Super Finding App

Chapter 2040: Retreat

On the second day, the sun shone through the dense woods of the forest and shone on the ancient monuments of Ghana, making the place seem unusually quiet and deserted.

Zhao Zhou's departure did not have much impact on Cheng Yiping, the director of the TV crew and the director of the film crew of the Jiangzhen City TV Station and the three stars.

Of course, if the only reluctant fear is only Wang Yaner, but in the face of Zhao Zhou's departure, she has a contract in her own body, and can only wave to Zhao Zhou with waves of tears. Fortunately, he already knew Zhao Zhao

I believe that as long as the show is finished, he will have a chance to reunite with Zhaozhou. He is sure that he will be able to hold Zhaozhou.

"Either leave or leave. A dude like this stays here, but in the end it's just adding some trouble to us. He's gone now to save some trouble."

Li An embraced his body with his hands, leaning on the back of a big tree, watching Zhao Zhou leave under the leadership of Xiao Zhou and his bodyguard Duan Ri and Duan Yue, and gradually disappeared into the depths of the jungle. Gently shook his head

"Mr. Li, indeed. I was putting together this portrait map last night, but I always felt that there was a gap somewhere, but I believe that regardless of the final result, if the map can be pieced together, we will arrive. With the locations on this map, I'm afraid the situation is not as simple as we think "

Cheng Yiping nodded gently

The enemy is the friend of the enemy. Under the same common interests, he and Li An should now be considered alliances.

Although Cheng Yiping doesn't know what Li An's real purpose is, or it will be the same thing as what he is looking for, but at least so far, everyone's interests are consistent.

"I really agree with this statement, and don't say anything else. When you think about what happened in the one-eyed temple, you know that entering into the one-eyed temple is definitely not easy, and it is very dangerous. People, and this time the map we found on the murals inside the ancient monuments of Ghana, if it can really guide us where we want to go, it ’s definitely not as simple as that, at least the wire worm has appeared "

Obviously, for Li An, the iron wire inside the one-eyed temple still made him feel terrible. The densely packed dead bodies that appeared at the end were really creepy, and no one could be sure of the map compiled by this portrait. What will be the ultimate guide, and what horror there will be in this place.

"It's true. If you think about it now, this is really creepy. I wonder if I should continue to follow it. After all, when I went to Ghana, I saw the photo of the Ghana totem on the news. It has a one-eyed sign, so I have been running up to some rises. I did n’t expect that this would happen, so now I ’m thinking about whether to continue to follow it, or to leave like Zhaozhou may be the most suitable. Yes, after all, at least life can be guaranteed if you leave, otherwise, once you enter an unknown area, God knows what will happen. After all, in the one-eyed temple, only a wire worm will scare us. Trembling and dying a lot of people "

Cheng Yiping said calmly, he started to retreat.

Although I do n’t know what Li An ’s purpose is, Cheng Yiping is very clear that he can never let anyone know what he thinks

What he is looking for is the fragment of faith of the super-hunting app. After all, his appearance now is indeed too sudden.

He needs to rationalize his appearance, and there is no way to retreat, which is more appropriate.

Cheng Yiping is convinced that as long as he says this sentence, Li An in front of him will definitely keep himself.

"Mr. Cheng, you mean that you want to leave here, don't you say that you are not interested in the map made up of the murals of the ancient monuments in Ghana? Don't you find it very interesting? But the murals of the ancient monuments in Ghana have existed for hundreds of years. If you add the map he put together, this is absolutely unusual. Perhaps you can know the history of the ancient monuments in Ghana. Do you really not be interested in all of this? "

Li An froze for a moment, then revealed a bright smile, turned his head to look into a flat eye with a hint of inexplicable meaning.

"Mr. Li, you laughed. It would be impossible to say that you are not interested. Otherwise, I would not have seen the photos of this historic site on the Internet and ran to this forest."

"But if you think about it now, although you are interested, your own life is the most important thing. Although I now have the Super Hidden Object App, even in this forest, I will not be lost. The direction, even if you encounter some unclear circumstances, you can leave with the Super Find App, but then again, there are a lot of accidental dangers in this forest, not perfect, in contrast I think it's better to leave here like Zhaozhou. "

Cheng Yiping said as if he didn't care.

But he mentioned Super Finding App both inside and outside his words, and stretched out his hand while touching his chin.

"Originally I thought that in the Ghana historic site, it was the investigation of the site of the Ghana historic site, and it was archaeology. It didn't matter. There should not be much danger. But now I find it on the mural with the Ghana historic site. After the map, the situation is completely different. After all, we are all very clear. If it is a hidden map, it is equivalent to an underground tomb. There must be various organs and dangers in it. Think about whether it ’s really creepy, or it ’s safest to leave here, at least to ruin your life. ”

At this moment, Cheng Yiping expressed his fearless character at a glance, and said by touching his chin.

It seems that the more I speak, the more I feel right, and I have gradually made up my mind.

"Mr. Cheng, it really makes sense for you to think so, but don't you think it would be a pity if you really left like this now?"

Li An's face continued to change, with an inexplicable chill in her eyes, and a bright smile suddenly appeared.

"Just like you said, you have the Super Hidden App. This Super Hidden App is really amazing. I have it in my phone, but I need faith points. It ’s quite impressive. Helpless, but since Mr. Cheng can use your Super Hidden Object App, I think it ’s best for you to go with us, at least to ensure that we do n’t get lost, or that we can correctly find the destination we want to reach. "

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