Super Finding App

Chapter 2039: Map (4)

"Map, are you talking about the map? The 6 murals of this Ghana monument are self-portraits, and it may be a map. What you said is true, did you lie to me?"

At the moment, Zhang Dao on the TV in Jiangzhen City opened his eyes wide, listening to the words of assistant Zhao Yan, his face became more and more flushed, and he patted his thigh fiercely.

"Good thing, good thing, this is a very good thing, you all think about it. Once this thing is true, it will be even more powerful for our show. This is a natural gimmick."

"Director Zhang said exactly nothing without mistakes. This is really a very good gimmick. After all, for our ancient site in Ghana, it is just ordinary archeology and excavation work, but now this situation can be found. A peculiar new map may appear in other places. This is exactly a new idea. I believe that it will be very good after shooting, and even attract people's attention and ratings. "

Assistant Zhao Lei's face became very excited and said excitedly

She was very clear about what she was watching in the half program, and she was watching ratings.

As long as the ratings are high, everything is easy to say. Similarly, if the ratings are not high, it will be quite troublesome. Even the best programs will eventually be cut off.

For TV shows, ratings are the root of everything.

"Okay, what are you waiting for? Now we will go to Professor Lu Renzhang of Ghana's historic site and record the murals at the same time, especially the plan for the map and map. Things are also a task for the stars. "

"Think about the three stars who found this self-portrait together when they were doing the task, it might become a new map. Do n’t you think this is a very good gimmick thing? This is really true. It's a day we can't meet, but it's a natural task! "

It can be said that Zhang Dao of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations became more and more excited, and said that his face became more and more excited, and he raised his head and had some rushes.

After a while

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen TV Station hurriedly rushed into the Ghana historic site. He had just entered the dim Ghana historic site and saw that a group of people had been huddled together.

Professor Lu Renzhang's expression became more solemn and cautious.

"The left side should be placed in such a position to the left"

"No, this character portrait should not be here. You see there is a curved loop here, but this curved trace does not match this one at all. I think it should be another one."

"It makes sense and makes sense. This is indeed a matter of truth, so let's change it for another. If there is not much difference in the painting copy, it should be able to piece it together."

"Professor Lu, Professor Lu, I heard people say that the six murals of this mural can piece together a map, I don't know if it is true or false."

Jiangzhen City TV's guide couldn't wait to ask

"It's true, but so far we haven't pieced the map together. It's really weird. It really looks like a map, but there are always strange things that don't fit. "

Professor Lu Renzhang frowned. He fiddled with the six copy paintings in front of him no matter what, but always felt that there was something wrong.

"I think it has to do with the frescoes that have been going on for hundreds of years."

Cheng Yiping watching

Suddenly he said.

"Professor Lu, although it is said that these six portraits may indeed be maps, but these six portraits have been weathered for hundreds of years, so some of them may have been weathered. There are some deviations. Maybe it is because of this that I think this map is not so complete and correct. "

"It's true, it's true, time and years are a pig-knife that can bury everything you have in the long river of time, but archeology can dig out the previous history little by little and tell the world "

Professor Lu Renzhang often exhaled, saying word by word

"Since we can already know that this portrait can be pieced together into a map, we must find a way to piece this map together and find the place marked on the map. I believe there must be a history of Ghana's monuments, and maybe Show us about Ghana International, a civilization that disappeared hundreds of years ago. "

Professor Lu Renzhang said word by word

With a look of excitement on his face, it was clear to Professor Lu Renzhang that there was nothing more important than his excavation and understanding of archeology

"Well, since this is the case, then Professor Lu Renzhang is not as good as this. Let's copy more of the murals of this Ghana historic site, and then everyone will put them together to see if they can put together a map, whether it is true or false. At that time, as long as everyone thinks the patchwork is correct, we can carefully study and analyze. If it is not possible, we can go forward one by one, but it is just a waste of time. "

Cheng Yiping frowned and said

Proposed the dumbest method

"It's true. Cheng Yiping's suggestion is quite good. Although this is the dumbest method, in some ways, the dumbest method is also the best method."

Professor Lu Renzhang nodded and thought for a moment before he spoke.

"Although this method is relatively stupid, it is also the most suitable. So, if anyone is willing, we can copy some of these murals and take them to our home for comparison. To see if you can find the correct map. If you can really match the correct map, that's the best thing, but if you can't get the correct map, then you can only have one map and one map. To find, but I believe it should not take long "

Professor Lu Renzhang nodded gently. He was not afraid that some people could put the map together correctly. After coming out, he ran to find himself in the forest. It was simply a matter of death.

First of all, I don't mention whether the map is correct after being pieced together. Even if it is correct, it is quite difficult to find a place according to the map without professional guidance and professional knowledge.

This is one

Second, even if it is found, if it is really related to Ghana's estimation, there will be a variety of dangers without specialized knowledge. It can be said that it is worth the loss.

So the best way is to follow Professor Landing Zhang Zhang to the place marked by the map of Ghana's monuments

The prerequisite is, of course, that the correct map must be found.

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