believe that she will join the wealthy, but Wang Linger doesn't care about it.

"The thing I want is simple, that is, to be able to be together in Zhaozhou, even if it is only one or two months, this super rich will definitely buy me a bag, buy a variety of luxury goods, and even give me a lot The most important thing is that I can use Zhaozhou's resources and contacts to improve my fame. Even then, even if I break up with Zhaozhou, I can become a top star! "

"It's just a pity why Zhaozhou looks down on me and keeps staring at Yang Juaner. Where does she attract Zhaozhou?"

Wang Yaner gritted his teeth and said, but he had some helplessness

He is just like some other women, all he wants is to climb up on Zhao Zhou's shoulders, to improve his reputation and fame, and earn more money.

As for what to pay for it, it is not worth mentioning at all in Wang Yan'er's opinion.

Isn't it your own body?

Who is it for?

Women just need to make good use of their body to be able to make peace!

I have to say that Wang Yier's thoughts, if Cheng Yiping knew, he would frown, surprised and even disgusted

But it is undeniable that ideas like Wang Aier are really popular in the entertainment industry or in this world.

In the face of Zhaozhou's gaze like a lion, Cheng Yiping froze, only half a moment to respond, shook his head funnyly, and let go of Yang Juan's hand.

"Sorry, Yang Juan, I was a little bit excited just now"

"It's okay, it's okay, uncle what did you find out about you, what are you thinking about?"

Yang Juan'er, whose face was reddish, lowered her head. She could feel her face flushing.

Heaven and earth conscience

When she met Cheng Yiping before, when she became an uncle, she would not be as nervous as she is now.

Even if Uncle Cheng finally helped her, sent her songs, and entered the candy entertainment, he only had some general feelings about Uncle Cheng.

I just don't know when it will start. Whenever I dream back at midnight, she will want to become more and more uncle, and she will feel a kind of red ears and red ears, her heart beating violently.

"Abominable, abominable, it's too abominable, it's too abominable!"

Who is Zhaozhou?

That's the legendary Playboy. In the imperial capital, it can be said that it is a long-standing flower bush. He immediately reflected on Yang Juan's performance.

A heart of anger and jealousy rushed directly from the breast to the brain, gritted his teeth, and his fists were clenched tightly.

If he can, he really wants to punch down with a punch and vent his anger.

Calm down, calm down, be calm, I have to be polite, I have to be polite!

Zhaozhou kept shouting in his heart, suppressing his anger, he didn't want to show himself so vulgar in front of Yang Juan'er.

"Sorry, when I just found out, I saw the painting of Lintong that you painted, and found that the secret of this Lintong painting may even be a map. In other words, the six murals on this mural can be The combination may be a map leading to some unknown area! "

Cheng Yiping nodded, naturally he would not respond to Yang Juaner's thoughts, and even thought that sometimes he wanted to speak to Yang Juaner, after all, he had a girlfriend.

But what he said instantly formed a thunderbolt in the hearts of everyone on the field!

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